They have. A whole shitload of new regulations come into effect in January. Ability to repay was the primary focus. Dti is now calculated different. They say 43% but you can really go up to 50% depending on other factors. A lot of lenders were qualifying borrowers strictly off of assets. Unless they are of retirement age that doesn't really fly anymore.
you seem to be knowledgeable on the subject
What do you recommend I do regarding the gambling deposits?
And what does what you posted have anything to do with deposits? I'm not saying this isn't a new change but what is the rationale if true?
I have commented on this ag nauseam already. They are looking to verify it is not another loan. If it is a loan it has to be factored into the borrowers ability to repay.
My bad not trying to be rude. 2 years w2's, 30 paystubs, credit report, and 2 months bank statements is the bear minimum.
This guy so-called went to a top 10 business school and he has to ask advice on a gambling forum on how to buy a house.
A gambling forum is the perfect place to ask a question like this.
99 percent of the general population would have no idea what you're talking about. Just the opposite on a gambling forum