Climate change EXPERT Akphi....


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How the Global Warming Scare Began:

"A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Research on stuff like ice caps melting, CO2 levels, etc do not have a mandatory government agency that views and approves of the research. The research is submitted to the scientific community through scientific journals... and introduced to the world for peer review.

All of which have been proven false and corrupt (Climategate, scaring the public using polar bears etc.). At best they are just wrong, at worst they are thieves and liars.


02 July 2014 - Link Between Warming, CO2 Is Absent [Despite what the Cult of Global warming would have you believe, CO2 is NOT a pollutant. Plants need CO2 to live and in return they give us oxygen. It is called the cycle of life, not pollution!]

01 July 2014 - NASA Launches Satellite To Study Global Warming After Revelation Of Faked Data [Does this make sense to you? They get caught lying and falsifying information and now spend even more money to do more lying and faking!]
01 July 2014 - NOAA Quietly Revises Website After Getting Caught In Global Warming Lie, Admitting 1936 Was Hotter Than 2012
26 June 2014 - Obama Mocks Climate Skeptics In Congress: ‘I’m Going To Just Pretend...I Can’t Read' [He is just an idiot who has his own little world to live in. If anyone disagrees or questions him they get attacked, called names, and belittled!] [Has an embedded video on the web page]
24 June 2014 - Global Warming 'Fabricated' By NASA And NOAA
24 June 2014 - Just Another Lie Revealed In The Lie Of Manmade Climate Change
24 June 2014 - Global Warming Data FAKED By Government To Fit Climate Change Fictions
16 June 2014 - Barack Obama: Climate "Deniers" Are "Threat To Everybody's Future" [Actually HE is the one who is a threat to everybody’s future] [Has an embedded video on the web page]
16 June 2014 - Obama: Climate Change Deniers Ignore Science [Actually it is he and the Cult of Global Warming that are denying science and the facts!]
09 June 2014 - Local Taxpayers Threatened With Lawsuits If they Don't Sink Money Into "Preparing for Climate Change" [More government nonsense to force people to become part of this idiotic movement and cult! And even more of them taking away your right to think and decide things for yourself]
09 June 2014 - Obama 'Absolutely' Wants To Go Off On Climate Change Deniers In Congress [Has an embedded video on the web page]
09 June 2014 - As Global Warming Falls Apart, The Worshipers Of Mother Earth Get More Shrill [That’s the typical way a cult acts when its teachings, beliefs, and practices are exposed as being nothing but falsehoods and lies!!!]
09 June 2014 - A History Of The Disastrous Global Warming Hoax
02 June 2014 - Climate Change Pentagon Expert: My Goal Was To Induce Fear, Not Be Accurate
02 June 2014 - States Move To Blunt Obama Carbon Plan
02 June 2014 - If Storms Are Evidence Of Climate Change Then What Are No Storms Evidence For?
29 May 2014 - Behind The Lie That 97% Of Scientists Back Global Warming Hoax
23 May 2014 - Why Global Warming Believers Don’t Talk About These Storms
22 May 2014 - John Kerry Says “So What If We’re Wrong About Climate Change?” [What’s there to say? Almost every word out of his mouth just shows how much of an idiot he really is!]
22 May 2014 - Climate Fear Mongers: Global Warming Threatening The Statue Of Liberty [These nuts have obviously skipped or ignored the part in the Bible where God promises never to flood the earth again! – See Genesis 9:11]
21 May 2014 - Kerry Mocks Climate Skeptics: ‘Flat Earth Society’ [That is because he is an IDIOT who does not want to face the real facts and only goes along with what he thinks will benefit him in one capacity or another!] [Has an embedded video on the web page]
20 May 2014 - Preachers Of Deception: Global Warming Alarmists Are Feeding Us Lies
19 May 2014 - Letter: Don’t Demonize Those Who Deny Climate Change
19 May 2014 - Yet Another “Peer-Reviewed” Cover-Up For Global Warming
14 May 2014 - What Freedoms Will Christians Be Duped Into Surrendering In The Name Of The Environment?
14 May 2014 - You Say 'Climate Change,' I Say 'Weather'
14 May 2014 - Global “Warming:” Antarctic Sea Ice Continues To Break Records
14 May 2014 - They're Not Melting: 87% Of Himalayan Glaciers Are ‘Stable’
09 May 2014 - Not Climate Change Anymore: Climate Disruption [As with any cult or false teachings, they constantly change what exactly it is they believe in, and constantly change the names so it fits with what they are doing and the things around them!]
07 May 2014 - WH Climate Report: Sea Level Could Rise 8 Inches, 11 Inches, 4 Feet, Or 6.6 Feet [More lies from the Cult of Global Warming. This is the same nonsense they keep trying to push year after year!]
07 May 2014 - The Great Climate Change Hoax Rolls On
06 May 2014 - Satellite Data Proves Earth Has Not Been Warming The Past 18 Years - It's Stable
01 May 2014 - 'I Believe In God, But—'
28 Apr 2014 - Al Gore: Extreme Weather Events 100 Times More Common Than 30 Years Ago Due To Global Warming What a complete idiot! He will lie about anything he can to keep his false prophecies and cult alive! The cold weather of winter has nothing to do with his fake global warming!]
23 Apr 2014 - EPA Promotes Earth Day By Burning Thousands Of Gallons Of Jet Fuel [Seems they can do just the opposite that they demand everyone else to do because of the global warming hoax. Typical cult and its hypocrites, tell everyone else to do one thing, and they do the other!]
18 Apr 2014 - How To Recognize A Cult
18 Apr 2014 - Al Gore Says Global Warming Skeptics Are “Immoral, Unethical And Despicable” [As with any cult when proven wrong and the proof is completely clear, they resort to name calling like a little child who doesn’t get their way!]
18 Apr 2014 - Al Gore: Critics Are 'Immoral, Unethical And Despicable' : Climate Crusader Rants: 'The Future Of Civilization Is At Stake' [Another false prophet and his CULT exposed to the world for their lies and deceit and fraud!]
16 Apr 2014 - New Edict From The Church CULT Of Global Warming: Get Poor, And Cut Down On The Cow Farts
07 Apr 2014 - Climate Change, The Trillion Dollar Heist [Has an embedded video on the web page]
03 Apr 2014 - Biblical Scholar: Noah's 'Green' Angle Misses The Mark
03 Apr 2014 - EPA Tested Deadly Pollutants On Humans To Push Obama Green Agenda
03 Apr 2014 - Soapbox: Global Warming Advocates Are The Ones With Heads In Sand
01 Apr 2014 - White House Cracking Down On Bovine Flatulence Because Of Global Warming [What utter nonsense. How stupid can they be and how stupid do they think we are?]
01 Apr 2014 - National Science Foundation Wastes $700,000 On Play Promoting Global Warming Hoax
31 Mar 2014 - The New Global Warming Threat: We Will All Be Dead Soon [More lies and scare tactics from the Cult of Global Warming!]
19 Mar 2014 - Letter: Human-Induced Global Warming A Big 'Hoax'
18 Mar 2014 - Wasting Money On Global Warming
18 Mar 2014 - Professor Wants Climate Change “Deniers” Thrown In Jail [This nut is the one who should be thrown into jail!]
18 Mar 2014 - Michelle Obama Throwing Food Onto Global Warming List
14 Mar 2014 - Relentless Global Warming “Scientists” Continue Their Scams
27 Feb 2014 - Greenpeace Co-Founder: No Scientific Evidence Of Man-Made Global Warming
25 Feb 2014 - Failed Climate Prophet Al Gore Warns Of ‘Coming Dust Bowl’ Unless Billions Spent [Has an embedded video on the web page]
24 Feb 2014 - The Only Heat From Global Warming Is Generated From The Ongoing Debate
18 Feb 2014 - Warming Or Cooling, It's Just Weather
18 Feb 2014 - John Kerry Uses Mockery To Deal With Lack of Evidence Of Global Warming (Postscript) [That’s because he’s an IDIOT and knows global warming is a hoax!] [Has an embedded video on the web page]
18 Feb 2014 - Climate Prophets And Profiteers
17 Feb 2014 - Obama Announces $1 Billion ‘Climate Resilience Fund’ While East Coast Is Buried In Snow [More lies from the CULT OF GLOBAL WARMING! It’s all amount MONEY and CONTROL! Our tax dollars should NOT be going in to pay for this nonsense]
17 Feb 2014 - Global Warming And The Absurd Level Of Lying [Has an embedded video on the web page]
17 Feb 2014 - No Two Global-Warming Flakes Are Alike
14 Feb 2014 - Climate Change: The End Of The Snow Job
03 Feb 2014 - Global Warming Fanatics: People Are Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Substance Abuse Because Of Climate Change… [What a load of RUBBISH! They try to blame everything they can on their false teachings in order to try to scare and panic people into believe their lies!]
23 Jan 2014 - Warming Hoax Exposed; MyEdu Is A Debacle; Texans Aren't Victims
22 Jan 2014 - Frigid Temperatures To Persist As Northeastern US Digs Out From Snow [How long before Al Gore and his CULT start claiming this is attributed to global warming or tell us this is just a fluke and should be forgotten!]
22 Jan 2014 - Twisted Mind Games: Global Warming Crowd Now Characterizes Opponents As Being In 'Climate Denial'
21 Jan 2014 - DC Closes Down As East Coast Braces For Blizzard [Of course Al Gore and his cult in a few days will be going on about how this is because of global warming and when summer gets here they will do their usual about the cold winter weather, claiming it was just a fluke and should be ignored!]
20 Jan 2014 - Conservative Senator Calls Obama Liar On Global Warming! [GOOD for him! May God watch over and protect him for speaking up and proclaiming the truth!]
20 Jan 2014 - Common Core Pushes Global Warming
17 Jan 2014 - Is Hand Washing The Cause Of Climate Change? - Warm Water Study Is Full Of Hot Air [More NONSENSE and LIES from the Cult of Global Warming!]
15 Jan 2014 - White House Climate Czar: 'Global Warming Causes Extreme Cold' [Is the CULT OF GLOBAL WARMING really that stupid and do they think we are that stupid as well?]
15 Jan 2014 - Letter: Funding The Hoax Of Climate Change
15 Jan 2014 - Deep Freeze Should Ice Global Warming Fraud [Of course they will find some lame excuse to use to try to explain it away. Or they may do what they do every time we have cold weather some place, it doesn’t prove a thing, it is just a fluke so ignore it!]
13 Jan 2014 - Global Warming Warning Labels Proposed For Gas Pumps [More LUNACY from the Cult of Global Warming!]
13 Jan 2014 - Global Warming??? Gimme A Break!!! [YouTube video]
07 Jan 2014 - Winter Storm 2014: On The Coldest Day In America In 20 Years, Here Are Al Gore’s Stupidest Global Warming Quotes [More proof that global warming is just a LIE!!! And that the false prophet Al Gore and his cult of follower should be totally ignored!]
07 Jan 2014 - Polar Vortex: Global Warming To Blame For Chilly 2014 Weather In US?
07 Jan 2014 - Historic Deep Freeze Across North America Conclusively Proves Global Warming Is Getting Worse, Right?
02 Jan 2014 - Ignore Wrong-Headed Climate Change Alarmists

The Global Warming Hoax Archives:

The Global Warming Hoax - 2013
The Global Warming Hoax - 2012
The Global Warming Hoax - 2011
The Global Warming Hoax - 2010
The Global Warming Hoax - 2009
The Global Warming Hoax - 2008
The Global Warming Hoax - 2007


fratfraud and his community organizer mancrush want to restructure entire sectors of the economy based on silly nonsense they read in unmonitored "scientific journals" face)(*^%

These eco-cultists are a Marxist's dream!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Every single link there is a .com article written by authors that do not have any review process whatsoever and can say whatever they want. That's where you get your science, rather than actually researchers and subject matter experts, lol.

Super embarrassing. But you are a Canadian. So I don't expect much.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If it's "peer reviewed", it's obviously true! And totally science!

Just like 97% of economists agree that Obama's handling of the recession was the epitome of perfection!


New member
Oct 19, 2007
If it's "peer reviewed", it's obviously true! And totally science!

Just like 97% of economists agree that Obama's handling of the recession was the epitome of perfection!


If it's peer reviewed, it's been reviewed by the scientific community. Not a single article you linked provides research that has been submitted for peer review. There's a reason for that. Because they are not trying to prove the science... they are trying to convince idiots like you to vote for dumbass politicians. You are their poster child, a perfect example of the retards they target.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Publish-or-perish: Peer review and the corruption of science

Pressure on scientists to publish has led to a situation where any paper, however bad, can now be printed in a journal that claims to be peer-reviewed

Peer review is the process that decides whether your work gets published in an academic journal. It doesn't work very well any more, mainly as a result of the enormous number of papers that are being published (an estimated 1.3 million papers in 23,750 journals in 2006). There simply aren't enough competent people to do the job. The overwhelming effect of the huge (and unpaid) effort that is put into reviewing papers is to maintain a status hierarchy of journals. Any paper, however bad, can now get published in a journal that claims to be peer-reviewed.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If it's peer reviewed, it's been reviewed by the scientific community. Not a single article you linked provides research that has been submitted for peer review. There's a reason for that. Because they are not trying to prove the science... they are trying to convince idiots like you to vote for dumbass politicians. You are their poster child, a perfect example of the retards they target.

You're a sheep who blindly believes anything and everything the world of academia (left wing tenured govt-funded professors) rubber-stamps ("peer reviewed") oblivious to the fact the WORST ideas in human history came from the academic world.

You are the epitome of stupid.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
If it's so easy to publish peer reviewed research why don't your .com bloggers post some?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You're a sheep who blindly believes anything and everything the world of academia (left wing tenured, govt-funded professors) rubber-stamps oblivious to the fact the WORST ideas in human history came from the academic world.

You are the epitome of stupid.


You believe whatever you read on the internet as long as it toes your party line. You're as anti-science and cult like as it comes.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You believe whatever you read on the internet as long as it toes your party line. You're as anti-science and cult like as it comes.


For the last time, "peer review" is NOT science!

We're not "anti-science", we're anti-CORRUPT science!


Scientists Admit Polar Bear Numbers Were Made Up To ‘Satisfy Public Demand’

Read more:

This may come as a shocker to some, but scientists are not always right — especially when under intense public pressure for answers.

Researchers with the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) recently admitted to experienced zoologist and polar bear specialist Susan Crockford that the estimate given for the total number of polar bars in the Arctic was “simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand.”

New member
Oct 19, 2007

For the last time, "peer review" is NOT science!

We're not "anti-science", we're anti-CORRUPT science!


Scientists Admit Polar Bear Numbers Were Made Up To ‘Satisfy Public Demand’

Read more:

This may come as a shocker to some, but scientists are not always right — especially when under intense public pressure for answers.

Researchers with the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) recently admitted to experienced zoologist and polar bear specialist Susan Crockford that the estimate given for the total number of polar bars in the Arctic was “simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand.”

You are claiming you are not anti science and posting articles to prove it?? Lmao!! That's comedy gold right there. I can just see college students writing research papers referencing articles!! Guaranteed F! That's why you should ask me questions instead of make comments. You are really dumb.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You are claiming you are not anti science and posting articles to prove it?? Lmao!! That's comedy gold right there. I can just see college students writing research papers referencing articles!! Guaranteed F! That's why you should ask me questions instead of make comments. You are really dumb.

Hey stupid, I'm not talking about the science. I'm talking about the corrupt bastards you worship who've been caught lying in order to advance their radical political agenda.

Can't admit you're part of a corrupt cult, huh?

If it makes you feel better, you can click on the link...they lied about the polar bear population.

Just like they lied about "global warming":

Full emails show inarguably the researchers fought transparency, to keep public in the dark

Climategate 2.0? More Emails Leaked From Climate Researchers

Climategate Professor Phil Jones could face ten years on fraud charges


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hey stupid,

I'm not talking about the science. I'm talking about the corrupt bastards you worship who've been caught lying in order to advance their radical political agenda.

Can't admit you're part of a corrupt cult, huh?

If it makes you feel better, you can click on the link...they lied about the polar bear population.

Just like they lied about "global warming":

Full emails show inarguably the researchers fought transparency, to keep public in the dark

Climategate 2.0? More Emails Leaked From Climate Researchers

Climategate Professor Phil Jones could face ten years on fraud charges

More .com articles, lol. You just have no shame! It's hilarious. You need to start from Kindergarten and go through schooling again. Apparently Canada doesn't have very good academic standards. Because you are dumb as shit, lol. But you are a birther loon and will never change. Poor guy will die a retard and never realize it.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The frauds Tonto worships were caught lying and some are even facing jail time - FACT.

Climategate Professor Phil Jones could face ten years on fraud charges

Maybe they should use the "peer review" process ("scientific journals" decide) instead of the legal system?


Back to resorting to racism. Until you apologize I will no longer comment on your posts other than to call you out for being a racist. Good day sir.

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