This is nothing more than more wealth redistribution. The wealthy people are paying for the brats to get free education, and a free 200 dollar per month handout.
It's not free. It's in direct exchange for reliable attendance, reliably good behavior on campus and reliably good academic results.
Fail to meet the standards and you don't collect $200, nor do you likely pass Go.
As a father of two recent high school graduates, I can state with confidence that I'm proud neither are as angry, bitter and cynical as you.
In case you haven't quite yet noticed, no one really gives a shit if you consider America a POS country. I'm a fairly staunch "liberal" and Democratic voter who won't for one second miss your presence the day you man up and actually bail from the USA.
not anger as much as dissapointment. country has gone to shit and will not recover. problem is majority of you guys say you care about rebuilding it but relish in continuing to elect the same leaders who further lead to the mayhem. id stay in america if it had a future, but it doesnt. i think the majority of you who do continue to play the america is great nothing is wrong card are idiots and are just more dumb bots i dont need to deal with
and im not the only one who shares those opinions. parsons and woofdaddy are others who believe america is done.
Dunno, but what I do know is that in past month or so of busy posting here in our PoliticoPub he may well be the least inspiring member to enter the cyber bar.
Do you think the bleeding heart teachers are going to follow this to a T? Ahhhhhh Johnny, you don't have the best parents in the world. I only checked the box 19 times but I was supposed to 21 times, but who cares... i don't have to look at who'se money this is in the eye... it is from the government... and I mean good and all.... here is your 200 dollar allowance... don't spend it all in once place !
Oh, I know you knew.
So 18 is your cutoff too, eh?
Let's agree to not brag about that to either the SheBar or to Mrs TRS.
I agree this guy is a little off. Notice He never posted anything about Canadians cutting peoples heads off. Only if it happens in America its bad. LOL We take care of our poor people pretty well.
All kinds of free money out there.
LOL I get in enough trouble with the wife. She knows I am very much into women with some color to them. LOL I married the most pale chic in America. She always says what is it with all the dark skin girls, I tell her they just look better to me. If there was a perfect white girl and a perfect girl of color I would choose the darker skinned girl everytime. LOL Funny I am pretty pale myself.
Sure, then why not just take all the money and give it to the students. 500 bucks per month, 1,000 bucks per month, why not give them all 10 grand per month to acheive?
People don't cheat government programs? Really?
Sure, then why not just take all the money and give it to the students. 500 bucks per month, 1,000 bucks per month, why not give them all 10 grand per month to acheive?