Rigged, no. Judging suspect, yes. The 2 Co-Mains last night weren't rigged, though, that is for sure. It makes zero sense for them to be either. The results they got last night made me smile, but it wasn't what Ole Dana wanted for his pocketbook.
Of course you can be sloppy in UFC and get away with it, because when your ground game is elite and better than your stand up, you can even be "sloppy" to lure someone in for the take down. You do realize guys, including myself, will throw something crazy high too set up the shoot in for the take down. can your boxer sprawl? doubt it...
As for the thread title, Conor may have made the largest single purse for a fight, so maybe money wise he may be the biggest, but he's nowhere near the greatest skill wise or accomplishment wise. Conor didn't deserve the shots he got to begin with as there are numerous guys that have put in way more mileage than he has and more deserving. With that said, if they give him Franky Edgar next, I'm pounding that + money on Frankie.