I come here for 2 reasons: 1)because I have a terrible relationship with my work and I'll do almost anything to distract myself from writing the book I'm supposed to be writing and 2) because the right wing fringe here reminds me to stay vigilant. It's too easy to become complacent now that Bush and his cronies have been chucked out on their asses. "Conservatism" is dying but I like to keep my eye on the heaving, gasping, body.kiln, if you think this forum is so piss poor, why do you come here? maybe teach-nology.com is more your speed.
"Conservatism" is dying but I like to keep my eye on the heaving, gasping, body.
when obama and his crew are through, your beloved progressivism may be dead and marxism may rule the day. when north korea fires a nuke, it'll be aimed at the west coast. when the chinese army lands ashore, it'll be on the west coast. just remember if these things happen in the next 4 years in norcal that the hated repub administrations kept these nations at bay
I come here for 2 reasons: 1)because I have a terrible relationship with my work and I'll do almost anything to distract myself from writing the book I'm supposed to be writing and 2) because the right wing fringe here reminds me to stay vigilant. It's too easy to become complacent now that Bush and his cronies have been chucked out on their asses. "Conservatism" is dying but I like to keep my eye on the heaving, gasping, body.
Thank you for asking.
now that Bush and his cronies have been chucked out on their asses
Conservatism" is dying but I like to keep my eye on the heaving, gasping, body.
Thank you for asking. <!-- / message -->
For example?
You do know that saying something is true doesn't make it so, right?