Easiest Plays for this weekend..(Jeff fisher tea baggers stay out)


Nov 24, 2010

That should really be the title of my thread. And of course if you have a brain you pretty much guessed that i am calling Jeff fisher the dumbest coach in all of the NFl.

A couple of weeks ago, Brad Childress was reigning supreme king of little dicked egotistical bastards trying to enforce their will on the NFL but since he was fired, Jeff fisher once again seats upon the throne of turd dome he has built for himself. (BTw if you are a viking fan stupid enough to believe that your problems are now gone because childress is gone, then you need to check out of this thread right now! Go and ask your betters why the problems of the vikings started with the moron head coach tea bagging tavaris jackson and running Sage Rosenfelds (the best QB that was in minnesota out of town to stick with some perverted old man and some daft young kid who simply doesnt have what it takes)..

And no, I did not digress, the stupidity of the decisions made by Brad childress are so similar to those made by the buffoon media darling currently decimating the tennessee titans by the name of Jeff fisher. The currently most "beloved" and "respected" coach around the league..(Yeah, i guess Manning really loves him for giving him 2 annual wins a year to help pave his way to multiple division championships and even superbowl.)

Oh yeah, while we are on that note for respect let me take a moment to say to Tony Dungy "please shut the fark up". You are the last man on earth that should be giving any one advice on dealing with troubled young men. (and yes i went there)...

mini rant is over...proceeding with primary rant.

REal titans fans can see that Fisher is a total fraud. A completely over rated idiot the game has passed by that reminds the sane of that fat bastard recently run out of town after it finally dawned on these dumb southern folk that fulmer was absolutely nothing but an over rated recruiter. And that bozo actually won a championship..He really should have had 4 or 5 with players like peyton manning, pearless price, Albert haynesworth, John Henderson, Travis henry, Jamal lewis reggie white gibril wilson etc. The man really should have had more than one championship..

Again, i didnt digress, Fulmer and Fisher have alarmingly similar short comings, the uncanny ability to always wrestle defeat out of the jaws of victory..(please see the 2008 titans, most recent team to fall short and give up what should have been a cake walk beating of the steelers in the AFC championship and then the total demolition of the cardinals in the superbowl that year.NOTE: The titans defensive line, without Haynesworth has completely dismantled the steelers sacking Rothlisberger a sick number of times and causing about 5 turn overs) Of course this didnt happen, why? you ask because Jeff fisher exhibiting his atypical cowardly approach to the game of football, figured not to Blitz the ravens rookie Joey Flacco, instead choosing the conservative four man rush that for years had turned the titans into absolutely the worst blitzing team in the whole league bar none. (And i am not exaggerating folks, titans ranked dead last for about 4 years in a row in blitzing owing to the dumbest defensive methodology ever devised in a shocking excercise in wearing out defensive line men.
Yes one can blame the fumbling on offense, but any one knows that the a coach is responsible for both the offense and the defense.

Also, the most important thing about this whole philosophy is how it quickly was exposed when the titans main defensive anchor left the team and the defense became the worst defense in the league instantly! The team hit rock bottom in a snowy game giving up 59 points to the patriots that year. I believe it was the worst in team history. That 0-6 losing streak was the worst every posted by the team.

And it would have been much much worse hadnt the owner stepped in and forced this arrogant idiot head coach to switch QBs and play Vince Young. Before game seven this bastard had the nerve to even leak to the media that VY was not his choice, his hand had been forced by the owner... Seriously.. spotting an 0-6 record, this bastard of a head coach had the nerve to proclaim publicly that his preferred choice was the QB who was leading the NFL in turn overs at the time. (Hey viking fans, do you see an eerily similar course of events between both teams? Both QBs leading their teams to unbelievable seasons through play offs, then the following year turning into totally utterly useless turn over machines that cost the team their season?) This is why I was of the opinion that childress was the dumbest coach in the league. Only he committed suicide by actually running his would be savior out of town before the season began. (SAge) Thats why i warned viking fans not to be stupid enough to believe their woes are over. You still have your own Kerry Collins on your team, ready to cement his place in history with one of the worst turn over records in the whole league..:):)) And Sage Rosenfels is cooling his heels in NYC...:103631605

Speaking of the dearly departed Sage Rosenfelds. Any of you fellas heard of a rookie RB by the name of Legarrette blount? He plays for tampa, and is having a good rookie season, with 4 tds thus far and 1 fumble. Guess where he spent his training camp? Thats right, you got it.. He was a titan. Waived in favor of a running back who is just as small as Chris johnson, (may be a bit stockier) and runs like my grandma compared to CJ and has absolutely no power you could even compare to Blount.


Lets talk aboutthe supposed problem child of the titans. VY..(you all know this fella, he almost took the titans to the play offs last year leading them on an amazing 6-0 run after the team started 0-6) If you listen to espn you would think that he is the problem for the team. This is not true. VY was having his best year ever , even having led the leg as the most efficient passer with 10 tds and 3 ints only. A very nice 98 rating. Yet for some reason or other titans fans have been disgruntled.

It was obvious to many of us, that the titans could jump out and build huge leads on teams, like the cowboys, and Broncos, but always let these teams back in the game.

With fisher calling for incessant predictable run plays to CJ that would eventually have the defense worn out and ulimately end up giving up ridiculous amounts of yardage to to even the most putrid of offenses.

Seriously, they made, Tyler thigpen look like Dan marino reborn. That defense made the redskins Chris cooley look like Shannon Sharpe reborn (as they have done for every single tight end they have played against)

Only very stupid titans fans..(like Chris Paradise) are so blind that they cant see, that Jeff fisher has been hamstringing VY this whole year. The offense they have called is very vanilla very predictable. Absolutely no imagination, no adjusments, it has been the same basic run up the middle of CJ with the basic run on first down, run on second down pass on third down formular.

Titans have not run a reverse, trick play, QB draw, option play, zone read and are the only team league wide of have had only two people carry the ball out of the backfield (QBs excluded) this excludes one pathetic predictable one yard run by the full Back Ahmad Hall that earned them one pathetic yard and failed to achieve a first down. (please dont tell you are too stupid to realize how alarmingly stupid a coach has to be to post such a dubious statistic. Either the coach is a complete moron or he is doing this on purpose to sabotage the Qb position.

YEs i know, some idiot is gonna come on here and say these are conspiracy theories. REally? Can some one out there explain why a coach would bench his healthy starter, in favor of a backup, and then claim the doctors told him to? Like in the game Vs miami? where kerry collins started the game and got injured. Then fisher ordered young into the game off the bench##) Are you farking kidding me?

Young looked healthy has ever. And when asked about this odd decision fisher said that VY didnt tell him that he was healthy enough to play before the game? Seriously the coach didnt attend practice to see a healthy VY play?
Did those doctors who ruled him out for the game have a sudden change of heart in the seconds after Kerry collins got injured and told him that they had found out after further review that Vy was healthy enough to finish the game?
Did fisher himself speak to Vy and ask him if he was healthy enough to finish the game. If your answer affirmitively the obvious question would be, WHY THE F#$k DIDNT JEFF FISHER GO TO VY AND ASK HIM IF HE WAS GOOD TO START THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE???

And by now i am guessing you yourself are asking WTF ARE THE EASIEST PICKS OF THE WEEK?:ohno:

well simmer down moron, if you havent already placed a bet on Houston-6 then you sir/madam need to quit gambling. With 6 games left in the season, the titans shall not cover more than 50% of their games. You can feel free to bet against them every single game for the rest of the season. (use one even unit on each bet to guarantee a super duper christmas.)

Oh BTW there is a second bet in there as well,

Vikings-1.5 (yes i know it contradicts my previous posts about the problems of the vikings still roosting in minnesota. But boys, the redskins stink to high heaven. They have a plethora or injuries and weaknesses both on offense and defense that even the skins players were flabbergasted at how the titans gave them an easy win after being bitch slapped for 59 points by Vick and the eagles.

Even brett favre would have to work really hard to blow this game for you.

Texans-6 (2 units-bet the same against the titans every single game for the rest of the season boys..probably more when they meet the colts)

Vikings-1.5 (1 unit owing to the live probability that Favre will continue his redzone int streaks.)

fellas you have 12 games left between these two teams... You should win at least 75% of your wagers for the rest of the season. on these teams alone. There are other bad teams out there. But the problem is that no one knows exactly how bad those teams are and lines should be favorable for a while.

New member
Nov 10, 2008
Best part is, that was post number one. LOLOLOLOLOL. Seriously though, i like minny alot, no play on the other game though. And id take jeff over nolan, mcarthy, lovie, cable, and del rio

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
dont post thread titles like that in our sports forums....

Nov 24, 2010
Ah see folks... i told you JEff fisher freakin sucks,The man is a horrible coach!!!!

we are already 2-0 with only 10 games left to go.. up 3 units but shoulda been 4 units but i chickened out on betting the full 2 units on the vikings....(favre will do that to ya)

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