You guys all ask how to use BRs needs and to make money? Heres how. Retain in your head he will always be somewhere around .500 for the most part. Yes, "goy" Super Monsters" etc he might win more. But playing EVERY need you will lose.
What I do and why I appreciate his needs is I dont follow all his needs. I hover around his threads, see what he needs and sniff. I NEVER tail blindly unless its GOY or SUPER Monster which he will end up .500 on those or slightly above so its actin bets for me. BUT, Ill see how he does weekly. When hes down, for excample this week. Ill put more notice into next weeks needs. Bc he will likely end .500 on regular needs or around there, its best to tail when hes down. OR, if he kills it one week, Ill stay away from his thread next week and then look at weeks end.
Thats my take. Take it as you like. Its worked out for me. BOL to everyone else.