So many misguided uninformed takes in this here thread, but I'm too tired to type and splain what's actually going on.
Instead, I'll let doctorsuccess's buddy Mike King knock some sense into this thread and hopefully raise the collective IQ a few notches.
How many times have we told you - Stop reacting and formulating opinions based on what you "see on TV.."
Things are NOT what they seem.
At campuses all across the country, "spontaneous" anti-Israel protests against the fake Wag the Dog "war" in Gaza are now being confronted by lines of brawny police officers not afraid to manhandle Leftist professors and students alike. The Internet is full of images and videos of these dramatic clashes -- with Zionist commenters cheering on the police, while "far right" and "far left" unite to scream about Jewish power suppressing free speech. It's quite a scene, but just like the other scenes in this film written, directed and produced by White Hat Studios, this too is just that, a play-acted made-for-TV (or cyber screen) drama.
One has a "third eye" to notice certain things, or one doesn't. Yet, even the most superficial sniffing of the accounts and images of these protests detects the scent of "professional wrestling" fakery regarding the "police brutality." Oh there's plenty of hootin' and hollerin', some shoving and even some strong-armed police "takedowns" of protesters -- just enough to sell the unsuspecting normies (and even many seasoned truthers) watching on TV or online. But there is nothing truly confrontational or physical. Though surely many dupes have joined the "spontaneous" protests by now, both sides are stacked and stage-managed by operatives of Trump's 60,000-man secret psyop army which we wrote about recently.
Unchained, riot-clad, body-builder cops manhandling and zip-tying peaceful "antisemitic" campus protesters all over the country. All fake.
As to the question of motive, specifically: What are the White Hats trying to accomplish with this play? That's already obvious.
1. The crisis actor protests draw constant attention to the imaginary "genocide" which "Netanyahu" is committing in Gaza.
2. A decent amount of normies are now witnessing and appreciating the full scope of Zionist power (although imaginary now) in action as PEACEFUL protests (unlike the BLM riots) are confronted by unnecessarily aggressive police force.
3. A deep "Divide & Conquer" schism between pro-Israel Jewish Marxists and "antisemitic" ™ Marxists (including "self-hating" Jews) is being widened. The two factions will not be able to co-exist much longer.
Here's the best part: as this devastating maneuver plays out, Commander Trump (who, while commanding the secret army which was built for him, is orchestrating all of this) plays the role of the concerned observer "standing with Israel" against the onslaught of the campus commie hordes. If you're familiar with Godfather I, recall how "Don Barzini" played his secret war against "Don Corleone" by using "Don Tattaglia" as his proxy while he played the role of "neutral" peacemaker. Same dynamic here.
Where will the alienated Jewish and Israel First Leftists take their money and their votes to in the wake of this irreparable split? A few will actually hold their nose and back their Republican "protectors." Others will disengage from the campaign entirely, and others will gravitate toward the spoiler candidacy of another White Hat "liberal" operative (and seemingly an imposter as well) by the name of (or going by the name of) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- who has, curiously enough, staked out a radically pro-Israel position and whose profile on the Left is now being raised by frequent "sheep-dipping" / "street cred" attacks coming from Trump's Truth Social page.
In short, the big losers from these organized election year protests will be the Shitty Little State, its already dying American-Israel Lobby, and the Demonrat Party in general.
Well played, White Hats. Well played.