Here is the question though? Why did the pats fire the two ball guys? It is pretty obvious what happened.....Brady said I like the balls at such and such psi and you guys need to have them there. As always, the coverup is what gets them...and the previous patriot cheating scandals hurts them as well.
That Brady press conference was a killer for him. Obviously lying.
To me, even though the texts were in a joking tone, I'd fire them also. Talking about taking shoes against the bosses wishes, saying things like "Fuck Tom", talking about giving him overinflated footballs, etc. All jokes no doubt, but definitely enough there to let them go.
And I still haven't seen any lie that Brady told. People say it was him saying he didn't know McNally, but people are coming out saying that the team calls McNally "Bird" and that's how most of the players know him. The texts definitely never said Brady talked to or said the name McNally.
Not saying there isn't a chance of a grand conspiracy, just saying the evidence is incredibly weak to prove Brady did anything.