FactCheck.org report on Swift Boat veterans issue


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Jul 20, 2002
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August 6, 2004
Modified:August 9, 2004

A group funded by the biggest Republican campaign donor in Texas began running an attack ad Aug. 5 in which former Swift Boat veterans claim Kerry lied to get one of his two decorations for bravery and two of his three purple hearts.
But the veterans who accuse Kerry are contradicted by Kerry's former crewmen. One of the accusers says he was on another boat "a few yards" away during the incident which won Kerry the Bronze Star, but the former Army lieutenant whom Kerry plucked from the water that day backs Kerry's account.


"Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" is a group formed March 23 after Kerry wrapped up the Democratic nomination. It held a news conference May 4 denigrating Kerry's military record and his later anti-war pronouncements during the 1970's. The group began running an attack ad Aug. 5 in which 13 veterans variously say Kerry is "not being honest" and "is lying about his record."

Where the Money Comes From

Although the word "Republican" does not appear in the ad, the group's financing is highly partisan. The source of the Swift Boat group's money wasn't known when it first surfaced, but a report filed July 15 with the Internal Revenue Services now shows its initial funding came mainly from a Houston home builder, Bob R. Perry, who has also given millions to the Republican party and Republican candidates, mostly in Texas, including President Bush and Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay, whose district is near Houston

Perry gave $100,000 of the $158,750 received by the Swift Boat group through the end of June, according to its disclosure report .

Perry and his wife Doylene also gave more than $3 million to Texas Republicans during the 2002 elections, according to a database maintained by the Institute on Money in State Politics . The Perrys also were among the largest Republican donors in neighboring Louisiana, where they gave $200,000, and New Mexico, where they gave $183,000, according to the database

At the federal level the Perrys have given $359,825 since 1999, including $6,000 to Bush's campaigns and $27,325 to DeLay and his political action committee, Americans for a Republican Majority, according the a database maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics .

The Silver Star

Several of those who appear in the ad have signed brief affidavits, and we have posted some of them in the "supporting documents" section to the right for our visitors to evaluate for themselves.
One of those affidavits, signed by George Elliott, quickly became controversial. Elliott is the retired Navy captain who had recommended Kerry for his highest decoration for valor, the Silver Star, which was awarded for events of Feb. 29, 1969, when Kerry beached his boat in the face of an enemy ambush and then pursued and killed an enemy soldier on the shore.
Elliott, who had been Kerry's commanding officer, was quoted by the Boston Globe Aug 6 as saying he had made a "terrible mistake" in signing the affidavit against Kerry, in which Elliott suggested Kerry hadn't told him the truth about how he killed the enemy soldier. Later Elliott signed a second affidavit saying he still stands by the words in the TV ad. But Elliott also made what he called an "immaterial clarification" - saying he has no first-hand information that Kerry was less than forthright about what he did to win the Silver Star.
What Elliott said in the ad is that Kerry "has not been honest about what happened in Viet Nam." In his original affidavit Elliott said Kerry had not been "forthright" in Vietnam. The only example he offered of Kerry not being "honest" or "forthright" was this: "For example, in connection with his Silver Star, I was never informed that he had simply shot a wounded, fleeing Viet Cong in the back."

In the Globe story, Elliott is quoted as saying it was a "terrible mistake" to sign that statement:

George Elliott (Globe account): It was a terrible mistake probably for me to sign the affidavit with those words. I'm the one in trouble here. . . . I knew it was wrong . . . In a hurry I signed it and faxed it back. That was a mistake.

In his second affidavit, however, Elliott downgraded that "terrible mistake" to an "immaterial clarification." He said in the second affidavit:

Elliott (second affidavit): I do not claim to have personal knowledge as to how Kerry shot the wounded, fleeing Viet Cong.

Elliott also said he now believes Kerry shot the man in the back, based on other accounts including a book in which Kerry is quoted as saying of the soldier, "He was running away with a live B-40 (rocket launcher) and, I thought, poised to turn around and fire it." (The book quoted by Elliott is John F. Kerry, The Complete Biography, By The Reporters Who Know Him Best.)

Elliott also says in that second affidavit, "Had I known the facts, I would not have recommended Kerry for the Silver Star for simply pursuing and dispatching a single, wounded, fleeing Viet Cong." That statement is misleading, however. It mischaracterizes the actual basis on which Kerry received his decoration.

The official citation shows Kerry was not awarded the Silver Star "for simply pursing and dispatching" the Viet Cong. In fact, the killing is not even mentioned in the official citation. The citation - based on what Elliott wrote up at the time - covers Kerry's decision to attack rather than flee from two ambushes, including one in which he "led a landing party." It says Kerry first attacked an "entrenched enemy" less than 50 feet away: "Unhesitatingly, Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry ordered his boat to attack as all units opened fire and beached directly in front of the enemy ambushers. This daring and courageous tactic surprised the enemy and succeeded in routing a score of enemy soldiers." It says "many enemy weapons" were captured. Later, 800 yards away, Kerry's boat encountered a second ambush and a B-40 rocket exploded "close aboard" Kerry's boat. "With utter disregard for his own safety, and the enemy rockets, he again ordered a charge on the enemy, beached his boat only ten feet away from the VC rocket position, and personally led a landing party ashore in pursuit of the enemy." There is no mention of enemy casualties at all. Kerry was cited for "extraordinary daring and personal courage . . . in attacking a numerically superior force in the face of intense fire."
Elliott had previously defended Kerry on that score when his record was questioned during his 1996 Senate campaign. At that time Elliott came to Boston and said Kerry acted properly and deserved the Silver Star. And as recently as June, 2003, Elliott called Kerry's Silver Star "well deserved" and his action "courageous" for beaching his boat in the face of an ambush:

Elliott (Boston Globe, June 2003): I ended up writing it up for a Silver Star, which is well deserved, and I have no regrets or second thoughts at all about that. . . . (It) was pretty courageous to turn into an ambush even though you usually find no more than two or three people there.

Elliott now feels differently, and says he has come to believe Kerry didn't deserve his second award for valor, either, based only on what the other anti-Kerry veterans have told him. He told the Globe Aug. 6:

Elliott: I have chosen to believe the other men. I absolutely do not know first hand.

The Bronze Star & Third Purple Heart

The most serious allegation in the ad is that Kerry received both the Bronze Star, his second-highest decoration, and his third purple heart, which allowed him to be sent home early, under false pretenses.

Van O'Dell, a former Navy enlisted man who says he was the gunner on another Swift Boat, states in his affidavit that he was "a few yards away" from Kerry's boat on March 13, 1969 when Kerry pulled one of his crewmen from the water. According to the official medal citations, Kerry's boat was under enemy fire at the time, and Kerry had been wounded when an enemy mine exploded near his own boat. O'Dell insists "there was no fire" at the time, adding: "I did not hear any shots, nor did any hostile fire hit any boats" other than his own, PCF-3.

Others in the ad back up that account. Jack Chenoweth, who was a Lieutenant (junior grade) commanding PCF-3, said Kerry's boat "fled the scene" after a mine blast disabled PCF-3, and returned only later "when it was apparent that there was no return fire." And Larry Thurlow, who says he commanded a third Swift Boat that day, says "Kerry fled while we stayed to fight," and returned only later "after no return fire occurred."

None of those in the attack ad by the Swift Boat group actually served on Kerry's boat. And their statements are contrary to the accounts of Kerry and those who served under him.

Jim Rassmann was the Army Special Forces lieutenant whom Kerry plucked from the water. Rassmann has said all along that he was under sniper fire from both banks of the river when Kerry, wounded, helped him aboard. Rassmann is featured in an earlier Kerry ad, in fact, (see script at left) saying "he (Kerry) risked his life to save mine."

The Kerry campaign put Rassmann and some of Kerry's former crewmen on a conference call with reporters to rebut the new ad.Gene Thorson told reporters, "These assertions are garbage; these people weren't there with John Kerry."

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth further says Kerry didn't deserve his third purple heart, which was received for shrapnel wounds in left buttocks and contusions on right forearm. The affidavits state that the wound in Kerry's backside happened earlier that day in an accident. "Kerry inadvertently wounded himself in the fanny," Thurlow said in his affidavit, "by throwing a grenade too close (to destroy a rice supply) and suffered minor shrapnel wounds."

The grenade incident is actually supported by Kerry's own account, but the shrapnel wound was only part of the basis for Kerry's third purple heart according to official documents. The evidence here is contradictory.

Kerry's account is in the book Tour of Duty by Douglas Brinkley, who based it largely on Kerry's own Vietnam diaries and 12 hours of interviews with Kerry. "I got a piece of small grenade in my ass from one of the rice-bin explosions and then we started to move back to the boats," Kerry is quoted as saying on page 313. In that account, Kerry says his arm was hurt later, after the mine blast that disabled PCF-3, when a second explosion rocked his own boat. "The concussion threw me violently against the bulkhead on the door and I smashed my arm," Kerry says on page 314.

And according to a Navy casualty report released by the Kerry campaign, the third purple heart was received for "shrapnel wounds in left buttocks and contusions on his right forearm when a mine detonated close aboard PCF-94," Kerry's boat. As a matter of strict grammar, the report doesn't state that both injuries were received as a result of the mine explosion, only the arm injury.

The official citation for Kerry's Bronze Star refers only to his arm injury, not to the shrapnel wound to his rear. It says he performed the rescue "from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain." The description of Kerry's arm "bleeding" isn't consistent with the description of a "contusion," or bruise.

In any case, even a "friendly fire" injury can qualify for a purple heart "as long as the 'friendly' projectile or agent was released with the full intent of inflicting damage or destroying enemy troops or equipment," according to the website of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. All agree that rice was being destroyed that day on the assumption that it otherwise might feed Viet Cong fighters.

Another major discrepancy raises a question of how close Kerry's accusers actually were to the rescue of Rassmann. Tour of Duty describes Rassmann's rescue (and the sniper fire) as happening "several hundred yards back" from where the crippled PCF-3 was lying, not "a few yards away," the distance from which the anti-Kerry veterans claim to have witnessed the incident.

First Purple Heart

Two who appear in the ad say Kerry didn't deserve his first purple heart. Louis Letson, a medical officer and Lieutenant Commander, says in the ad that he knows Kerry is lying about his first purple heart because “I treated him for that.” However, medical records provided by the Kerry campaign to FactCheck.org do not list Letson as the “person administering treatment” for Kerry’s injury on December 3, 1968 . The medical officer who signed this sick call report is J.C. Carreon, who is listed as treating Kerry for shrapnel to the left arm.

In his affidavit, Letson says Kerry's wound was self-inflicted and does not merit a purple heart. But that's based on hearsay, and disputed hearsay at that. Letson says “the crewman with Kerry told me there was no hostile fire, and that Kerry had inadvertently wounded himself with an M-79 grenade.” But the Kerry campaign says the two crewmen with Kerry that day deny ever talking to Letson.

Also appearing in the ad is Grant Hibbard, Kerry’s commanding officer at the time. Hibbard’s affidavit says that he “turned down the Purple Heart request,” and recalled Kerry's injury as a "tiny scratch less than from a rose thorn."

That doesn't quite square with Letson's affidavit, which describes shrapnel "lodged in Kerry's arm" (though "barely.")

Hibbard also told the Boston Globe in an interview in April 2004 that he eventually acquiesced about granting Kerry the purple heart.

Hibbard: I do remember some questions on it. . .I finally said, OK if that's what happened. . . do whatever you want

Kerry got the first purple heart after Hibbard left to return to the US .

McCain Speaks Up

Sen. John McCain -- who has publicly endorsed Bush and even appealed for donations to the President's campaign -- came to Kerry's defense on this. McCain didn't witness the events in question, of course. But he told the Associated Press in an August 5 interview:

McCain : I think the ad is dishonest and dishonorable. As it is none of these individuals served on the boat (Kerry) commanded. Many of his crewmates have testified to his courage under fire. I think John Kerry served honorably in Vietnam.

At this point, 35 years later and half a world away, we see no way to resolve which of these versions of reality is closer to the truth.


Michael Kranish,“Veteran Retracts Criticism of Kerry ,” The Boston Globe, 6 August 2004 .

Jodi Wilgoren, "Vietnam Veterans Buy Ads to Attack Kerry," The New York Times, 5 August 2004.

Douglas Brinkley, Tour of Duty, (NY, HarperCollins, 2004).

Ron Fournier, "McCain Condemns Anti-Kerry Ad," Associated Press, 5 August 2004.

Michael Kranish, "Kerry Faces Questions Over Purple Heart," The Boston Globe , 14 April 2004: A1.

Michael Kranish, "Heroism, and growing concern about war," The Boston Globe, 16 June 2003.

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New member
Sep 20, 2004
I like how John McCain, who never met any of these guys and was not there himself, is now authority on their credibility.

They also seem overly concerned about where the money for the commercials are coming from. Did they expect Kerry's campaign to buy the time? It's a red herring...not of any importance.

Regarding the Silver Star: Elliot wrote it up: he wasn't there. What he wrote up was based on Kerry's word...others later told Elliot that the story was false. Elliot chose to believe those soldiers rather than Kerry. The quotes from the Boston Globe were simply an act of selective quotation designed to create a deceptive story. It worked for the most part until Elliot publically disputed it. And why did they ignore Elliot's second affadavit?

They also ignored Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia lie, but that wasn't in the commercial so it is understandable.

Maybe the website can't know who's telling the truth, but it sure would help if Kerry released his full military records. I wonder what he's hiding.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
A littl about Robert J. Perry:

NASSAU BAY, Texas — Robert J. Perry, the main financier behind the effort to discredit Sen. John F. Kerry's military record, is the most prolific political donor in Texas.

A homebuilder who lives lakeside in this Houston suburb, Perry has helped bankroll the widespread success of Republican candidates here, has long-standing ties to many close associates of President Bush and has contributed to Bush's last four campaigns. According to interviews and campaign documents, he has given a total of more than $5 million to scores of political candidates.
"And the vast majority of those people have never laid eyes on him," said Court Koenning, executive director of the Republican Party in Harris County, which includes the Houston metropolitan area.

Despite the enormous influence of his money, Perry, 71, is reticent and guarded, and remains something of a mystery in Texas. But this week, his largess crept onto the national stage.

A group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth launched television ads Thursday accusing Kerry, a Massachusetts senator and the Democratic presidential nominee, of lying about his military record. A $100,000 check that Perry wrote to the group this year represented about two-thirds of the money in its accounts as of June 30, according to financial documents.

The Bush campaign says it has no ties to the group.

The advertisements, running in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Ohio and West Virginia, are part of a multimedia campaign questioning Kerry's fitness as a leader and commander in chief. A book written by one of the group's leaders, Houston lawyer John E. O'Neill, is scheduled to be released Aug. 15.

"Bob Perry is a very generous guy with his political donations," Koenning said. "His primary interest is good government…. Everybody agrees that John Kerry's service to this country is admirable. But if he lied about it, that speaks to his character."

Kerry was awarded three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star for his service in Vietnam. Upon his return, he became a leader of a veterans group that declared the war a mistake. His military service is a cornerstone of his presidential campaign, one his advisors believe contrasts sharply with Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.

None of the veterans featured in the advertisements served on the river patrol boats Kerry commanded during Vietnam. Several of Kerry's crewmates have condemned the advertisements, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), once a prisoner of war in Vietnam, called them "dishonest and dishonorable."

"Bob Perry pulls the strings and never gets his hands dirty. But even by his standards, this latest deal is just over the top," said Charles Soechting, chairman of the Texas Democratic Party.

Perry declined to comment through his spokesman, Bill Miller, an Austin political consultant.

Perry has been a political donor for years, working with White House political director Karl Rove during Rove's Texas years, contributing to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's rise in politics and giving $20,000 to Bush's two campaigns for governor in the 1990s.

But Perry, no relation to the governor, began increasing his donations in 2000. Today, campaign documents and his representatives confirm that he has given more money to campaigns and political organizations in the last four years than any other Texan. A few of his donations have gone to Democratic candidates, but most have gone to Republicans and conservative causes.

He has given nearly $1 million to the Texas Republican Party. He has donated at least $200,000 to Texans for Lawsuit Reform, one of the most successful "tort reform" organizations in the nation.

In the 2002 election cycle, he also provided about $700,000 for the GOP's effort to dominate Texas politics. That included $165,000 given to Texans for a Republican Majority, an offshoot of U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's Americans for a Republican Majority, formed to help conservatives get elected.

The election that year of a slate of DeLay-backed Republicans — all supported by Perry — gave the GOP control of the state House for the first time in 130 years. That paved the way for passage of a host of conservative measures, such as abortion restrictions and limits on medical malpractice cases. The GOP also redrew congressional maps for Texas, a move designed to shore up Republican control of Congress.

Perry is largely unknown outside of campaign finance databases and a small group of political leaders, shunning social activities often embraced by major donors. Many of the politicians who have received Perry's money say they have never met him. One who has, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Susan Combs, said he wanted to know just one thing before supporting her: "Are you a straight-talking, straight-shooting person who is going to represent Texas well?"

"I just think he's an unassuming guy," Combs said.

Born in a tiny ranching community in Bosque County, Texas, Perry attended Baylor University and then taught high school for awhile, like his father before him. In 1968, he started a home-building business in Houston.

Today, Perry Homes does business across central and eastern Texas. The company's website lists 48 communities in the Houston area alone where the company is building or selling houses, which range from $110,000 to more than $400,000.

Perry and his wife, Doylene, have been married since 1961. They have four grown children.

The Perry home is less than a mile from Nassau Bay Baptist Church, where the couple attends services each weekend, said Senior Pastor David Fannin.

"Bob is the most kind, gracious and giving man you will ever meet," Fannin said. "He is a man of strong conviction."

Perry donates generously to the church, Fannin said, but never asks anything in return. His supporters also cite that trait.

"He has never asked me for a single thing," Combs said. "He is one of those rare individuals who is just interested in people being honest and ethical."

His detractors say otherwise.

Like many prominent building companies, Perry Homes has been sued dozens of times. Last year, Perry was among several developers watching as the Legislature imposed strict limits on civil lawsuits, particularly claims brought by homeowners alleging shoddy construction.

Critics called the seats where he and other builders watched the legislative debate the "owner's box," because much of their money had gone to advocacy groups fighting for limits on the civil court system, as well as politicians who supported those efforts. During that debate, the governor put a Perry Homes executive on a panel established to put in place new restrictions on claims against builders.

Perry's backers also say he works hard to reach out to Houston's Latino and African American communities. But some leaders of those communities accuse him of aggressively buying land in inner-city areas, then building expensive homes that gentrify those neighborhoods and drive out low-income families.

"I think he fancies himself as a person who can manipulate politics for his own gain," Soechting said. "Politics and money are one and the same to him."

LA Times

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Wil, you say that he earned his medals and that can't be taken away from him - and maybe you're right, but I distinctly remember Mr Kerry throwing those very medals over the Whitehouse wall, in a political statement that said more or less, "You can take these medals and stick them where the sun don't shine - I don't want them!"

He through his medals away wil, they had no value to him!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I know, in all honesty I felt very much the same way. The whole Nixon white house conspiracy to keep the war going so he could be re-elected in November of 1971 was criminal. How many kids would have been saved it they pulled out in 71?


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Wil, that is all good, but what about the courage and bravery of all those soldiers that are accusing Kerry of the massive distortion of his war record? They were over there too, and for a lot longer period of time. The stories conflict and one must choose who to believe. I certainly know who is more credible to me. O'Neill doesn't have ties to the GOP; his desire to debate Kerry 30 years ago was because Kerry had accused him and other Vietnam vets of war crimes. Did Colsen put him up to it? I doubt it; he just offered O'Neill the soapbox and O'Neill leaped on it.

The money issue is silly. Where is the outrage about George Soros funnelling millions into ads calling Bush a deserter? Those opposing Kerry will feed money into the 527 just like those opposing Bush will feed money into Move-On; funny how no one cared about these farce organizations until the gun barrel is pointed at the Dems.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>what about the courage and bravery of all those soldiers that are accusing Kerry of the massive distortion of his war record? They were over there too, and for a lot longer period of time. The stories conflict and one must choose who to believe. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First of all no one is accusing them of cowardice or even intenionally lying. The fact is none of them actually served WITH Kerry only alongside him. The shipmates who were with him all have different versions than that of the SB vets. They were in country just as long and have at least equal credibility. Are they lying?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>O'Neill doesn't have ties to the GOP; his desire to debate Kerry 30 years ago was because Kerry had accused him and other Vietnam vets of war crimes. Did Colsen put him up to it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Colson is the smoking gun behind the whole story, Colson was the link between the plumbers, CREEP and the White House back in 71. Vets for Viet Nam was financed out of the same office (Colson's). The White House and CREEP wanted to discredit anti-war spokesperson Kerry. The rancor began back then and is still present.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The money issue is silly. Where is the outrage about George Soros funnelling millions into ads calling Bush a deserter? Those opposing Kerry will feed money into the 527 just like those opposing Bush will feed money into Move-On; <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The fact that Bob Perry is involved should be enough for anyone to realise who is behind the SBV. I am not saying Move-on or any other left wing outfit is not getting money from Sporos, another issue and another debate. Two wrongs don't make a right.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I haven't heard much at all about the supporters Kerry had on the boat; I've heard that none served more than 5 weeks with Kerry but that could be just a rumor. I'd like to hear something from them, although one (Steve Gardner) is part of the anti Kerry, Swift-vets crowd.

Speaking of Colson/Nixon, here's an interesting conversation caught on the Nixon tapes between Colson and Nixon:

April 28, 1971, 4:33 p.m. Telephone call from Charles Colson to Richard Nixon.

COLSON: This fellow Kerry that they had on last week (referring to a televised appearance by Kerry).

NIXON: Yeah.

COLSON: He turns out to be really quite a phony.

NIXON: Well, he is sort of a phony, isn't he?

COLSON: Yes. . . . He was in Vietnam a total of four months. . . . He's politically ambitious and just looking for an issue.

NIXON: Yeah.

COLSON: He came back a hawk and became a dove when he saw the political opportunities.

NIXON: Sure. . . . Well, anyway, keep the faith.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Soon followed with the creation by Chuck Colson of:

According to History "4" "2" Day, on June 1, 1971,

"In support of the Nixon administration's conduct of the war, a group named the Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace declares that it represents the majority of the US veterans that had served in Southeast Asia, and calls the protests and congressional testimony of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War 'irresponsible.' On 19 April, as a prelude to a massive antiwar protest, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War began a five-day demonstration in Washington DC. The generally peaceful protest, called Dewey Canyon III in honor of the February and March operation in Laos, ended on 23 April with some 1000 veterans throwing their combat ribbons, helmets, and uniforms along with toy weapons on the Capitol steps. Earlier they had lobbied with their congressmen, laid wreaths in Arlington National Cemetery, and staged mock 'search and destroy' missions."

"Nixon's chief counsel, Charles Colson, didn't just tap John E. O'Neill to attack Kerry, he also formed an entire group around him called Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace: [1]

John Kerry "was an immediate celebrity. He was also an immediate target of the Nixon Administration. Years later, Chuck Colson--who was Nixon's political enforcer--told me, 'He was a thorn in our flesh. He was very articulate, a credible leader of the opposition. He forced us to create a counterfoil. We found a vet named John O'Neill and formed a group called Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace. We had O'Neill meet the President, and we did everything we could do to boost his group."

On March 28, 2004, "Bill", a poster at the Middle East Information Center blog site, posted a "letter" ("Greeting from Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace--your one time opponents") found via a Google search which is attributed to "Daniel E. Teodoru". In the letter, Teodoru writes: "Bruce Kessler [and I] began VIETNAM VETERANS FOR A JUST PEACE."

Brian Williams, "Nixon Targeted Kerry for Anti-War Views," NBC News, March 15, 2004: "White House tapes reveal then-president’s attempt to discredit Kerry during 1971 war protests, Senate testimony."

"Colson was Nixon’s point man against Kerry, and he found a weapon in another veteran: John O’Neill. He was a spokesman for Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace, which backed Nixon administration policy in Vietnam, and in turn was supported by the White House."

"Remarks by John Kerry, Member, Vietnam Veterans Against the War & John O'Neill, Member, Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace," posted on web page for J. Thomas Cochran, Executive Director, The United States Conference of Mayors, April 14, 2004.

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection, 1971 Titles National Archives and Records Administration:

File/ID# WHCA VTR# 4421 Format: 2"
Title/Event: "Face The Nation" with O'Neill for a "Just Peace"; "Meet The Press" with Wilbur Mills AND "Issues And Answers" with Finch and
Names/Participants: "FTN": John O'Neill, [Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace], Anthony McDowell (Veterans of Foreign Wars); "MTP": U.S. Representati. Wilbur Mills; "I&A" with Secretary of HEW Robert Finch
Date: 6/6/1971 Time of Day: 1230,1300,1330
Producer: CBS,NBC,ABC

John E. O'Neill

John Ellis O'Neill, now a Houston lawyer, is "the guy George W. Bush trotted out to attack John Forbes Kerry's military service, [and who] also did Richard M. Nixon's dirty anti-Kerry work (in addition to clerking for Supreme Court Justice William H. Rehnquist). A partisan hack spanning multiple administrations," according to The Daily Kos blog site. [1]

The Kos states the obvious that two Republican presidents have used O'Neill "to try and discredit Kerry's post-service anti-war efforts." [2]

In the April 22, 2004, CNN article "Fellow vet blasts Kerry's antiwar comments. Democrat's campaign to release military records" O'Neill claimed that not only had he "served in the same Navy unit as Sen. John Kerry" but also denounced "charges the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee made as an antiwar protester that he and other U.S. troops committed atrocities in Vietnam."

Said O'Neill, "'I saw some war heroes ... John Kerry is not a war hero ... He couldn't tie the shoes of some of the people in Coastal Division 11." O'Neill "joined the Navy's Coastal Division 11 two months after the future senator left Vietnam," according to CNN. [3]

"In an interview Tuesday on CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports, O'Neill said allegations about atrocities made by Kerry after his return render him 'unfit' to be president. ... 'His allegations that people committed war crimes in that unit, and throughout Vietnam, were lies. He knew they were lies when he said them, and they were very damaging lies,' said O'Neill, adding that other former sailors from the same unit also plan to come forward to take on Kerry, whose Vietnam service has figured prominently in his campaign for the White House." [4]

The Kos expended great effort to discover who O'Neill is and writes on April 22, 2004, that "We also found out that he's a partner at the Houston firm of Clements, O'Neill, Pierce, Wilson and Fulkerson. One of his co-partners is Margaret A. Wilson, who was George Bush's general counsel 1998-2000.

"Well, there's more about good ol' Margaret," the Kos continues. "She was a lawyer at Vinson & Elkins before she worked for Bush. Vinson & Elkins was Enron's main law firm -- the very firm that facilitated Enron's frauds. Vinson & Elkins was also the firm that spawned Alberto R. Gonzales -- Bush's current general counsel.

"In other words, Vinson & Elkins and COPWF are the very embodiment of the Houston good ol' boy Republican network. That this network spawn Kerry's harshest critic should be of no surprise (his career was probably made thanks to the Nixon dirty work). Thus, there should be no illusions that O'Neill is in any way an independent and impartial critic of John Kerry."
The Kos also located the March 31, 2004, Houston Chronicle article "An old Kerry foe, Houston lawyer back in spotlight" by Bennett Roth:

"In 1971, O'Neill squared off against Kerry on the Dick Cavett Show in a 90-minute, televised forum in which the two Vietnam War veterans sparred over the U.S. role in Southeast Asia.

"President Nixon and top aide Charles W. Colson had taken a keen interest in O'Neill as part of their effort to discredit Kerry and the anti-war movement, according to memos and tapes in the National Archives. A clean-cut Naval Academy graduate, O'Neill was viewed by Nixon's team as an effective messenger against Kerry, who was causing the administration headaches as the leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

"O'Neill, who clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist later in the 1970s, has largely steered clear of national politics since the Vietnam War era. He has focused on his law practice at the firm of Clements, O'Neill, Pierce, Wilson & Fulkerson.

"But now, O'Neill's past role as a Kerry adversary is in the public spotlight as the news media and others look to the Massachusetts senator's past to gain insight into how he might perform as president. And O'Neill, recovering from an operation in which he donated a kidney to his wife, is preparing for an onslaught of interviews with newspapers and TV networks eager for his impressions of Kerry."
From the same article, the Kos highlights the following:

"In a series of memos, Nixon aide Colson, who later went to prison for his role in the Watergate scandal, referred to the administration's efforts to promote O'Neill and to challenge Kerry to debate him.

"On June 15, 1971, Colson noted that Kerry first turned down a debate offer with O'Neill and that he was 'beginning to take a tremendous beating in the press.'

'Let's destroy this young demagogue before he becomes another Ralph Nader,' Colson wrote about Kerry."


John Ellis O'Neill, LTJG, of Houston, TX;

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Pretty convenient that O'Neill is resurrected by Republican party hacks just in time to promote his new book which slams Kerry.

Btw, here is a reference I got from a Viet Nam vet that debunks all the right wing claptrap


Notice also on the side menu all his military records which Bush supporters still claim are not released.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
On a side note it was 30 years ago today that Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace from the WaterGate scandal. Colson ended up doing time for his envolvement. The original Viet Nam Vets for a just Peace were formed by many of the same people that gave us the Watergate scandal, Haldeman, Erlichman, and lest we forget CREEP. Add Nixon AG John Mitchell to the list.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mudbone:
Pretty convenient that O'Neill is resurrected by Republican party hacks just in time to promote his new book which slams Kerry.

Btw, here is a reference I got from a Viet Nam vet that debunks all the right wing claptrap


Notice also on the side menu all his military records which Bush supporters still claim are not released. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where on that site do they bother debunking some of the charges? All I saw were some racial slurs and personal attacks on the Swiftvets. Those tactics may have worked on the Clinton broads, but I don't believe Vietnam veterans will cower. They already know that Kerry has his lawyers going through every divorce record, police report, credit report and trash dumpster digging up dirt on the Swift-vets. I imagine that website listed will be one of the first to get the dirt.

Here's a comprehensive list of the charges...care to refute any?


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