Willie is 100% conjecture. He has the thought process that he is special and has a special understanding of everything as long as he thinks it. Even if he's always wrong. I just point to real professionals that are involved in real monetary systems and climate science. I believe in academia. Willie believes in himself and .com blogs that support his thoughts. That's the difference between conservatives and educated people. We let the facts determine our beliefs, we don't believe something than try to find any logical fallacy that supports it. That's how racist Willie type people work.
Bro. Please listen. You are wrong. The people that are collecting the data have lied about it...they have cheated and used false computer models to develop their theories, and then given it to other like minded "scientists" to peer review their findings...they most likely knew the numbers were false also. This is on the tail of the group of European scientists that were caught falsifying data 3-4 years ago...and talked about it openly in their emails. Remember the pending World Climate Meeting that was a week or two away from this scandal? Do you not think they were gearing up for the global carbon tax? Al Gore was prepping the world by touting the carbon tax just weeks before this study hit the streets...then the scandal put the kebosh on everything.
Do you even get a sniff of what I am saying? You keep defending shit you know nothing about, saying this is how science is formed. Well, how many fucking times have scientists changed their mind on shit. First chocolate is bad for you, then it is good for you, oh wait, no it's really, really bad for you...oh hold on, this guy over here says it's good for you.
You sit there and act like the shit you are talking about is gospel. It is not. Academia is great, and you can broaden your horizons and learn a lot of shit..but that shit only takes you so far. This is what conservatives talk about "real life experience." I employ two people full time, and 1099 about 6 others on a year to year basis. My yearly sales tops 2.5 million every year, and have hit the 3 million dollar mark twice in the last eight. I am accountable for every single contract I sign, paycheck, inventory, sales, payroll, meetings, expenses, etc. etc. etc.
You live in a bubble where you have to give pre-programmed orders to a bunch of oil field guys. You have no fking clue what we mean by generating wealth, and real world shit. Neither do 90% of the politicians in Washington, nor nearly 100% of people in academia.
It reminds me of the academy awards. A bunch of people who have done nothing, been nothing, and are nothing but a fake character on a movie screen, telling each other how great they are. You can substitute academy awards for academia awards, and these are the exact people you are learning from and then turning around and calling people like Willie stupid. Willie probably has more life experience and knowledge in on year of his business life than you have in your entirety.