Casinoman is a tout.....


New member
Jan 18, 2005
He has posted in the site promotion area with his email for information....

That did not take long now did it....

He has had a nice run but I am not convinced just because he has had a good week....To make me a believer he needs a recorded record over time....

Casinoman what was your record for this year in college hoop???
Last year, two years ago, three years ago....

Do you even know what it was the last few years???

Please post your record...

Feb 28, 2005
Hawk, I understand where you are coming from....but when someone is HOT they are HOT!! If he posts anymore free picks I'll be along for the ride!

New member
Mar 7, 2005
believe what you want as everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Check my posts on touts scumbag scamdicappers there all losers who can't pick there way out of a paper bag and thats fact. I deliver winners and not b.s. and you want to know what I am about you know where to find the info. Talk is cheap and I back it all up with results that speak for themselves. Sorry you did not listen and play my games your choice play or fade I don't care trying to help people not hurt them. Good Luck.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
I just want to know what your deal is...Do you/are you selling your picks???

I sent you an email to get more info on your service....

I never said you were a scumbag scamdicapper....

You are having a nice run but what have you done this year and in years past???
Feb 20, 2002

why not just answer the questions?


If someone is good & been hot don't follow them, cause they are due
for a slide. Follow them after a cold run. But with casinoman we don't
even know if he is any good, since his few picks may just be a string
of luck by someone flipping a coin to decide which side to play. Or
someone working for a bookie, showing you winners before you jump
aboard and go down with the ship. Especially be cautious of brand
new posters like casinoman.

Feb 28, 2005
X-files, thanks for the advice. That makes a lot of sense! BTW, I was almost unable to read your whole post because I was distracted by something to the left of the screen!!!

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Lewis went 8-0 yesterday and didn't pollute 10 threads patting himself on the back and telling everyone to avoid the bs, yadda, yadda, yadda.

You know what, I bet Lewis gives out more picks today, and next week too. Can't say the same for this guy.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
i left that thought in a post last night. i said i really hope this isnt the anti-mighty riggs/frank right setting us up for a string of bad losses today. anyone good enough to go 8-0 has enough power to doom a helpless player. were all experienced handicappers who know what ever casinoman may post is likely the right side.or the wrong side.its for us to decide. but another 4-0 day would sure be sweet heading into the tournament. if he keeps doing it throughout the tournament then he will get the customers hes apperently seeking.its clear 8-0 was no fluke.4-0 maybe but he seems damn knowledgeable. share the valued knowedge its why were all here. lets kick azzz today guys!:103631605 ~RG

Mar 12, 2005
What"s wrong with you people

I just joined the site and love all the info you get here and am going to try my part to help. I just dont understand the peole who want tro BASH SOMRTHING GOOD. CASINOMAN comes on to help ,we have a great day with his pics and we want to run him off. I DONT GET IT !!!!!:sad3:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You say "You are having a nice run but what have you done this year and in years past???"

Who cares what he's done in the past. Why not just take advantage of what he's doing now? Why the constant agenda by everyone in here always trying to expose someone. So what if he does want to sell his picks. It's not a crime. This is America.

And why should he post his record? If he posts a favorable record everyone here will say he fabricated it and that he can't verify it. If he posts a record that isn't so favorable, you'll all say he is just on a one time hot streak. He can't win.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Re: casinoman, etc.

I have a couple different views on this one.

I know that many of the long-time RX posters are 100% against anything having to do with a tout. Understandable. They do their homework capping games, have good days and bad, like everyone else, and share their information with everyone. Thus, the thought of people selling their capping information and picks for profit, often at a similar (or worse) success rate, is very irritating.

At the same time, this is America. If you have a product you want to sell, and you can convince people to buy that product, that makes you a very good businessman/woman. In the case of a tout, their product is winning picks. If you don't like the product they are selling, simply don't buy.

I saw 2 examples of top-notch capping yesterday.

Lewis, a long-time RX poster, rocked out for an 8-0 day yesterday. My hat's off to you.

Casinoman also went 8-0. Kudos to you as well.

Lewis is, and always will be, a key contributor to the forum, and will continue to post plays for free, take them or leave them. And we're all grateful.

Casinoman isn't a sports gambler...he's a businessman. He's essentially showing off his talents and marketing his business. Last time I checked, not only is that allowed, but it's encouraged in this great country we live in.

Basically, if you don't like the idea of touts, then don't buy their product. But no real sense in tossing around insults when a guy just went 8-0.

Congrats again to Lewis and Casinoman on their bang-up days yesterday. And best of luck to everyone today.


Da Bears!!!!!!!
Feb 12, 2005
all casinoman did was bet against the public money(except Utep). anybody that wants to check those #'s can. he said all day that was what he was doing. that strategy was hot throughout the conf. tourneys.

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
I just joined the site and love all the info you get here and am going to try my part to help. I just dont understand the peole who want tro BASH SOMRTHING GOOD. CASINOMAN comes on to help ,we have a great day with his pics and we want to run him off. I DONT GET IT !!!!!:sad3:

not trying to run him off gt we just keep this place humble.8-0 is a great day from whoever it comes from you just dont need to hear about it in every post across the whole room.that sets off alarms and bells as u see now.over time u gain respect not all today hope we have more 8-0's.

New member
Dec 20, 2003
Who gives a f*ck who he is if he post's winners.

I agree with what chaneykn said. Touts get a bad rep, but there are some out there who are worth paying $$$ for their picks. If someone has something of value, why not sell it. It's the American way.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
At the same time, this is America. If you have a product you want to sell, and you can convince people to buy that product, that makes you a very good businessman/woman. In the case of a tout, their product is winning picks. If you don't like the product they are selling, simply don't buy.

hello , this is not america this is CYBER-WORLD, also this site is not even owned in the united states its owned in another country,

Who gives a f*ck who he is if he post's winners.

I agree with what chaneykn said. Touts get a bad rep, but there are some out there who are worth paying $$$ for their picks. If someone has something of value, why not sell it. It's the American way.


inspade man you go out of your way to believe in these guys, and somtimes your right they are decent cappers but most of the time they have a hidden agenda or they are just plain a (legend in their own minds).. i saw how interested you were in riggs on the other site at majorwager i was suprised you seemed open to his new ideas and thoughts on the way he was handicapping, and then he finally told you to go take a hike, lol an NOW LOOK AT HIM, THE GUY IS A MORON agree, ???

is , i see you do alot of work keeeping detail records of steammaker which is a huge plus for this forum and to me he is one of the good guys


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
roxygurl said:
its clear 8-0 was no fluke.4-0 maybe but he seems damn knowledgeable.

I went 4-0 in College today


7-1 in NBA

All plays were posted this afternoon. But I forgot to start a new thread each time I had a winner telling everyone how I am hotter than casinoboy or crying that no one is following me or "I told you so" like magnumboy

the way these guys come in here crying for attention (see Riggs etc.) , you would think they were women at a singles bar - LOOK AT ME! NO, LOOK AT ME!!

RG - no offense intended on the woman comment, I couldn't think of a good example

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