Elton John to 'marry' ...


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Elton John to 'marry' partner in Windsor wedding

LONDON (AFP) - Flamboyant British pop star Elton John intends to "marry" his long-time partner, David Furnish, before the end of the year in a civil ceremony, he said. The 58-year-old singer-songwriter told the Daily Mirror that the event would most likely take place in Windsor, the town just west of London where Prince Charles wed his own long-standing consort, Camilla Parker Bowles, earlier this month. "We definitely want to do it about the middle of December, probably in Windsor. But there will be no honeymoon. I'm on tour," John told the newspaper from Las Vegas, where he is currently performing. Full gay marriages are not permitted in Britain. However, after December 5, homosexual couples will be able to have "civil partnerships" recognised under law, allowing them some of the same tax and inheritance benefits enjoyed under marriage. Such partnerships have to be announced at least 15 days in advance, meaning John's wedding could not take place until December 21 at the earliest. John and 42-year-old Furnish, a film-maker and socialite, have been together for 11 years. Last month, the singer countered reports that their relationship was in trouble, releasing a statement insisting they had "never been happier". John -- officially Sir Elton John since he was knighted in 1998 -- was effusive about the couple's happiness. "Meeting David has been the greatest thing to happen to me. Yes, we spend a lot of time apart and it's hard, but we make it work," he told the Daily Mirror. "We phone each other five or six times a day and we still send each other a card from wherever we are." Born Reg Dwight in 1947, John was a childhood piano prodigy who became one of the biggest selling pop artists in the world in the 1970s and 1980s, amassing vast wealth. In recent years he has become as famous for his extravagant spending, glamorous lifestyle and work with AIDS charities, as for his music, although he still tours regularly. The marriage to Furnish will be John's second. The singer had wed German music engineer Renate Blauel in 1984 but they divorced four years later.

:eek: :shocked: :increible

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999

About freaking time some country "got it" and realized that 2 people who love each other should be allowed to form a legally recognized union

i do NOT condone this kind of thing but i don't condemn it, either. life is too freaking short and if someone is happy with someone of their own sex - WHERE IS THE HARM!?

for those ignorant enough to say this kind of thing ruins the "Institution of Marriage" i would ask these people:

Would that be the same one where OVER HALF of all marriages end in Divorce?

if that's the same one we are talking about - then i would argue the "normal" couples do a damn find job on their own of ruining the insitution by themselves and how can gays and lesbians do any worse?

let them try it and see how much success they have - it's got to be more - by default

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
for all he's contributed to this world , elton john can do any damn thing he wants...

i also have no problem with any 2 people being together..

doesnt interfere with my life...

New member
Feb 5, 2005
It is ridiculous to me. I don't care who it is. Gay marriages are a joke...a bad one! It goes against the Bible! They do not deserve recognition. They do not deserve the same rights as normal married couples, period! If you think it does not affect you, you are dead wrong. Tell that to yourself when your taxes, health insurance rates and other expenses go up due to this sick and ridiculous abomination.

And thats why they play the game.
Sep 26, 2002
A key point to marriage is pro-creation. Not possible in this situation.

I hope you do not condone adoption in this situation...

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Line Tamer said:
I hope you do not condone adoption in this situation...

OK - Line Tamer - put yourself in this situation

Say you are a 3-year-old kid. You are an orphan or put up for adoption. you have people who look after you - but they also look after a ton of other kids. when it comes time to go to bed, no one puts you to bed and reads to you - they just put you to bed. when the weekend comes, you spend time with all of the other kids and a few adults instead of spending time with parents who love YOU and for whom the world revolves around. these adults would do ANYTHING for you - and carde about EVERYTHING you do. when it comes time for you to go to school - NO ONE drives JUST you to school, you go with everyone else. when it comes time for little league and stuff like that - if you play - your parents aren't there to root you on - like every other kid on the team. when it comes time for HS graduation - there are no parents there to celebrate with you. when it comes time for college - guess who is paying for it - and who is not. when it comes time for you to get married - all of the guests you invite are friends - and NOT family members. this has to suck, right.

now - after reading all of the above, suppose you are 3 y/o and someone comes to adopt you. it is either 2 men or 2 women who love each other and want to share that love with you. if you are 3 - in an orphange/adoption agency just sitting there and rotting - you are ECSTATIC that someone is coming for YOU - someone who will take you out of this life and give you a brand new life. they are going to take you home, give you your OWN bedroom and bed. you are going to get your OWN bicycle. you are going to get new clothes to wear instead of clothes that should have been discarded some time ago. when your birthday rolls around, you are going to get your OWN party and celebration. when you play little league - you are going to have someone there to root you on - and if you don't think that makes a difference - you have no clue - for when i played little league - whenever my mom or dad was there i felt great. when you get sick - you have someone to look after you - someone who cares that you get better and will help get you the best medical care possible. when you think about the rest of your life - suddenly it becomes one you want to live - not have no hope over.

which option would YOU rather have - being an orphan all your life and having NO ONE care about you - or be adopted by a same sex couple and have all of the love kids need when growing up?

TO ME - this is a 100% NO BRAINER! give me the option of being an orphan (or in an adoption agency) until i am 18 - or being the son of a same sex couple - i will choose the same sex couple EVERY SINGLE TIME and my guess is the number of people who agree with me is a LOT closer to 100% than who agree with you.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
winkyduck said:
OK - Line Tamer - put yourself in this situation

Say you are a 3-year-old kid. You are an orphan or put up for adoption. you have people who look after you - but they also look after a ton of other kids. when it comes time to go to bed, no one puts you to bed and reads to you - they just put you to bed. when the weekend comes, you spend time with all of the other kids and a few adults instead of spending time with parents who love YOU and for whom the world revolves around. these adults would do ANYTHING for you - and carde about EVERYTHING you do. when it comes time for you to go to school - NO ONE drives JUST you to school, you go with everyone else. when it comes time for little league and stuff like that - if you play - your parents aren't there to root you on - like every other kid on the team. when it comes time for HS graduation - there are no parents there to celebrate with you. when it comes time for college - guess who is paying for it - and who is not. when it comes time for you to get married - all of the guests you invite are friends - and NOT family members. this has to suck, right.

now - after reading all of the above, suppose you are 3 y/o and someone comes to adopt you. it is either 2 men or 2 women who love each other and want to share that love with you. if you are 3 - in an orphange/adoption agency just sitting there and rotting - you are ECSTATIC that someone is coming for YOU - someone who will take you out of this life and give you a brand new life. they are going to take you home, give you your OWN bedroom and bed. you are going to get your OWN bicycle. you are going to get new clothes to wear instead of clothes that should have been discarded some time ago. when your birthday rolls around, you are going to get your OWN party and celebration. when you play little league - you are going to have someone there to root you on - and if you don't think that makes a difference - you have no clue - for when i played little league - whenever my mom or dad was there i felt great. when you get sick - you have someone to look after you - someone who cares that you get better and will help get you the best medical care possible. when you think about the rest of your life - suddenly it becomes one you want to live - not have no hope over.

which option would YOU rather have - being an orphan all your life and having NO ONE care about you - or be adopted by a same sex couple and have all of the love kids need when growing up?

TO ME - this is a 100% NO BRAINER! give me the option of being an orphan (or in an adoption agency) until i am 18 - or being the son of a same sex couple - i will choose the same sex couple EVERY SINGLE TIME and my guess is the number of people who agree with me is a LOT closer to 100% than who agree with you.

very touching post, Winky. I'm not ashamed to admit that brought a tear to my eye.

Worse yet, picture yourself as Susan Smith's little babies in a car being rolled backwards into a river, or Andrea Yates' kids being drowned in the bathtub. Or, some kid being locked in their room while mommy smokes crack in the next room, or is prostituting herself in the bedroom.

Having Elton and David Furnish as parents, or Rosie and her girlfriend for that matter, doesn't sounds too awful after all.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I noticed that Winky really likes to type.

He says so much stuff, I can't even read it all I imagine he is talking about doing crazy things like making Elton into a str8 guy who bangs cute girls so Winky can watch a bootleg of it.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
RobFunk said:
I noticed that Winky really likes to type.

He says so much stuff, I can't even read it all I imagine he is talking about doing crazy things like making Elton into a str8 guy who bangs cute girls so Winky can watch a bootleg of it.
LMFAO :party:

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