This was from 3 months ago which (for no reason) was bumped today.
This article is 100% false.
No need to criticize
No, it's not false my liberal friend. It is missing context but it isn't false.
Our ruling: Missing context
Based on our research, the claim that Democrats passed legislation to vaccinate children without parental knowledge or consent is MISSING CONTEXT. In reality, the D.C. Council passed legislation to allow minors, age 11 and over, rather than their parents, to decide whether they want to receive government-recommended vaccines.
you libs really should have paid attention in match class. just like 2/3 of 100 votes needed isn't 56 your understanding of the number 100% is about as folly as Lebron saying he's gonna give a thousand percent tonight
yes it was passed 12-1 in the fall that parents can be completely left out of their kid's vaccination as young as 11 if the doctor believes the child is capable of making the decision.
Then you come back with the hillbilly redneck jokes. You've genuinely tried for years to hide your libness at the RX. It's not in the shadows any longer.
All of your responses here to distract from the fact you came in here and commented on this topic and are woefully misguided and wrong. I provided the proof as to exactly what happened and you ignore it. If you aren't going to do your homework on shit posted here in the RX, if you're going to just spew nonsense, just sit it out.
The vaccine isn't available for anyone under that age because they aren't vaccinating people that age you dummy.
I'm surprised you didn't call me a hillbilly and redneck. Just let your arrogant lib attitude go Knight. Embrace it.
I sniffed you out the minute the school shooting happened in Florida when you went off about gun control. It happened right in your backyard so you couldn't help it. You tried to hide it but it was obvious.
The vaccine isn't available for anyone under that age because they aren't vaccinating people that age you dummy.
I'm surprised you didn't call me a hillbilly and redneck. Just let your arrogant lib attitude go Knight. Embrace it.
I sniffed you out the minute the school shooting happened in Florida when you went off about gun control. It happened right in your backyard so you couldn't help it. You tried to hide it but it was obvious.
Are you slow man?
The vaccine is available to minors once that age group is eligible in that particular state without parental consent. That's the point.
I'm not pro any school shooting WTF? I just found it funny that something drastic involving guns happened in your backyard and all the sudden you went from passive liberal to anti-gun vocal liberal here at the RX overnight.
Bro, you don't tell me what the fuck to do. If you want to find something, get off your lazy liberal ass and find it yourself. Until then, eat a jar of farts.