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Jul 1, 2005
Its been reported that Royal is stiffing a guy for 12 dimes. Notice to all small players who play at Royal; this is what happens if you dare try to win real money. We know small time, they always pay me. Duh!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
David1 said:
Its been reported that Royal is stiffing a guy for 12 dimes. Notice to all small players who play at Royal; this is what happens if you dare try to win real money. We know small time, they always pay me. Duh!!!

Pretty idiotic to build that kind of balance at a book like that. I have always kept it low and requested small payouts and never had a problem.

Jul 1, 2005
Youre a poster man. Of course they pay small winners and posters.
Sep 21, 2004
David1, you were a poster also. I remember when you first started, you had everyone backing you up to get Royal. I asked you up front, after listening to the tapes did you make the bets or not? You said maybe. Right then and there I knew you were done. I warned The SHRINK and The General, also JC to get a verification of your story, thus the lie detector test. You only got your name right. I think another poster described you as a lying sack of shit. Did the lie detector lie, or just you? You failed as a bettor, in all aspects, then failed to scam your funds back, then failed to lie about it, now you are failing to warn people about Royal. You are the Lee Harvey Oswald of our business. You have collectively hurt all of the legit players and posters, instantly causing doubt on anyone's story, as in remember that David1 liar. I guess every village needs an idiot. You parade the forums like no other. You are my champion village idiot. So at least you have not failed at everything.

Best Wishes...OF :finger23:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Yes David1 lied. Lets look at the more important issue: BetRoyal LIED. For 6 weeks BetRoyal told David1 his WD request had been processed and the money sent. All lies. Royal even confirmed that as fact.

The person that is being robbed for $12,000 from Royal Sports mentioned he read on the forums that Royal was no good but sent them money anyway. The fool!!! Do not make the same mistake as this poster.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Personally I will wait until all the facts are in before making judgement in this case. Anyone can make an allegation but I find it hard to believe that Royal would simply empty the players account for nothing. $12,000 is not chump change but it is not worth totally ruining your business for. There has to be more to this than what I have heard (which is not much)..

Time will tell, wil..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
royalfan said:
Pretty idiotic to build that kind of balance at a book like that. I have always kept it low and requested small payouts and never had a problem.

but why play with a book where you have to keep a balance low in order to feel confident getting a payout. these posts are getting redundant, but people who know about royal's past and continue to play with them, it gets hard to feel any sympathy when they come back here posting they are getting screwed. just play with a real sportsbook; and stop falling for the promises of big bonuses from royal, betus, etc.
Sep 21, 2004
David, you have some serious issues. Between admitting to take a lie detector test that I'd have to assume that you'd know that you'd fail, being neurotic enough to actually sit there and jamming Royals phone lines during crunch time, and making up this shit about Frog being paid here--you really need to have your head examined.

Frog rags on at least half of the advertisers here, and God forbid a mod does something that's borderline-because he's all over it....and your loony ass thinks that WE"RE PAYING HIM???????


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
David1 said:
Its been reported that Royal is stiffing a guy for 12 dimes. Notice to all small players who play at Royal; this is what happens if you dare try to win real money. We know small time, they always pay me. Duh!!!
Why don't you just have this guy just come in and Post what has happened. I'd rather here some real facts instead of hearing these kinds of rumors from you. Your credibility is shot here.

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
RED EYE said:
Why don't you just have this guy just come in and Post what has happened. I'd rather here some real facts instead of hearing these kinds of rumors from you. Your credibility is shot here.

Or have the guy contact Wil or Tinco to verify this story agree Royal is not the best book but I think you should go read the story about the boy that cried Wolf to many times.


Aug 21, 2003
anyone playing big at Royal these days is an absolute moron!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The person posted at SportsbookReview. I read the post and it is being investigated. Don't shoot the messenger.

Don't quite get the boy who cried wolf analogy. Apparently the wolves are not crying loud enough as the fool sent the money to a convicted swindler anyway.

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
Chuck Sims said:
The person posted at SportsbookReview. I read the post and it is being investigated. Don't shoot the messenger.

Don't quite get the boy who cried wolf analogy. Apparently the wolves are not crying loud enough as the fool sent the money to a convicted swindler anyway.

Talking about David he bashes royal so often that its hard to take him serious every time.

So if someone does get stiffed by royal someday and he comes posting here with the story who will take him serious.

New member
Nov 21, 2000
Duke 1 said:
but why play with a book where you have to keep a balance low in order to feel confident getting a payout. these posts are getting redundant, but people who know about royal's past and continue to play with them, it gets hard to feel any sympathy when they come back here posting they are getting screwed. just play with a real sportsbook; and stop falling for the promises of big bonuses from royal, betus, etc.

I agree completely.

Sep 20, 2004
David 1, you don't understand that you will never be taken serious because the way you act...even when you have something valuable to say these idiotic posts will always be thought of first...Frog is not paid by The Rx, just because you have a beef with him, don't twist it around.
Sep 21, 2004
Why do I always get paid by everyone, and never see one cent of it? To think or even suggest that I get compensated by the RX to torture them, the advertisers and anyone else who I am in the mood to destroy, is borderline insanity. But village idiots parading around the forums are lunatics anyway. David1, it is amazing to me that you insist on making yourself look even more idiotic with every post. There is no limit to your idiocy. I still have not got my shirts yet, are they pay? Did it ever dawn on you David1 that are a few of us that don't get sucked into Royal, that don't get desperate and cancel withdrawals when held on the property. That have an ounce of integrity, and may just post to torture boafide losers, and convicted liars like you for free? Just to be able to break your balls is adequate compensation for me. No charge David1. Luvya babe.

Best Wishes...OF :103631605

New member
Jan 31, 2006
David1, Not everyone thinks that you are a liar, only those that come in contact with you. I couldn't do anymore to tell the Shrink and Wil. I was once offered a mod position here but turned it down. In retrospect if I were at the time on the board you would have been exposed as much as a stripper in the red district. Props are looking good on the Super Bowl. You have to jump in early and I caught the books off guard. All props are scalpable but I may just take the wins.

Cigar, Red wine, (1 glass), jacuzzi and the rubdown.

Best Wishes...OF:howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
Sorry fraud, a humorless copy of me does nothing. No one laughed, no one even commented, so disinterest is a no vote. Maybe David1 needs an assistant to parading around as the village idiot. Make sure you get it in writing as I would be hesistant to accept a verbal agreement from him.

Sorry Charlie(Chuck), These guys are dead on here. It is a true case of the fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf. I think the only differences is he was not portrayed as the village idiot and the boy never failed a lie detector test. Just another failure from David1 to notify people to be burned at Royal. In fact, I think David1 actually helped Royal's cause. Remember that nice long letter Royal wrote thanking The SHRINK for exposing David1. Talk about a gag reflex, I thought I was going to blow chunks right there. All David1 had to do was tell the truth. Royal was on the same idiot level, they provided the tapes proving they kept him on the property. But David1 went for the scam, lied to us all, and it all blew up. He actually should be paid by Royal for making a shitbook look good. And you wonder why no one listens to this messenger. Have you ever seen anyone with less than zero credibility?

Best Wishes...OF :103631605

Jul 1, 2005
Chuck, Frog doesnt care about the real issues. Frog is obsessed with being a prick to people he doesnt know. What a genious. Frog just loves to leave out details and facts. Royalfan, why play with a book that you say "you'd be crazy to leave 12 grand in a place like that"? Do you hear what you are saying? Frog, no, I wasnt a forum guy. I came to the forums after I was screwed by Royal. Is this relevant liar. Why are you lying? Why dont you fill us all in on that BCN scam you failed on? It amazes me that a guy who got caught initiating a scam (and then disappeared for a couple of months thinking we'd forget) could be so judgemental. For those of us who like logic, we see a difference between a guy like Frog who initiated a scam and a guy like myself who tried getting back at a book after being scammed. Frog, they may not pay you to post here ,but they sure kiss your ass so you'll stay here. Personally I think youre the biggest waste of talent Ive ever seen. I keep asking myself, what kind of idiot do you have to be to sit on a forum all day being a prick to total strangers? You take the prize on that one dopey. Any bashes coming up?

New member
Nov 21, 2000
what do I have to do to make sure this thread gets thrown into the rubber room?





Moderators, can we make sure that David isn't allowed to post baseless accusations about Royal????

david, please go away. Go take a bath or lick a lollipop - just don't post bullshit stories about Royal, you liar!!!!!!!!!!

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