Confessions of a Wretch


New member
Sep 21, 2004
If there is doubt in anyone's mind about the validity, truth, viracity or existence of a thing called Karma, doubt no more ... I am living proof.

I am a wretch of a human being. Lying, cheating, and stealing are all behaviors I engage in regularly, not to mention gambling. Up until a week ago I was a regular marijuana user as well.

Before going any further, I would like to qualify my last statements by saying there is no malice intended in any of the aforementioned behaviours. My intentions are not to hurt anybody, only to further advance my selfish pursuit of, so-called, "happiness". In fact, if you asked anybody who knows me they would tell you that I am a generally positive person, who loves his daughter and wife, works hard, has a sense of humour and looks to help others whenever required. But, alas, this is only a testament to my ability to "fake it".

In reality I am a directionless, morally bankrupt relativist who has no clue as to why he was put on this earth. Gambling debts are mounting by the day. I have hit the coldest streak of my life ... chased chaser bets with more chases to the point that my local guy here has been forced to cut me off and place me on a payment plan. In addition to losing the shirt off my back via degenerate gambling, the karmic wheel of life has seen to it that I severly damaged the gas tank of my brand new (2002) motorcyle ... this by a fall off the stand !! The damn thing is not even 1/4 paid for. Although a university, and college graduate (and consequently indebted to the tune of 40 some odd thousand dollars) I work in a dead end menial labour job that requirs I only have a grade 12 equivalence.

I am the biggest loser I know. Chances are if any of you lost any bets recently - it was because I happened to be on the same side - Wake Forest, Texas, Nevada for example. or Utah Jazz -10 against the Wizards the other night, or the Memphis UNDER tonight, or the Duke OVER.

After losing the Texas game (large) I told myself I would coat tail some other selections tonight - GS, Seattle, and the Lakers. As karma would have it - I did not make ANY of those bets !!

If anyone ever required to change their way of living - it is I. I fvcking hate life. And life fvcking hates me. If there is a hell - I am going to it. The sooner the better I say.

I'd love to continue but I am at the previously mentioned dead end job as I type this and must get back to work.

To any who read this, I apologize for taking these past few, irretrievable minutes from your life. This is yet another example of what a selfish, shameless waste of skin I truly am.

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