No, I just use my own knowledge combined with a new strategy I developed really. The "system" I've been using is one that I kinda made up a few days before the season. I looked into the general public/Vegas oddsmakers expectations for each team and then went over all the rosters and depth charts and came to my own conclusions about teams. I ended up choosing three "follows" (teams I considered to be underrated) and three "fades" (teams I thought were getting too much respect). What I've done is bet every game played by those 6 teams based on that theory and expected that in the long run it would come out in positive amounts. So my teams are predetermined each day (but by my own long-term handicapping, not a system onf stats like accuscore). The RL/ML decisions I do day-by-day based on my knowledge/expectations of that day's specific matchups.
So far, obviously, pretty much everything I've done has worked...but I've been quite open about the fact that I don't know how long it will last. :think2:
I'm already keeping an eye out for teams overachieving/underachieving with the expectation that I will drop a few of my current teams and/or add a few new teams every couple of weeks at least. Hopefully this plan to jump on hot teams at the right time and also jump on at the right time to fade cold teams will work for an extended period. If it doesn't, then I'll keep whatever I have from profit and start doing day-by-day capping again (but with a nice cushion to work with). Maybe I'll even follow other people's systems or do a little of both. But as of now, I have no reason to jump off these teams because it seems too early still and the lines havent completely adjusted to them...which is of course, to our benefit!
You should check out Broncos thread for Accuscore info. It seems to work very well for him in NBA and MLB. I respect those guys who use number systems and other things like that, but it has no bearing on what I'm doing here. So sorry, I don't think I'm much help on your question.
GL tonight