cklennon re. The Person In Question


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
This guy has everyone BS`d including the Mods! I was on his ass back in Sept., when I was getting his pix via email. He didn`t connect my handle here w/the emails, so when I started ragging about his MM techniques and his poor rec`d he complained. I was asked to stay out of his threads. His claims re. paid for pix were total garbage during the time I was getting them. One of his favorite tactics is after a losing wk going down by 45 units or so, is to advise you the player to bet 50 units on a can`t miss "HITT" play. This is a clasic style of "chasing" and a sure road to disaster. Of course in this case a Mon. nite gm involving the Eagles lost also. But you NEVER heard a word about that on this site. I love this forum and have been here a long time. I respect the straight shooters like, Coach, Kojack, WC, Conan, Pags etc. Win or lose they`re up front, not like this *****. I don`t post pics officially as I don`t want anyone losing $$ on my crappy wks. I indicate what I`m betting w/no recomendation one way or the other except when my main man "Coach" gives out a RB game. Just hate to see a phony blowhard get over on the good guys here. If you follow him and win all the power to you. He`s been asked time after time for his rationale behind a pic and he can`t give one. This guy`s not a capper just a conner. Luck to you my friend.

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