BOOKIE REPORTS Supporting the Truth


Jan 8, 2012
When it comes to controversy in the BR threads there are two separate issues:
1. Are BR's needs good or bad?
2. Is BR a bookie of the size he proclaims?

Don't confuse issues. If his needs do well that doesn't mean he's truthful about being a bookie and at the same time if his needs do bad that doesn't mean he isn't.
BR could be the most unselfish man on this planet. He could be 100% legit and on and on. Anyone who follows the BR threads knows there are many things that suggest he isn't what he says he is so whether your a supporter or a doubter you have to admit there are clouds.
Since I have no proof that he's a fake it's not fair to say he's lying about anything however because there is no solid proof to the contrary it's also irresponsible for posters to express their opinions supporting him as a bookie when their words are nothing more than just that "an opinion".
Followers assume and hope BR is 100% real but in spite of what you believe the needs could come from anywhere. BR himself or a follower saying everything is legit proves nothing. The insults and name calling followers reign on anyone that raises a non supportive question doesn't provide anything but intimidation. No matter how honorable or unselfish they claim BR to be the fact remains you deal in opinion because there is no proof. Even our president had to deal with questions of legitimacy. When he claimed he is US citizen why would he lie? Is he any less honorable than someone claiming to be a bookie? Yet until he provided proof in the form of his birth certificate there was the question of illegitimacy. Until something as definitive proves BR to be a mega bookie he's on a level with Santa Claus.
Bernie Madoff had 1000's of die hard supporters. Before he was unveiled as a fraud people that questioned anything about him had to deal with the same kind of treatment doubters get in BR's threads from those followers.
This isn't a thread to accuse BR of being a fake and I'm not asking BR to produce any proof of what he claims. I know it looks and reads like it is but it's actually a thread to say before you proclaim something you believe, stop and think why am I adding to an illusion. People who speak as if they know BR need to realize they can't just say he's legit and the reason is I just know.
How many of BR's supporters would be willing to put up something of value in support of BR being 100% real? Say if he turned out to be a fraud you lose your car?
Keep in mind none what I'm saying has anything to do with his results.
The thing to remember is Success doesn't equate to being honest ask Madoffs clients.

Jul 27, 2010
Jonny, do you have a life? leave the guy alone and mind your own business ... no one, and I mean no one cares what you think... give this topic a rest please.... maybe spend more time capping games and less time worrying about BR

sheesh!! sorry but I am so tired of reading these useless threads...........

Jan 8, 2012
Now the flogging begins ... what would lead you to believe I have no life?

Because I stated a fact you don't like about Bernie ur I mean BR

come strong or dont come at all
Nov 21, 2006
Jonny, do you have a life? leave the guy alone and mind your own business ... no one, and I mean no one cares what you think... give this topic a rest please.... maybe spend more time capping games and less time worrying about BR

sheesh!! sorry but I am so tired of reading these useless threads...........

so TRUE!!!!

Mar 12, 2005
U f$7ckin guys are are like chidren. Unfu%king believable. I have been on this site for almost 10 years and it is the same shit. ANYBODY that tries to help, whether good or bad , u idiots find a way to destroy it . I have seen alot of good cappers drivin away and u continue the pattern . Start your own fuckin thread and leave everyone else ALONE.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
I agree that BR is a fraud, but he helps whoever he helps, then this guy writes diatribes feeding the soap opera


New member
Sep 12, 2007
I normally don't post but damn, this whole BR's fake/real kept go on and on and on. Are you guys fcuking serious? I thought "kids" are not allowed to gamble. Whether BR fake or real ain't matter. He simply post his needs, believe it or not is up to you. After all, everyone is responsible for their own actions, especially putting down money in sport betting. Jeeez, stop crying like babies and grow up.

Oct 20, 2012
For me BR forum is like a black jack table that I can enter midshoe if its hot. Or a cold table I can avoid whether he's a bookie or has insight on BW is irrelevant.

If he could lose a million on a swing in the N ILL vs Ball St game he would be of huge size. That said if he is that big these 2-20 days would be millions in losses that seem unsustainable for even the biggest of books. I find it odd that one can post halftime needs so fast even w Pinnys software. Also that someone running a book with that type of action has the time to be on this site posting. That doesn't mean I can't and haven't made money when he gets hot.

I've asked some very big locals their thoughts and it was pretty straight forward. They are busy running restaurants, gas stations, stores etc to lander money and don't have time to post. Additionaly being a book is a full time job collecting, paying out, kicking up, chasing down, setting limits, raising limits, meeting new clients laying off action etc.. They don't follow what their online players bet on except where they program when action hits certain levels they can get automated warning to layoff action. Lastly all have said they don't ever talk on phone, by text email etc.. Why because they don't want a digital footprint if they get pinched. Two of my guys that are quite
careful to point its annoying got busted this year and their computers where seized.

There are multiple bookies posting needs on sites I visit.
Anyone on any internet forum can have their ISP located. If someone is running a million dollar illegal enterprise do they jeapordize freedom and family to post on a forum. What is the benefit? That's my take on any bookie posting needs IDK if any are really books and don't care if they win.

Nov 20, 2004
Johnny Mags and Chronic Bud, excellent posts. Pretty much covered the whole spectrum.

I know of no bookie, who would expose themselves on the internet, especially when govt is hell bent on closing every offshore shop they can. With govt taping the whole net, person would be insane. Chronic Bud hit the nail there.

Good luck guys

p.s. johnny mags, what the hell do you mean santa claus isnt real? who the hell left my gifts under my tree for the last 51- years?

New member
Oct 27, 2013
I just don't understand why people care so much? If you think BR is a fraud or you don't like his posts, then just ignore them. Some people like them and like tailing what his posts so who cares? Just let it be..

These "investigations" and long ass posts with no spaces like the first one in this thread are pathetic. Just let it be.. if you don't follow BR or care what he posts then why bother posting in his threads or about him? It's really weird.

New member
Apr 25, 2006
I think the only thing that matters is that Bookie Report spends his personal time posting. If any forum member is taking their own time to post, then why would anyone be bothered by this ?

Does it help you sleep better at night knowing one way or another ? I say get a life of your own and stop the jealousy.

Is everyone that posts plays, thoughts, needs, opinions , leans , etc. required to be a professional gambler, bookie , or handicapper ? I say it makes no difference and I enjoy Bookie Reports contributions.

New member
Feb 8, 2010
For me BR forum is like a black jack table that I can enter midshoe if its hot. Or a cold table I can avoid whether he's a bookie or has insight on BW is irrelevant.

If he could lose a million on a swing in the N ILL vs Ball St game he would be of huge size. That said if he is that big these 2-20 days would be millions in losses that seem unsustainable for even the biggest of books. I find it odd that one can post halftime needs so fast even w Pinnys software. Also that someone running a book with that type of action has the time to be on this site posting. That doesn't mean I can't and haven't made money when he gets hot.

I've asked some very big locals their thoughts and it was pretty straight forward. They are busy running restaurants, gas stations, stores etc to lander money and don't have time to post. Additionaly being a book is a full time job collecting, paying out, kicking up, chasing down, setting limits, raising limits, meeting new clients laying off action etc.. They don't follow what their online players bet on except where they program when action hits certain levels they can get automated warning to layoff action. Lastly all have said they don't ever talk on phone, by text email etc.. Why because they don't want a digital footprint if they get pinched. Two of my guys that are quite
careful to point its annoying got busted this year and their computers where seized.

There are multiple bookies posting needs on sites I visit.
Anyone on any internet forum can have their ISP located. If someone is running a million dollar illegal enterprise do they jeapordize freedom and family to post on a forum. What is the benefit? That's my take on any bookie posting needs IDK if any are really books and don't care if they win.
Excellent post . A lot of points that I always wondered about were in it. I've never bashed the guy but always thought it was strange with certain things that you brought up.
Sep 29, 2013
lots and LOTS Of crybabies on this site. If you can't handle losing like a man don't bet. Quit being a sore loser crybaby either way and taking it out on bookies.

Aug 14, 2007
I just don't understand why people care so much? If you think BR is a fraud or you don't like his posts, then just ignore them. Some people like them and like tailing what his posts so who cares? Just let it be..

These "investigations" and long ass posts with no spaces like the first one in this thread are pathetic. Just let it be.. if you don't follow BR or care what he posts then why bother posting in his threads or about him? It's really weird.

Totally agree, I find theRx to be a useful forum for dialog on the various opinions regarding betable sporting events. The diatribes that go on here are often sophomoric and an incredible waste of space. There are some very sharp minds that populate this forum but, after many years of membership here I realize that is totally useless to suggest that any substantive changes be made. I will continue to take advantage of the respected handicappers here and glean as much knowledge as I can. I am glad that this forum exists ... especially for the people who make genuine contributions.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I got an idea, those that think he is fake don't look

those that think he real look!

Wow , pretty damn simple Especially for degenerates that use fake names and wager amounts anyway

Jan 8, 2012
U f$7ckin guys are are like chidren. Unfu%king believable. I have been on this site for almost 10 years and it is the same shit. ANYBODY that tries to help, whether good or bad , u idiots find a way to destroy it . I have seen alot of good cappers drivin away and u continue the pattern . Start your own fuckin thread and leave everyone else ALONE.

This is my thread!

To everyone that has decided I'm thrashing BR - Some how you aren't capable of reading.
I said "I'M NOT ACCUSING BR OF BEING A FRAUD" I just want to know how all the supporters know this is real.

Anyone who says it doesn't matter can't be serious.
If your putting down some mega bucks on a "SUPER DUPER MONSTER" you don't care if the guy's cat made the pic?

New member
Apr 18, 2010
This is my thread!

To everyone that has decided I'm thrashing BR - Some how you aren't capable of reading.
I said "I'M NOT ACCUSING BR OF BEING A FRAUD" I just want to know how all the supporters know this is real.

Anyone who says it doesn't matter can't be serious.
If your putting down some mega bucks on a "SUPER DUPER MONSTER" you don't care if the guy's cat made the pic?

You don't have to put 1 dollar on super duper that's your decision, guess your too dumb to figure that

Nov 22, 2006
I posted this in BR's Sunday thread, but it seems I should have posted it here instead, which I am doing now. z

Lets see if this helps clear up all the misunderstanding. BR is a Local. Locals operate two ways. Some still do it the old fashion way where their customers phone them with their bets and they meet their customers in parking lots etc. to collect or pay, sometimes every week, usually when their player hits a certain amount. The other way locals operate is to have their players place their bets online or by phone to offshores like Pinnacle, Bookmaker, etc. The offshore does all the paper work, keeping track of each players wins and losses. The Local still meets his customers to pay and collect. This part I'm not totally sure about, but the offshore keeps a percentage of the net winnings to compensate them for freeing the Local from having to take bets over the phone and record keeping. I also know of Locals who sell their customer list to an offshore, in exchange for the offshore doing all the work and they spilt winnings and losses 50/50. If selling his player list is something BR did, then he would have the time to post and update his needs here.

When I keep seeing posts here saying a local bookie wouldn't want his customers to know who he needs, that's not always true. In fact, what would be the problem if his customers knew who the Local needed. They still have to bet at the pointspread their local bookie gives them. And if it were a problem, it's unlikely any Local like BR who posts that info here, has many or even any customers who visit this forum. Even a big offshore like posts the percentage of money placed on each side and total.

Why do I think BR posts his "Needs" here. Who knows for sure but maybe he is just a nice guy trying to help us win. Maybe he just likes all the attention he is getting from the majority of the people here who appreciate his posting his "Needs" here. Does the "Why" really matter. There are players who like to Fade the Public and playing BR's "Needs" is one way of doing it. Whatever the reason, no one is hurt by his posts and many of us are helped. So, why the hate, if only from a few.

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