Burman Screws Up 2008 Grey Cup Winner


New member
May 30, 2008
I've seen this from U.S. sports broadcasters before, you know, the part where they haven't got the slightest fucking clue what they're talking about when it comes to Canadian sports. With that being said, why these idiots even bother trying when they're making themselves look so bloody stupid on national television is totally beyond me.
The latest laugh came this past Sunday on ESPN's 'Sunday Night Countdown' when, above all sportscasters, Curtis Burman, moved from the NFL's daily action to describe the day's playoff action in the CFL.
Don't ask me why ESPN decided to include or mix in the CFL scoreboard on the same card as the NFL but that's a discussion for another day.
In any event, Burman went on to inform viewers of the matchups in next Sunday's CFL Finals and closed out by saying Saskatchewan was last year's Grey Cup winner.
Listen, as I said at the outset of this thread, if you damm u.s. sportscasters, yeah you too Curtis, can't get your facts ironed out when it comes to Canadian sports, then kindly do us all a favor and stay the fuck in your own backyard.

(Firgured I'd make an error on purpose and call him Curtis Burman as opposed to Chrissy. Hell why not?)
EH! !~~~!

New member
Apr 23, 2007
Do your homework Ivan.

He enjoys the CFL and follows it, I can tell you that.

He made one small mistake, no big deal. I'm just glad he brought it up, as he always does come playoff time.

At least spell his name right if you're going to call him out for making a mistake.

New member
May 30, 2008
Do your homework Ivan.

He enjoys the CFL and follows it, I can tell you that.

Give me a break for fuck sakes Bucky.
How the hell would you know that Chris Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrman follows and enjoys the CFL? :ohno:

New member
Apr 23, 2007
I usually try and stay out of your threads for just this reason. You hardly ever bring anything positive or insightful to this forum.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've never seen Chris on MNF or Primetime (before NBC got SNF rights).

He's been to a bunch of CFL games.

He's followed the game for many years, although it's hard to be a die hard when your job entails covering the NFL, and you live in the US.


I mean, you think anyone else on ESPN would put the CFL in their broadcast year after year?

Dice, Sports & Cocktails
Mar 19, 2008
Once again Ivan you have shown what a classless little twit you are.

Berman has been a long time supporter of the CFL - just last year he Emceed the BC lions Orange Helmut dinner.

Now why do you think a guy who has every thing he wants or needs would come to a Canadian City to support a our little league.

Because he cares...

As for his mix up have a read over this article


Now I understand it is important to you to draw alot of attention to yourself by being a negative whining and complaining little puke. But here's some advise that I am sure you will disregard and come back with some smart ass comment to.

Try looking on the positive side - just flip this thread around - "hey guys did you see Chris Berman put the CFL playoffs in his highlight package."

I bet you would have gotten way more responses and probably a pretty good thread going on how the CFL is now the primary feeder league for professionals into the NFL.

Even more so should we be concerned that the CFL is considering lowering the Canadian content roster.

Or you could just keep on posting the garbage & stirring the pot and fade away into the dark as the sad little man that you are.

Nov 2, 2008
Powerz, I enjoyed your post all the way up the part where you called ivan a man. Then ya lost me. Now the classless little twit part....that is spot on. Good job!!!

New member
May 30, 2008
Neither of you two are a men or a twit for that matter. From the way you're talking, sounds to me like you connected at the fuckin' waist. Two people like you shouldn't be allowed to shed your bullshit anywhere, let alone on this site. You haven't got a clue what you're trying to say, let alone explain. Two morons with the brain the size of a fucking pea.
Oh and one final thought, you might want to know that Burrrrrrrrrrrrrman apologized on national television for his Canadian Football League error, just as I thought he should and would sooner or later. Now the fact remains as to whether or not it was his own doing and that's another matter but the fact remains, for an idiot like you to claim the guy cares about the CFL is as big a fucking joke as I've heard in years. Tell me, what did he have for breakfast this morning or did you sleep in and forget to make it for him?

:laugh: @):) :laugh:

Jan 20, 2002
ESPN always mentions the CFL when the playoffs come around.

New member
May 30, 2008
Yes you're correct with that comment Keny, it's just that with the little bit of Canadian sports they comment on down south, it's a load of b.s. that they can't name the correct winner of our CFL champion from less than a year ago for crying out loud. It's all fine now though (of course) as Berman apologized and made the corretion after the error.
Could you imagine the laughter in the U.S. if one of our well known Canadian sports broadcasters claimed the Arizona Cardinals won last year's Super Bowl? Hell Letterman would be aftert the guy to make an appearance on his show.

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