Maybe not in order, but talent wise these 6 suck!
1) Oakland
3)New Orleans
5a)San Diego
Detroit got there 1 victory this year against Arizona.If they didn't beat Arizona they would be 0-16
Oakland should be 0-7, not 2-5.San Diego had the Raiders beat, only to blow the game just like the Bengals did.
Arizona should just fold or go to the CFL.What moron living in Arizona would buy season tickets for Melvin and the Chipmunks?
San Diego---one thing--Marty!
New Orleans, the joke of the NFL.No talent, just stupid hype.Terrible coach and no qb.
When are the paper bags coming out?
Chicago Panda Bears.Go out and sign the he-she Kordell Stewart for all the money that he doesn't deserve.Kordell might have gotten 4 1st downs since week 1.And this is a NFL game.
1) Oakland
3)New Orleans
5a)San Diego
Detroit got there 1 victory this year against Arizona.If they didn't beat Arizona they would be 0-16
Oakland should be 0-7, not 2-5.San Diego had the Raiders beat, only to blow the game just like the Bengals did.
Arizona should just fold or go to the CFL.What moron living in Arizona would buy season tickets for Melvin and the Chipmunks?
San Diego---one thing--Marty!
New Orleans, the joke of the NFL.No talent, just stupid hype.Terrible coach and no qb.
When are the paper bags coming out?
Chicago Panda Bears.Go out and sign the he-she Kordell Stewart for all the money that he doesn't deserve.Kordell might have gotten 4 1st downs since week 1.And this is a NFL game.