You are aware that Wal Mart and others are using mostly part time workers so to avoid benefits.
Makes it possible and even necessary to have more than one job.
Being poor sucks but the Repugs want to shower all benefits on the rich.
You are aware that Wal Mart and others are using mostly part time workers so to avoid benefits.
If you over 40 and making the minimum wage you probably don't know what a benefit is.
Newsflash, not everyone can be a CEO or a stock broker. Alot of jobs depend on environment (ie where you live and how big of a city you live in). I have a news flash for you. I know many college grads that work in retail. Sure it may be at Macys , but like Wal Mart its retail. So dont get on your high horse and prtend like you know something when obviously you dont.
Fair enough...
The US tax code is ridiculous, in Canada we have lower corporate taxes but we don't have so many damn loopholes so people end up paying more.
Next thing you right wing nut jobs are going to be saying is we don't need to raise the minimum wage again.
New Jersey has the same thing only you have to be in the top 10% of your grade. Then you get to go to community college for free. If you maintain above a 3.0 in community you get to go to a state school for free. I was going to do that but got convinced by my consoler that going to a 4yr college is better.Only for instate public schools.
I fully agree. Like I said earlier if your 40 and making the minimum wage who in their right mind would pay you more. Most teenagers make the minimum wage not older people. If your skill set is so poor (not a teenager or college student) that your making minimum wage you might need more than one job.
Newsflash, not everyone can be a CEO or a stock broker. Alot of jobs depend on environment (ie where you live and how big of a city you live in). I have a news flash for you. I know many college grads that work in retail. Sure it may be at Macys , but like Wal Mart its retail. So dont get on your high horse and prtend like you know something when obviously you dont.
Ok so if your not a stock broker or the CEO you make minimum wage. I got it now, FWIW I'm neither. Very few opportunities in my hometown so I had to move to Atlanta. I now do alright. If you are a college grad and work in retail, good for you, if thats what you want to do. On the other hand if your making minimum wage you don't know shit about negotiating a salary.
I fully agree. Like I said earlier if your 40 and making the minimum wage who in their right mind would pay you more. Most teenagers make the minimum wage not older people. If your skill set is so poor (not a teenager or college student) that your making minimum wage you might need more than one job.
I have to agree. I work at Commerce Bank as a teller. Seems to amaze me how many older people are working as tellers. When push comes to shove they are only getting a few dollars more than me an hour. Difference is I'm in college and they are trying to support a family.Ok so if your not a stock broker or the CEO you make minimum wage. I got it now, FWIW I'm neither. Very few opportunities in my hometown so I had to move to Atlanta. I now do alright. If you are a college grad and work in retail, good for you, if thats what you want to do. On the other hand if your making minimum wage you don't know shit about negotiating a salary.
You don't have to pay for college in GA if you have over a 3.0 coming out of high school. ITS FREE, Hope Scholarship paid for by the GA Lottery. All you have to do maintain a 3.0 in college. Its damn near impossible not to have a 3.0 in high school
Ok so if your not a stock broker or the CEO you make minimum wage. I got it now, FWIW I'm neither. Very few opportunities in my hometown so I had to move to Atlanta. I now do alright. If you are a college grad and work in retail, good for you, if thats what you want to do. On the other hand if your making minimum wage you don't know shit about negotiating a salary.
key is you got off your ass to better your situation