Black Sheep of the Offshore World


New member
Oct 20, 2002
A black sheep in the Watchdog world ? September 29th 2004 will be remembered in the history of gaming forums as the Day of Challenge. That night John Walker ( SBR founder and owner ) challenged Uncle B ( OGD's head moderator and H.I.P. supporter ) on a very serious issue.... John, who in those days had a serious problem in hiding the "woody" that Royal Sports usually gave him, started a thread at OGD, the title of which seemed to be an innocent and open question to Uncle B's opinion on the latest alleged misbehavior of the book. To everyone's great surprise, the thread contained much more than what the title initially lead to believe....John was openly accusing Uncle B of owning and/or running a sportsbook ! Uncle B vehemently replied to John's allegation with ....ahem...kind words ( thankfully for the world's sake and peace Uncle B has no intention to run for President nor to become Secretary General of the United Nations ). John's Texan Ego was seriously wounded. Instead of going back to his alleged bottle of booze he doubled up, upgrading the challenge to a bet. A dime for the truth! Uncle B couldn't resist the offer and promptly accepted the bet. The thread ( link to the thread ) rapidly turned into a compilation of insults and slanderous statements flying both ways....bottom line John failed to prove or substantiate the veracity of his initial allegation and, shortly thereafter Uncle B was proclamed the winner of the challenge ( and the dime ) from both biased and unbiased posters. Everything was smooth thus far but......John, instead of settling his gambling debt, mysteriously disappeared. Some said he went on a posting strike, others reported him as MIA in Curacao , where his mentor Alistair Assheton is keeping him hostage because of lack of productivity. "You spend too much time posting on the forums" TOW's sources reported having heard Assheton yelling to poor John. Other usually well informed sources replied with the alibi of him being busy on a trip to the far east .....few notorious slanderers added that he prefers chasing philipinas to paying his debts. Apart from a three week old sighting at Gambling911's forum, John has literally vanished from the face of the earth, leaving his supporters in deep concern for his faith while his creditor Uncle B is about to downgrade him to a stiff. Will John resurface before the end of October? Will he honor his bet with Uncle B or is the online world facing the tragedy of the mysterious disappearance of one of its controversial gurus ? Time will this time we invite our readers to cast their vote about this slow pay situation and share their opinion with our readers: Should John honor his bet ? Inquiring minds want to know.

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