I'd like to think you're right but a very real possibility exists that many males within our nation today may not physically possess whats necessary for them to become Men as you use that term: by comparison to our Fathers, Grandfathers whichever of those for each of us would have been in the 1950's.
"Participation Trophys" are often mentioned, our society did put those into this generation's hands (and Minds, that "Philosophy").
What about what we put into their bodies though? Chemicals introduced via Plastics and the lining of cans, Flouride in the Water, The Estrogen that exists in SOY which is in a hella lotta foods then once DOW/MONSANTO/et al; managed to create these Sick Unwell Generations the massive amount of Pharmaceuticals Adderall Ritalin Prozac etc. that we bought to make them "Better" and make Big Pharma so hugely successful?
I just find it to be odd that we seem to be seeing an increase in dramatically emasculated Males, effeminate "Boys" and outright Gender-Confused people. Then on top of that all these Millions who are perfectly fine with giving their country away, ushering in willfully and even actually demanding the transformation of parts of this country into a 3rd World Shithole like the countries many of those they want to give USA away to came from.
Your post above does suggest that People were not always as messed up mentally and Gender Identification-wise, American Males in particular. As they are today.
1950's were only 60-ish years ago. Is that enough time for our country (PEOPLE) to have slid as as far as it appears that we have?
Or do you believe that Changes within Males are just an Illusion caused by a Media, TV, Movies that showcases effeminate males so much?
I mean: does it appear that Males today just seem to be more screwed up in much larger numbers percentage-per-capita bcuz of how much more we are able to SEE this? Via News, TV, Movies etc.
Has there not really been as much change? As it looks and feels like, from those 1950's? In "Men"?
Or has there indeed been dramatic change and if thats your answer do you believe this could be due to Chemicals children get exposed to, while growing up?
and if you believe that is possible, as an explanation to why we see so many more emasculated males, do you think they are Fixable?
In your opinion....can they be Repaired?
Are hey CAPABLE of becoming MEN? Like you referenced, from the 1950's?
What a fantastic post. I really have to tip my cap here.
Ill be brief because im pressed for time tonight but i want to come back to this as i think this discussion is paramount.
I think in todays world of 3rd wave feminism its perfectly ok, acceptable and even encourageable to self-identify as a male chauvinist. I don't think necessarily to be superior but to be proud and assume our roles given to us by our nature/creator whatever taste of the rainbow you prefer in that regard. I also think this is necessary to push back against the attacks against us with none being more targeted and despised than the white male. I want pro-western like-minded men to grow. I want blacks, asians, latinos you name it to all unite as men under a conservative/libertarian mindset, to marry, procreate and take care of their family. Thus spurring the next golden age of innovation and success, unlike anything we have seen since the 80's.
To answer your question i think they are capable. You just need to teach them confidence. I think you make a very solid point and an underrated one in regards to food and nutrition. We are what we eat. The food supply and all the nonsense are bound to have an effect. But i think those are mild enough where mind of matter will prevail. We just need to frame the argument. Socialism and globalism (same IMO) require the state > family. This fight for men to reaffirm their status as Men will require a total commitemnt to one self and to his pride. But there is alot working against that. You named food but also education, the new PC doctrines of the left and employment remain battle ground as well. To quote na oldie but a goodie: "There will be no shelter here.... the front lines are everywhere. "