What is this now, 15 or 16 fake scandals where the GOP came up empty against the Clintons? And all they've got to show for it is a jizz stained dress. Which one of you losers are going to reimburse the millions wasted on this pathetic witch hunt? Or would you like to talk about Trump soliciting email donations from foreign governments? I predict when Trump gets crushed in November the GOP will once again blame everyone but themselves. I still maintain the current version of the Republican party will not win another presidential election. Until they become a more inclusive party that concentrates on solving important political issues instead of spending millions putting all their eggs all in one basket trying to dig up dirt on one opposing candidate, it's going to be deja vu all over again in 2020...
I mean, the Clinton foundation has taken money from foreign donors too including Saudi Arabia. So, what's your point?
And this email scandal is far from fake and surely you can understand that. All government employees know what she did was wrong and most would've been charged or administratively punished if we'd have done the same thing.