Dicky W


New member
Sep 21, 2004
It looks like our favorite scamdicapper with potential, Snake Thompson, lost a shitload in the NBA. Despite that I am not sure if he is down for the year as he has to go back and calculate his units even though TRK has him down. This counting up units is a very time consuming chore and takes away from his handicapping time of one hour a day. He is now blaming the games as being fixed. I wished he would get up 10 units and leave the forum. I wish I was like him and figured out everything there is to know about gambling at the age of 19. I believe he is now now claiming the games are fixed. Great Jake. Let me know which way it is fixed. Now that he is figured that out, Vegas better watch out. LMFAO.

[This message was edited by altice on 12-19-02 at 11:28 AM.]
I think Jake is starting to figure out how tough this gig is. He seems to be listening and taking notes a bit more. With the recent tout frauds rearing their ugly heads Jake is looking like a choir boy, to bad he is capping like one as well. How's it going with you?
Whats up buddy. We haven't heard from Dennis In a while.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Things are going good. I had a blast at the Michigan game when I came up. Greektown's tables weren't nice to me. Gambling wise, things are going really well, but we all know how that can turn. I had Louisville yesterday and that was pretty bad. Seems like you were right about players69.


I think Dennis gave up on this site after breakfast backed down from one of his patented challenges. I haven't checked any of his recent posts at everyedge. I hope everything is going well.
I never heard of anyone winning in Greektown, tough joint. Even if you win your still -110 to make it out of the parking structure. A couple years ago a guy left with about 10k two guys followed him home when he stopped for gas they shot him dead. They did catch the guys their both in Jackson St Prison piching quarters for smokes

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