On some topics I have, but on this issue your moral compass is in tatters.
Some things are cut and dried. Arabs attack Israel because it's a Jewish State. Most of the world is silent. The Jews fight back. The world cries out. Gee, I wonder why?
Out of morality I support Israel. It has nothing to do with my religion.
I don't need to get my hands dirty.
Now go grab some antibacterial soap and scrub.
You are either liar and support Israel because of religious beliefs or just ignorant and think Israel is always being attacked because they are Jewish. That is a red heron if i have ever seen one. No doubt the Muslims over there for the most part are beasts. Because they dont or will not evolve, so i could give two shits to be honest about them. People not willing to improve their lives and those around them are animals in my book. But, dont be confused. The Jewish have some hand scrubbing to do just as i do and just as my american leaders do. Clandestine operations dont excuse you from mortality because they are done under the cover of night. In fact because they are done secretly paints a more distorted one then those animlas do over their running around with towels on their heads.