[h=2]Members of Congress vow to keep
Covid vaccines from being a
"for-profit bonanza" for drug companies[/h]
Democrats unveiled two pieces of legislation Monday
they say will keep prices down for any taxpayer-funded
treatments and vaccines for Covid-19.
The trump federal government has granted billions
to pharmaceutical companies for Covid-related research
without assurances that the drugs and vaccines that
result from that research will be affordable and accessible
to the American public, according to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).
The bills intend to establish protections against drug price
gouging for Covid-19 treatments and vaccines and excessive
pricing of drugs for any disease that causes a public health emergency.
The bills would also initiate major steps toward transparency,
including a database of the funding and tax benefits that
pharmaceutical companies have received.
“Every other major country in the world negotiates lower drug
prices with the pharmaceutical industry for all its residents,”
DeFazio said.
“Today’s legislation provides what the Trump administration
has been unwilling to do by executive order, and that is
meaningful protection for taxpayer dollars and insurance of
patient access,” Doggett said.
Covid vaccines from being a
"for-profit bonanza" for drug companies[/h]
Democrats unveiled two pieces of legislation Monday
they say will keep prices down for any taxpayer-funded
treatments and vaccines for Covid-19.
The trump federal government has granted billions
to pharmaceutical companies for Covid-related research
without assurances that the drugs and vaccines that
result from that research will be affordable and accessible
to the American public, according to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).
"Today we are saying that a public health crisis should not
be allowed to become a for-profit bonanza for the
pharmaceutical industry,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) said.
“Because taxpayers have contributed to this research and
development, they should receive, in return, full transparency.”
The two DEM bills have bipartisan supportbe allowed to become a for-profit bonanza for the
pharmaceutical industry,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) said.
“Because taxpayers have contributed to this research and
development, they should receive, in return, full transparency.”
The bills intend to establish protections against drug price
gouging for Covid-19 treatments and vaccines and excessive
pricing of drugs for any disease that causes a public health emergency.
The bills would also initiate major steps toward transparency,
including a database of the funding and tax benefits that
pharmaceutical companies have received.
“Every other major country in the world negotiates lower drug
prices with the pharmaceutical industry for all its residents,”
DeFazio said.
“Today’s legislation provides what the Trump administration
has been unwilling to do by executive order, and that is
meaningful protection for taxpayer dollars and insurance of
patient access,” Doggett said.