It is mind boggling that the residents of Chicago don’t stop voting for Democrats and try and institute change. It is also very telling that no Democrat will criticize the mayor despite him being a spectacular failure. No worries, they’ll cheer on BLM while another 500 black men get gunned down.
Accountability is just a word liberals shout at Republicans. A good example of this was the great freak out yesterday that “the entire senior management team at the State Department resigned!!!” (it wasn’t the entire team, that was another lie). Note that those people who resigned helping bring us what is going on in Aleppo, the disaster in Libya, and Benghazi. Pointing that out to Democrats means nothing because, well, because Trump!
No matter the disaster or how many people die, the party line must be maintained.
They were asked to resign bcuz that is the
Procedure, absent any Scandal/Criminal Matter it is the tradition to afford the chance for a staffer to Resign rather than be Fired.
The Propaganda Outlets tho CNN and even much worse MSNBC outright frame their reporting of this as a "WalkOut" as in: Protest to Trump.
All The While fully KNOWING that this was not that and that they are willfully misrepresenting Truth so: Lying.
Which is why Steve Bannon said that they need (now) to just STFU (
and Bannon specifically requested that he be quoted on that)
Which CNN & MSNBC then Spin as:
"OMG How can he use His Office & The White House to try and Bully The "Objectively Reporting" Media into SILENCE?!!?? OMG!!!"
Their Liberal Anti-Trump spin they do is the problem and I hope that the Trump Administration will continue to call them out on this.
Podesta & DNC EMails blatantly revealed their Agendas and they refuse to stop that.
Lotta People tired of
CNN & MSNBC declaring that they are not guilty of Biased Agenda Based reporting when its transparently OBVIOUS that they are guilty of exactly that and to a degree and extent that we in USA have never seen
ever, while at the same time LYING right to America's Face by insisting this is not what they are doing.
We are tired of this shit. CNN, MSNBC are committing suicide right before our eyes. Already their "Relevance" has diminished so MUCH, just within the last 6 months. We are witnessing a Revolution, a Sea Change in Journalism.....some Davids are gonna show up to completely FELL these Slow Lumbering Stupid and totally Out-Of-Touch with The People Goliaths.