Well - I have just finished reading the testimony from different witnesses by stooge Senator Arlen Specter- but in particular especially from Agent Greer - the driver- and Agent Hill - the secret service agent on the side of Mrs. Kennedy.
My conclusion is Greer did not shoot JFK point blank from the drivers seat. What appears to be a gun - and what appears to be his arm is the reflection of the top of Kellerman's head- the other agent in the car- and the white line of the sidewalk as the car moved along. Greer admits to turning around and glancing backwards a couple times but says he could not see JFK as his line of sight was obscured by Gov Connally who he saw was shot and was directly in the line of fire to the President. The position of Connally to the inside right of JFK looking backward seems to confirm this- the car being 22 ft in length.
Hill testified that to his ears first shot came from the rear and sounded like a car backfiring-this was the shot that hit JFK in the back and made him clutch his throat. About five seconds later he hears the second shot come from the right and was much louder. This was the head shot. Interestingly Hill does not remember hearing a third shot-perhaps because of their rapid succession compared to the first shot to the second.
Hill also explains that Jackie's move to get out of the back of the limo was prompted not to get away from Greer but an attempt to retreive a part of JFK's skull that had blown off and was on the back of the car- her story was partially confirmed as a piece of JFK's skull was in fact retreived from the street and turned in by a med student. Hill says Jackies only words as he pushed her back into the car and covered her body with his own were "THEY shot part of his head off!". Later he said he observerd another part of the skull on the floor of the right portion of the car where JFK sat. No one I read the testimony of - some people of little importance with no reason to lie or even be in a position to be paid to lie recall a shot from the front. Jackie - also neither Gov Connally or Mrs Connally for that matter also do not ever look forward in the direction of Greer after the shots were fired.
Greer was a 54 yr old man at the time of the hearings. an Irishman who never finished highschool and who had had a long and distinguished career - a man who had who had driven Eisenhower -Truman - and also driven Mrs Roosevelt for a time.
I believe that Garrisons impassioned plea as to the true direction of the head shot was in fact from the grassy knoll. He also mentionns a William Tate or some similar sounding name which does not come up on a Google search who got fragments of a richocheted bullet that missed the car completely.
As for Stone- I think youre being a little to hard on him. He took a risk making this movie- and should be thanked for it rather than denegerarted as a POS Catholic.
I think you have the right idea on alot of the JFK thing Loren- the Vatican - the MIC- - yes- but the exact details- no.
It was a nightmare on Elm street for sure though...:smoker2:
32nd degree freemason Abraham Zapruder was contracted by the C.I.A and FBI division 5 to film the assassination. This is customary in most black-ops as the the footage is nothing but a snuff film for the elite...as was Waco and 911...
The film was then immediately turned over to Knight of Malta, JFK- Co-Conspirator and head of time life magazine, Henry R Luce...who then proceeded to have the film butchered and edited to appear as if the the silver gas pellet gun, still partially visible in Greer's hand, was the top of Kellerman's head...specifically manufactured by the CIA as admitted by Jesus Angleton (Matt Damon) in the CIA Senate Hearings that took place years later...There is a good reason It took them 10 years to release the footage....
Roman Catholic *******, And Jesuit-Vatican Stooge, Oliver Stone, was then contracted by the Syndicate to make a film "finally showing the truth" about what happened to JFK...As if the greatest Coup d'tat in American History would be revealed to the public......for our benefit...LOL...You see..before Michael Moore...There was Oliver Stone...Stone points you in the wrong direction...deliberately.
Stone's job was to aid and abet in the continuing cover up by allowing people to see the Zapruder film without the footage of Greer bringing the Limousine to a complete stop and firing at Kennedy...but Greer was only a back up, as the real shooters were in the storm drain as was depicted by Freemason Chris Carter in an X Files episode some 30 plus years later...
The same Chris Carter who produced the TV show that foretold the 911 attacks 6 months in advance and called the TV show...."The Lone Gunman"....Now thats "gangsta"....
Dan Rather was standing on the overpass and saw exactly what happened...His Silence earned him the CBS Desk Job until he was fired for finally telling the truth for once in his pathetic life...
Stone makes a movie telling the whole world the shooters were on the Grassy Knoll? Why? Because he wants you to know the truth? LOL...nonsense...
Why did 33 degree James Cameron make a movie about the Titanic? 50 plus years later? Because he was a Romantic at heart? LOL...You don't think it had anything to do with the fact that the only people who stood in the way of the 1st Federal Reserve Act just happened to be on that boat when it "Hit the Ice Berg".....?
Looks like a "Kaiser Soze Special" To Me.....LOL
Smokeless guns had been in existence for over a 100 years...there was no need to use Rifle that would bring attention to themselves....Kennedy assassination was a Black Magic Ritual...the key to every successful magic trick...is misdirection....Focus on the right hand while the left hand does the deed....The Grassy Knoll was a distraction....Woody Harrelson's Father, Hunt, Roselli, they were window dressing....Greer was the killshot...as Kennedy was not to leave Dallas alive, and none of those shooters could get a headshot without risking Jackies life, as she was instrumental in the Country's healing process...she has not to be harmed under any circumstance...
While everyone was pointing toward the Knoll, Greer and the Storm Drain shooters took Kennedy out....in front of his wife who up until her death told many people in her immediate surroundings the secret Service were responsible for her husbands death...How many people know the head of the U.S. Secret Service...was charged in Lincoln's Assassination? You cannot kill the King unless you control the people closest to him....
They laugh about it...to this very day and each President that is inaugurated is shown a copy of the original unedited version of the film...and told if they so much as think about defying the Order, this is what will happen to them....in broad fucking day light....
"all of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Kennedy were themselves murdered within two years of the event."
<a href="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=17380769">The Driver Shot Kennedy</a><br/><object width="425px" height="360px" ><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="movie" value="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=17380769,t=1,mt=video"/><embed src="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=17380769,t=1,mt=video" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>