

New member
Apr 25, 2021
Have you ever played video games such as Sonic or Mario? The fun objective of the game is to go around collecting Coins. There's no real mission or purpose in these games and there is nothing backing the true value of these Coins.

Sounds familiar? I thought so.

When I first heard about Bitcoin back in 2010, I thought exactly just that; Video Game Coin. I'd never even had an interest in investing or buying Bitcoin. I was making a fortune from Sports Betting around that time anyway.

Since then, Bitcoin has made a few runs. Handful of people got lucky and struck Gold, digital Gold. Congratulations to those who did because there will not be another run like this for awhile.

Even I got in this fun by developing highly profitable trading Strategies and Models out of thin air. No, I will never use them and No, I will never sell or release them to public.

We now have menu full of Coins to choose from. They all smell and taste like fraudulent and deception. We also have experts and gurus coming out with long winded Cryptocurrency speeches that last for 3 days. Quite entertaining and comical actually.

However, there are alot of Mom and Pop investor types who are buying into these nonsense Cryptocurrency mania. Alot of people in the world just seem to be suffering from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I can't blame their vulnerability. Every ship has sailed past them.

For those who are looking to make a fortune, Cryptocurrency is not the answer. Most Cryptocurrency will collapse and regulated out in near future. Be careful of the Crypto-Snakes coming out to feast on you.

Sounds bitter? This is coming from a Millennial who refuse to accept Cryptocurrency as a monetary system of the future. In my view, Cryptocurrency is a Video Game Coin. This may also be in alignment with the mindset of International players in banking.

Pandora box is wide open. Satoshi, what have you done?!?

Feb 28, 2005
I think you're being a little naïve, at least as far as BTC, LINK, LTC, and ETH are concerned. Right or wrong, there's nothing wrong w/ investing a small amount of your portfolio in crypto. i have about 1% of my portfolio in it and it's done well so far. I'm hoping BTC dips under $25k again and I'll buy the full coin.

New member
Apr 25, 2021
I think you're being a little naïve, at least as far as BTC, LINK, LTC, and ETH are concerned. Right or wrong, there's nothing wrong w/ investing a small amount of your portfolio in crypto. i have about 1% of my portfolio in it and it's done well so far. I'm hoping BTC dips under $25k again and I'll buy the full coin.

CB, I'm a firm believer that putting any amount of real regulated money in Cryptocurrency is a losing proposition in today's market. Of course, we can only speculate what's next in this game.

Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy watching collapses, controversies, and customary swindlers. So bright!

Jan 13, 2013
I mean, I stopped putting any "new" investment money into CC in 2019 and now have been just riding the DeFi wave of generating APY/APR with the stacks I already own. And I do own then because all of the private keys are stored and handled by myself and no one else. When Ethereum upgrade 2.0 goes to Proof of Stake consensus there is going to be another giant influx of capital and wealth into that ecosystem. Be on the lookout for it.

New member
Apr 25, 2021
I mean, I stopped putting any "new" investment money into CC in 2019 and now have been just riding the DeFi wave of generating APY/APR with the stacks I already own. And I do own then because all of the private keys are stored and handled by myself and no one else. When Ethereum upgrade 2.0 goes to Proof of Stake consensus there is going to be another giant influx of capital and wealth into that ecosystem. Be on the lookout for it.

And where is this giant influx of capital and wealth coming from?

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Have you ever played video games such as Sonic or Mario? The fun objective of the game is to go around collecting Coins. There's no real mission or purpose in these games and there is nothing backing the true value of these Coins.

Sounds familiar? I thought so.

When I first heard about Bitcoin back in 2010, I thought exactly just that; Video Game Coin. I'd never even had an interest in investing or buying Bitcoin. I was making a fortune from Sports Betting around that time anyway.

Since then, Bitcoin has made a few runs. Handful of people got lucky and struck Gold, digital Gold. Congratulations to those who did because there will not be another run like this for awhile.

Even I got in this fun by developing highly profitable trading Strategies and Models out of thin air. No, I will never use them and No, I will never sell or release them to public.

We now have menu full of Coins to choose from. They all smell and taste like fraudulent and deception. We also have experts and gurus coming out with long winded Cryptocurrency speeches that last for 3 days. Quite entertaining and comical actually.

However, there are alot of Mom and Pop investor types who are buying into these nonsense Cryptocurrency mania. Alot of people in the world just seem to be suffering from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I can't blame their vulnerability. Every ship has sailed past them.

For those who are looking to make a fortune, Cryptocurrency is not the answer. Most Cryptocurrency will collapse and regulated out in near future. Be careful of the Crypto-Snakes coming out to feast on you.

Sounds bitter? This is coming from a Millennial who refuse to accept Cryptocurrency as a monetary system of the future. In my view, Cryptocurrency is a Video Game Coin. This may also be in alignment with the mindset of International players in banking.

Pandora box is wide open. Satoshi, what have you done?!?

You lost me when you said you were making a fortune sports betting

New member
Dec 17, 2020
I think there is nothing wrong with what you said. Really, there are really those who earn some profit in crypto sports betting like in crypto selling. They're both cool.

New member
Nov 10, 2021
Yes, I heard about video game coin. not only on Pokemon but on smartphone games such as Mobile Legend.

F me, F U
Oct 15, 2004
Raj, agree to disagree…

No reason to get too long winded… but the list of folks famous, infamous, educated, uneducated, lucky, unlucky etc…toss in the companies/businesses, financial institutions (banks) & even foreign governments who have slowly or quickly jumped into this extremely vast and exponentially growing endeavor/economy/wave/investment…is growing

I suspect you’re trying to just see how you can get others on site to react to your bold yet somewhat or extreme lack of comprehension regarding this fairly new but also potentially game changing way of how so many ways people and businesses in the near or distant future will operate or exchange commerce.

I am no expert by any means, cuz if I was I wouldn’t probably be here…however, I’m no dummie either. I’d guess most here and a higher than 70% of general population are not trying to become gazzillionaires via the Crypto Mkt. Reasonable folks who have a little extra scratch aren’t afraid to dabble in this. Risk/Reward.

You seem to have a lot of energy…and your mind works or spins so much with all the info your computer/pad/phone/TV spits out to you. Sometimes hard to keep it all compartmentalized or better said be an expert in all areas. Success in every facet of life is difficult…health, marriage, relationships, career, hobbies, parenting, portfolio and finances, etc…it’s OK when we don’t fully understand new concepts or ideas or even ways of life. Adapting is key. Knowledge is crucial. And sometimes we still may not fully grasp.

I‘d highly recommend in this area, you take a lot of time and that energy and get educated to understand the nuts and bolts of all this.

Do you not sense or see or feel like our society is going to a cashless system? Have you not yet paid for food, products or paid family-friends via Venmo or with your phone?

Funny, I got long winded. Lol. Anyway, I get your comment but disagree that this newish monetary way of life is a fad you seem to think And that’ll bankrupt all…

Full disclosure, I do own, but an extremely small % of my portfolio. BTC ETH LINK ADA SHIB

New member
Jan 24, 2022
All we live today in virtual reality. Last decade, technology has become very connected to the real world, so we cannot imagine our lives without WI-FI and the Internet. If you got no device connected to the Internet, you are losing more life features/news/opportunities. In my opinion, cryptocurrency is our future just because it is a solid replacement to the old monetary system with physical money. Today is the right day to invest in cryptocurrency and keep a good portfolio at authorized wallets like

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