Has AK been banned again?
This thread is useless without AK.
he's in hiding, think he wants to talk about extended litigation? after all the shit he through at everybody about how easy this is, how quick it would be, how they'll be no fight, how it's over already, how he's so smart, how everybody is inferior to him, how he's already proven to be right, how he's already won.........................yada yada yada
as for being banned, I guess that might depend on what forum you're talking about
as for the OP, should be no surprise Sterling is looking for dirt and everybody knows it's out there. To argue words he spoke to a girlfriend (or at least a girl he was supporting) in a private conversation are enough to force him out of a partnership are setting a very low standard for him to drag down other partners.
Even the commissioner better have never used a racist expression in private, Sterling will pay for that information and destroy him
I don't like what he said, I don't condone what he said, but the man has right's and the people throwing stones at him are hypocrites, each and every person without exception, lest you never said something bad about somebody in your entire life. Every white man has had a moment of weakness, every African American has thought of somebody as white trash or a stupid cracker at least once in their lives, every person from every background has exhibited some prejudice against somebody for some reason, even if it was momentarily.
It's not a fleeting moment that defines us, it's our overall body of work in life that matters most
The NAACP was awarding him the LA businessman of the year award, I'm assuming they had a good reason for doing such
He made Doc Rivers the highest paid coach in the NBA, Doc is an African American dontchaknow
Obviously, there are many layers of Donald Sterling to be peeled away