I can see it going over 65, sure... but, if Anger Management couldn't even break 50 how is Jim Carrey, who hasn't had a hit comedy in years, going to do it. Even his last blockbuster hit Liar Liar only did 31 it's opening weekend, although that's not an adjusted number from March 1997. I haven't researched this one but my first guess would be 63 million, with the modern day inflated movie ticket prices. I'm not seeing a lot of comedies breaking the 50 million mark. Shrek did 42 in may of '01, Scooby-Doo did 54 june '02, Big Daddy did 41 june '99, but then there's Goldmember in July of '02 with 73. I'm thinking Carrey just doesn't have the star power anymore or the blockbuster potential of an Austin Powers movie with Bruce Almighty.