In straight plays the "magic number" for an "early vacation" for this column is 4.5 units. To avert "vacation", assuming no ties, 2 of the next 3 games must be won.
In total-plays, -2.85 units over 3 weeks is not effective. So I*ll "pull the plug" on total-playsif any of the remaining 3 plays lose.
Fri: BC +5 @ TOR; CGY +6 vs Ssk
Sat: HAM +11.5 vs Wpg
Moneyline: Per the methods I use take BC +5 [sstimated -5] and CGY +6 [P].
Fri: (half) OVER 51.5 BC/TOR {estimated 56.5]
Fri: (half) OVER 50 Ssk/CGY [51]
Sat: (half) OVER 52 Wpg/HAM [54]
In total-plays, -2.85 units over 3 weeks is not effective. So I*ll "pull the plug" on total-playsif any of the remaining 3 plays lose.
Fri: BC +5 @ TOR; CGY +6 vs Ssk
Sat: HAM +11.5 vs Wpg
Moneyline: Per the methods I use take BC +5 [sstimated -5] and CGY +6 [P].
Fri: (half) OVER 51.5 BC/TOR {estimated 56.5]
Fri: (half) OVER 50 Ssk/CGY [51]
Sat: (half) OVER 52 Wpg/HAM [54]