Immigrants speaking non-English have been a staple of America since at least the early 18th century. Italians, Germans, Spanish speaking legal immigrants have survived just fine without becoming fluent in English.
While I believe they would be at an advantage to learn English, it's poppycock to suggest that someone cannot live in a country and not speak the prevailing language.
The people who came to the US in the 18th and 19th and 20th centuries learned English at a much higher rate than the recent Hispanic immigration.
I demand that the excessive legal invaders/wage suppressers/job takers learn English & the illegal invaders/leaches go home....Heres another link www.immigrationcounters.comWhile you're burning your hours posting weblinks on sports handicappign forum, hundreds of thousands of immigrants are merging into American society and it's you who are confronted with the need to become smarter
You can demand others be like you or you can become smarter yourself. Take your pick and live with it.
Spanish should be taught in schools from first grade and on. White people are so ignorant.
I demand that the excessive legal invaders/wage suppressers/job takers learn English & the illegal invaders/leaches go home....
Learning a second language is much easier at a young age and is just a matter of hearing it and using it a little every day. In these changing times our kids will definately need Spanish and plus we are probably the only "first world" country that doesnt teach a second language to our elementary students.
Learning a second language is much easier at a young age and is just a matter of hearing it and using it a little every day. In these changing times our kids will definately need Spanish and plus we are probably the only "first world" country that doesnt teach a second language to our elementary students.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda
You stated it well when noting, "If they were forced..."
They're not.
While living in the USA and not speaking English is a handicap, millions of people have lived successful lives here without English going back several centuries.
Houston's namesake spoke fluent Cherokee and decent Spanish.
I guess we have regressed.