clearing the air


RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
"Here's where ROXY crossed the line. Roxy approched XPANDA to not only leave RX, but to take as many posters away from RX as she could in order to enhance Roxy's other forum. Roxy also stated ThRrx hated women and made fun of all of us who are planning to attend this year's Rx bash in Vegas. She was even more disrespectful that the two facts I just listed but I do not want to repeat anything else...", I'm sure you will agree that this is the Shrink's perception solely from talking to Xpanda.
Did you read Roxygurl's reply to that post? If not, you should. this was taken from dougj's thread regarding if i was an rx pr ploy.i issue this challenge to expanda: prove i encouraged you in any way to do whats in the above cant xpanda. i no longer have the email i sent you but i have 2 others and 1 where you asked me if i knew where the other women had gone you wanted me to tell you i did. and if you have any guts youll post that email as fast as youve posted everything else regarding me. you know damn well i told you about this small website and ASKED you to come check it out. i said the people there were all rxers and i was a small part of it. i told you we hoped youd have suggestions and that youd be a mod but in a site as small as this one its the equivalent of being a meter reader. its an in name only kind of thing. nothing on a grand scale to rival the rx and if it were the shrink would have known about it 1st its his business. again i want you to prove conclusively that i ASKED YOU TO DEFECT FROM THE RX AND GET OTHERS TO DEFECT WITH YOU. if you post that email the proof is there that YOU LIED about what i was asking.i also sent the website in a private email to you and NOT WITHIN THE BORDERS OF THE RX IN ANY POST TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE. unethical? unethical is destroying an innocent person with no warning. if you had questions regarding my identity or anything else had you expressed those concerns to me id have called you xpanda. but you didnt have the ovaries to do that. unethical? me? yeah right.unethical is being totally destroyed by the classy founder of this website because i dragged my feet on a phone call regarding possibly working for him here even tho i stated a few times i didnt want to be a part of the rx in that way. i have the emails to prove i expressed those thoughts.a call would have been a waste of time. i enjoyed what i was doing every night here and i told shrink that a few times. yet that got me all this? and the general stating i crossed the line regarding stealing rx posters is baseless.because i didnt recruit ayone HERE.i crossed no line but this place crossed so many yesterday it boggles the mind no richter scales went off. im stunned ive garnered the attention that i have. im thankfull for the few with level heads who have defended me. but now im demanding expanda provide proof i asked her to leave the rx and take as many posters from here that she can and bring them TO MY WEBSITE TO RUIN THE RX. again..I DONT HAVE A for recruiting others i think every website out there got its members or regular viewers by hearing about it from someone else. does that make everyone who told each of us about the rx unethical? if so we all are unethical because word is out everyday about this place. and what took place here cant be good for future business. i didnt steal money,or hurt anyone in any way. but this is how a good poster,one who was praised recently in a post from its founder to xpanda and i, got treated. one last thing. it was posted that i called posters at the rx going to the bash as being vile people. again what i said was in REFERENCE TO THOSE WHO ATTACKED ME WHO NEVER HAD ANY INTERACTION WITH ME AND WHO DIDNT KNOW ME why would anyone want to meet people like that. theres some great people here and i had great friends. i have 3 who have been fair enough to email me for my side or just ask how im doing.i thank them. i think the best the rx has to offer will be here posting while the bash is going on tho.i ask this post not be moved to the rr cuz i want my side represented and xpanda to post the proof im demanding. post the specific email i sent xpanda. theres nothing in there regarding prove the above statement it says i made fun of everyone going to the bash. again not true. but i covered that already. its amazing the absolute bullshit posted about me to justify whats happened.i admit to comments ive made but i wont sit idly by when lies are told. now its time to prove the lies true.or retract a few beginning with xpanda. i beg you to give this post respect. by trashing me it gets moved and thats unfair. besides someone here wants the drama cus all this is giving the rx attention they apperently needed.why else kill a good poster?~RG<!-- / message -->
Sep 21, 2004
You are a man. Everyone knows it. Give it up, bro.

New member
Sep 25, 2004
yeah really
it was scary enough at first
but now for a man to TRY and CONTINUE on that he is female
is even worse lol

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Soap Opera Thread Number Three

FWIW - I don't have problem with Roxy posting regardless of gender and I am still not real sure what happened between her and any other posters mentioned above (mainly because I didn't read the original long thread). Bottom line I won't move this thread but that doesn't mean some other mod might.


hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003

It would be really nice if you could the 'return' key once in a while.

At any rate, I never once said you asked me to leave the Rx altogether. I also never accused you of asking me to get other people to leave the Rx altogether. That is your own exaggeration of my words.

But, I have all those emails and if you want them posted, I will do so. You DID ask me to start a politics forum and get ppl from here to go there. You DID ask me to write something for the home page of that site. You DID ask me to be a moderator there knowing that I have BR access at the Rx.

Give me a few minutes to sift through my inbox and I will post your emails. That is your call. I handn't wanted to go that far, but I guess I have your permission to do so.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Roxygurl, I don't care about any of this. I hope you are not telling people things that aren't true. My only thing is this: did you not learn to use quotes from the debacle I had (you involved)? LOL! Whose quote was that? DP's? LOL!

I will say this Roxygurl and take it to heart. I never got caught up in the 'romance' part of your posts. I thought you were a soft-hearted, kind person on this site (not a bad thing..a good thing.) I am man enough that online tittery doesn't really grab me and I avoid it.

However, I believe myself to be fairly intellegent (actually, I believe myself to be VERY intelligent, but that's just my take on me.) Your posts are inherently feminine and I'm not talking about the fluff within the posts. You are a woman at heart and soul if nothing else, roxy. I know you meant well for the most part. I, actually, am feeling bad for you, but I am disappointed that you, if womanly in nature don't call the Shrink and let him interview you for about 2 minutes. I know exactly how he could verify you.

On the other hand, if you are not womanly in nature, give it up, let us KNOW YOU and who you are and I'll bet we will still enjoy your feminine posts. Don't hide behind anything as this is really, REALLY the place to be yourself! Be a man writing as a woman and come back if that is the case! I think we would accept that! Seriously! I don't know any 'interdrag queens' and if you are one, I would say to people...."There is a different kind of guy that I actually can appreciate for being honest about who they are." Honesty is a 'gold' too rare on any site. Be you and we'll accept you. Lie and you get the Alan Palmer treatment. tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
wilheim said:
FWIW - I don't have problem with Roxy posting regardless of gender and I am still not real sure what happened between her and any other posters mentioned above (mainly because I didn't read the original long thread). Bottom line I won't move this thread but that doesn't mean some other mod might.

You know guys...nothing about this required the rubber room yet. Jesus Christ! I don't blame wilheim. I can't imagine what goes on to decide this stuff, but come on. Give me a break. Nothing offensive in this thread yet. One more thing...JESUS CHRIST, some of this kills me!!! tulsa

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I moved the thread back, hopefully we can clear the air on this whole issue.


RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
xpanda said:

It would be really nice if you could the 'return' key once in a while.

At any rate, I never once said you asked me to leave the Rx altogether. I also never accused you of asking me to get other people to leave the Rx altogether. That is your own exaggeration of my words.

But, I have all those emails and if you want them posted, I will do so. You DID ask me to start a politics forum and get ppl from here to go there. You DID ask me to write something for the home page of that site. You DID ask me to be a moderator there knowing that I have BR access at the Rx.

Give me a few minutes to sift through my inbox and I will post your emails. That is your call. I handn't wanted to go that far, but I guess I have your permission to do so.
no its the exaggeration of posts ive seen here much has been said i want the air cleared. i was ASKED TO ASK YOU TO WRITE SOMETHING for this website. it didnt come from ME need to talk to the websites owner and get that from him.youve made an entire planet out of the small pebble in the road regarding this issue. i didnt ask you to START a politics forum i said maybe you had suggestions about getting one going or anything helpfull. i cant defend myself with the insults flying. post what you want i cant fight all of you. i will try not to post anything further. i dont want this to be an ongoing thing.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Forgive me but i've been gone awhile. The real shocker isn't that Rockynuts is a guy but J-Man is a moderator.:WTF: That's like giving a six year old keys to a Porsche. What in the hell was Shrink thinking?

I'm just busting your balls J-Man, you've alway been alright with me regardless of what other people say.:cartman:

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Tulsa said:
Roxygurl, I don't care about any of this. I hope you are not telling people things that aren't true. My only thing is this: did you not learn to use quotes from the debacle I had (you involved)? LOL! Whose quote was that? DP's? LOL!

I will say this Roxygurl and take it to heart. I never got caught up in the 'romance' part of your posts. I thought you were a soft-hearted, kind person on this site (not a bad thing..a good thing.) I am man enough that online tittery doesn't really grab me and I avoid it.

However, I believe myself to be fairly intellegent (actually, I believe myself to be VERY intelligent, but that's just my take on me.) Your posts are inherently feminine and I'm not talking about the fluff within the posts. You are a woman at heart and soul if nothing else, roxy. I know you meant well for the most part. I, actually, am feeling bad for you, but I am disappointed that you, if womanly in nature don't call the Shrink and let him interview you for about 2 minutes. I know exactly how he could verify you.

On the other hand, if you are not womanly in nature, give it up, let us KNOW YOU and who you are and I'll bet we will still enjoy your feminine posts. Don't hide behind anything as this is really, REALLY the place to be yourself! Be a man writing as a woman and come back if that is the case! I think we would accept that! Seriously! I don't know any 'interdrag queens' and if you are one, I would say to people...."There is a different kind of guy that I actually can appreciate for being honest about who they are." Honesty is a 'gold' too rare on any site. Be you and we'll accept you. Lie and you get the Alan Palmer treatment. tulsa

Really I have picked my way through many threads on this whole topic and I have to say this is the most intelligent post yet. It explains everything I have thought this whole time.

Roxy- No matter if you are a guy acting as a girl, a man, a dragposter, or whatever the fact of the matter is there is a lie that you have yet to tell us. If there is not please call Shrink and clear this up. The reason that you got so many bad comments throughout this whole thread is because somewhere you have a secret that has not been told and ALOT of people on here that thought you were thier friend felt very betrayed. I always doubted if that picture I saw of you really was you or no, however the picture didnt matter to me. It was your intelligent, soft hearted posts that really showed what type if person you were that counted. What ever skelotons you are hiding in the closet please get rid of them. Come forward with the truth and start a road back to therx. There is a lot of people that I am sure would be very forgiving to you if you would just do a little explaining.

Oct 31, 2004
Roxy you can clear the air real quick. Heres how.

You need to

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Kruser6 said:
Really I have picked my way through many threads on this whole topic and I have to say this is the most intelligent post yet. It explains everything I have thought this whole time.

Roxy- No matter if you are a guy acting as a girl, a man, a dragposter, or whatever the fact of the matter is there is a lie that you have yet to tell us. If there is not please call Shrink and clear this up. The reason that you got so many bad comments throughout this whole thread is because somewhere you have a secret that has not been told and ALOT of people on here that thought you were thier friend felt very betrayed. I always doubted if that picture I saw of you really was you or no, however the picture didnt matter to me. It was your intelligent, soft hearted posts that really showed what type if person you were that counted. What ever skelotons you are hiding in the closet please get rid of them. Come forward with the truth and start a road back to therx. There is a lot of people that I am sure would be very forgiving to you if you would just do a little explaining.
kruser i appreciate this really. but read thru dougj's thread regarding the rx pr ploy. in it theres reasons why a call now proves nothing. read the exchange between t3 and doug and baker. for the reasons posted in there a call does nothing. and why would anyone want to come back after what happened? im only here now to have my say. i wont be here after this. wether xpanda posts anything else or not is unimportant. i wanted to be heard. im no longer going to be stopping in the offshore forum. reading about me dosent thrill me.xpanda i didnt want issues with you and i didnt ask for any.i didnt deserve any either.its all i wanted to say.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Accusations I've made in italics:


yes theres a very woman friendly sports website thats just been started by c-lo,lakersfan4life and others. im a mod with my own section and 5 other girls allfrom the rx. if your interested i will shoot you the link. its a no bashing policy and everyone there are rxers. let me know we could use you.~gina


ok tanya heres the story. were building this place in to a unique cutting edge website and we need high quality people. we all want you to join the site and join myself and bite as moderators. we hope youll want to build a political type forum like the rx has and maybe recruit high quality people to join you and all of us there.but we wont allow trash like rob funk. that bastard is lucky i dont know where he lives or my italian heritage would take over and he would get a visit in the middle of the night.spreading crap about how winky and i are fuck buddys is not acceptable and journeyman lets this crap happen? thats why many of us have left the rx. but youll know everyone over here. the name seems offensive but c-lo says xxxx means xxxx or what


hey girl we just got the name! lakersfan4life is putting it together now. but we want you to come be a mod and c-lo is hoping youll aid in a nice write up for the front page. sign in then leave chad a PM. we communicate with private messages among other things. this will rock!


[I ask her how I go about recruiting from here in my reply and ask if she has AOL as I am now aware of CFBguy to verify that's not the reason why the IPs are an exact match]


ok girl im going to attempt for the 3rd time to get this at work and i sneak into my supervisors office to catch scores and check email. its taboo but that makes this exciting. i have NOT called ken yet but im going to. his number is at home and i cant call today anyway with a late docs app later then going to a GFs home for the evening. ken thinks im hiding something which is beginning to annoy me cuz IM NOT. i have a very busy life and things going on in it that make a call not a top priority at the moment.i will call but on my own timeframe as i am hiding nothing. damn,i hate when the rx infringes my private life. when we speak i want an apology for the pressure he exerts cuz thats for c-los website im unsure what the vision is but he wanted me so bad he asked to pay me. i said no lets worry about that down road.when i recruit anyone to his site i usually ask in a post that they email c-lo or ask a mod for his email addy and they go from there.i ask you to at least sign in as a member and contact lakersfan and/or c-lo to get from them thier hopes are to have a cutting edge website with the best cappers and minds and gambling go hand in hand as both are deep passions handicappers/bettors have. my role is to provide both. i cap too. im also a very sensual woman with alot to express so i bring that as well. all the girls add so much.i dont have aol just msn but id get it just to be able to talk to you hun.i need to get back to work. catch ya soon.~gina


Be thankful, folks, that I am not able to post the god-forsaken font Roxy uses in emails. Makes my eyes bleed.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Now, you've asked me for verification of the claims that I've made and I've come through for you. Do the same and make that call or piss off. You are a flat-out nuisance now.

Oct 31, 2004
Roxy, I dont understand why you keep saying a phone call will not prove anything. It will prove Everything!!!!!.


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