BIZ Football 2018



Oct 29, 2011
Folks football season is right around the corner, and I am ready to have another profitable year.

I have completed analyzing my football database, and it is ready to go for the upcoming NFL/NCAAF football seasons. Last year we started the season scorching hot, hit a down turn for about 4-5 weeks in October and November, and ended the season very well. NFL went
123-82 (60%) for 29.3 units, NFL Playoffs went 11-3 (78.5%) for 8.7 units. NCAAF went 180-154 (53.8%) for 23.6 units. The Bowls lost a few units overall, and that includes 4-5 losses at 2U each that were awful…….but it happens. We did end the Bowl season with a fantastic New Year’s Day and hitting the Championship game. Hitting the NFL at 60% was one of my best year’s ever, and if you can win anywhere close to that you will make very good money. I don’t see any reason we can’t do that again, as last year we won over 60 units.

I am making a few changes from last year, mainly cutting back a bit on the volume. I have streamlined the number of systems I will put into play, using the very best. NCAAF will have half the amount of plays as last year. Although we had a winning season, some folks wanted less volume. So I have cut back on the plays and we will have a more manageable volume.

I have a spreadsheet containing every system, and the record for each one going back to 2010. That is 8 years of data, a period of time that shows me a system is relevant and productive. They have a high win percentage, and very few have huge variances from year to year. I want consistent year to year results with a solid WP. The NFL has averaged around 9-10 units per week. The NCAAF has averaged around 15 units per week. Some weeks will have more, some less. These are averages.

Most plays will be 1U plays, with some 2U and rare 3U plays also. Folks I grade my plays in Units, and I don't attach ridiculous amounts to the plays. You won't see any 10* Locks or $20k plays.

My fee is $100/mo. That gets you every sport I offer. NFL, NCAAF, MLB, NBA, NHL, CFL, WNBA. Those that want to pay for the entire season up front, the fee is $300. That gets you 2 months comped for the 5 month season. Many of my regular clients choose to do this, some go month to month.

As soon as you sign up you will receive my service for the rest of July and all of August. My players win, and if you are interested in having a successful football season then you will not find a better service out there. I set a price point that allows anybody, regardless of bankroll, to join my group and win.

Venmo: @paul-1963

Looking forward to a great football season, and would love to have you along with us. I have a daily Bonus Play as well as a recap of my action for the day at my blog site.

If you have any questions feel free to email me:



Oct 29, 2011
Thanks to those of you that signed up for the Football Season, we are going to have another phenomenal year. Football is without a doubt the #1 sport people wager on, and one that many folks struggle with.

I will do all of the work for you. I don't have a research team, I don't have a secret group of sharps feeding me plays. I wager on every game that I send to my clients. Most people on this forum get paid to market services, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I get paid when my games win, and when they don't I lose money. My fees offset my expenses to maintain my database, they aren't the main source of my wagering income. That comes through the windows.

Good Luck to all of you this season.


Oct 29, 2011
Last night I posted a Bonus Play on my site - Montreal/Calgary UNDER 48.5 - that went Under with ease. It was a great Under spot that was backed by solid historical data.

Last year on over 200 NFL plays I hit 60% winners, using data targeting profitable situations. This year I look forward to having similar results, as well as having another profitable NCAAF season.

Folks my price point is set low so that, regardless of bankroll, you can join my group and have a profitable football season. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
I would like to thank those of that have signed up for the football season. The majority have taken advantage of the $300 season package instead of the $100/mo regular price. Folks its a great deal, and I set the season fee at a price point that makes it affordable for anyone regardless of bankroll size.

My football profits are earned through the windows, with the exact same plays I give out to everyone in my group. Everyone gets the same plays, I don't have special tiers and multiple price points. My goal is to get you on board and help you have a profitable football season. My fees help offset my expenses and compensate me for the many hours I put in.

Those of you that have signed up will receive my plays immediately, all the way through the Super Bowl.

Contact me today at and I will get you started. Have a Great Day.

Venmo: @paul-1963


Oct 29, 2011
Those that signed up for my football package are having a very nice week. Baseball has gone 12-8 for a 4 unit profit, $100 players have paid for their football service already. Minnesota the only play tonight scoring at +150.

Folks we are going to have another winning football season. Let me do the work for you. Many services promote bogus results and are just marketing shills. I put my money through the windows on every play I release right along with you.

Who would you rather trust?? The marketing guys, or the guy that wagers on the games he releases to his customers??

I started my blog 2 years ago, started my service a year ago. Every original customer of mine from last August is with me today. Every one. Its something I'm proud of, and it says that people appreciate my hard work and results.

For $300, 3 units for $100 players, I will have you ready for the entire NFL/NCAAF season. As I have stated, I make my money by wagering not from my fees. Those fees offset my monthly expenses maintaining my database and also compensates me for the tremendous amount of time I spend doing this. Its something I'm very passionate about, and the results say its worth my time. is my email, contact me and I will get you on board immediately. You will receive my service for the rest of July and all of August in addition to the entire football season. You will be hard pressed to find a better offer anywhere.

My clients tell me their goals, and I devise a profit plan that is tailored for their bankrolls and expectations. I will put you on a winning track. Have a Great Day and I look forward to working with you all season long.


Oct 29, 2011
Just want to thank those of you that have signed up for football, we are going to have great year. I had a few folks sign up today, your service starts immediately and I'm looking forward to a profitable weekend on the diamond.

Folks, if you are interested in winning this football season then the choice is pretty clear. The prices some services charge is obscene, I'm not out to grab every last nickel you have. I set a price point that makes my service the best value bar none. As I have stated, I am a handicapper not a marketer. Most people on this forum make money thru sales, I make mine thru the windows. Your fee helps me offset my expenses and account for my time.

I don't upsell you on special packages, I don't sell 10* Locks and other such nonsense. Everyone gets the same plays. I am 100% responsible for the content of my service.

If you are serious about winning, contact me at and I will get you on board immediately. Have a Great Weekend and I look forward to having you join us for a spectacular season.


Oct 29, 2011
Easy winner with the Ottawa/Hamilton UNDER 55.5 today.

The books crush the public every year, many people think if you watch football you can pick winners. Too often people find out the hard way that isn't the case.

My data points us to profitable situations every year. History does repeat itself, and my service will provide you with winners all season long. Contact me for details at Folks my service is the best value you will find. $300 gets you the entire football season - NFL and NCAAF. Why let other services up sell you, or charge you ridiculous prices? One price gets you every play. No 10* Locks, Game of the Month, Top Plays, or any other nonsense.

If you're serious about winning money this football season, contact me and I will make that happen. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
Football is right around the corner. Would you like to have a winning season??

My NFL/NCAAF program will put money in your pocket. Last year my group earned more than 60 units of profit. NFL a fantastic 60% winners. We invest in games that my data targets as profitable situations.

2017 NFL/NCAAF: 61.6 Units
2017 NFL Playoffs: 11-3 (+8.7 Units)

Contact me at and I will get you started. All pre season games are included, as well as my plays in every sport I handicap. $300 for everything all the way thru the Super Bowl. That is just 3 units for a $100 player, and you will earn much more than that.

Have a Great Day and I look forward to working with you.



Oct 29, 2011
Bonus Play winner today, Bonus Plays hitting 60%. We are having another winning week, going 5-1 today. No other service provides the quality and value that I provide. Every sport, every play. No up selling, no special packages. No Super Locks, Play of The Week/Month/Year/Century. Why would I insult your intelligence with that nonsense???

$300 gets you every play thru the Super Bowl. NFL, NCAAF, MLB, NBA, NCAAB, NHL, WNBA, CFL, MMA. I am a full service handicapper, one price gets every play. You will also receive my Breeders' Cup Package that won my clients several thousand dollars last November. Nobody on this site has had the success at the race track that I have proven to do. I have 2 threads in the Horse Racing Forum that netted over $10,000. Last year clients won over $3,000 on the 2 day Breeders' Cup. Even if you no experience wagering on horse racing, my BC wagering sheet provides easy to understand instructions on how to wager. Its just one more benefit of my service, and is included in all packages.

I provide winners, its that simple. There is a reason that 100% of my original clients are still with me today. I provide value, and I put money in their pockets.

Start winning Today. Contact me at Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
Thanks to all of you that have signed up for the football season, and have largely ignored the folks on this forum that want to discredit what I do.


Congratulations to the person who made this assertion, the single dumbest comment of the day. I won last season and have won for many seasons prior to that. Following "trends or systems" has not destroyed my bankroll, in fact its done just the opposite. Its allowed me to wager an amount per unit that earns me thousands of dollars a year wagering on sports.

I don't have any records on monitoring sites for one simple reason. I've never had a reason to, I haven't been a paid marketer that is trying to drum up business for people feeding me games. I have a full time job and when not at my job I work on handicapping games. I've done it for years, and never had a reason to have anyone monitor my plays.

It was suggested by a friend of mine to start a blog site with my plays, and from there it blossomed into this. And while I don't have any sites monitoring my plays over the years, those that have followed and cashed don't really care.

Last year was the first season I started having a client list that followed my football action, and we earned over 60 units. Thats a fact. I am going to win again this year. Thats another fact.
This year all of my plays will be posted on

I charge a nominal fee to account for my time and expenses, and working for myself allows me to offer a price point that doesn't put a dent into your bankroll before the season starts. $300 gets you every play all the way thru the Super Bowl.

If you're serious about having a profitable football season, contact me at



Oct 29, 2011
Welcome to all of my new subscribers. We are going to have a fantastic football season just like I always do. If you are interested in joining us, contact me at

$300 gets you every play all the way thru the Super Bowl. Whether you like volume or want to target a few games per week, I will prepare you for a winning season. I offer profit plans for all bankrolls and styles of play. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
Folks we are getting very close to the start of the Football season, and once again Biz will have you covered. Last year I hit 60% of my NFL plays, and went 11-3 in the NFL Playoffs. Combined my NFL/NCAAF earned over 60 units. We are going to have another great season.

I construct Profit Plans for every type of player. Bankrolls of any size, players that like volume or just want to target a select group of games, players that just want to target select service will cater to any style of player.

I handicap all sports and you will be provided with every play in every sport. No special packages, no up selling, everyone gets the same service. Several folks have inquired about my service this past week, and to those of you that signed up welcome. We are going to have a great season.

To those of you on the fence, my service offers great value. $300 thru the Super Bowl gets you not only the entire NFL/NCAAF season, but also my MLB,NBA/NCAAB, NHL, CFL. We make solid profits in all sports. You will also receive my annual Breeders' Cup Service which contains an easy to read betting sheet that last year won thousands of dollars to everyone that played the races. I have clients that love the horses and we crushed the BC last year. You can also find threads I have in the RX horse racing forum thread that have produced a lot of money. All picks were posted before the races, including a day at Saratoga with winning PK3/4 that won over $10,000. Here are those threads.

I play every game I give out, I treat your money as mine. I'm not just some random guy looking to sell some picks. I make my money thru the windows, and together we will win. is how I can be contacted.

Have a Great day.


Oct 29, 2011
Just a little bump, all of the information is above.

Folks, I will make you a winning player. I have no doubt that will happen, the only question is will you join myself and the rest of my group?? $300 thru the Super Bowl, folks that is $60/month and those that have already signed up are receiving my service immediately.

I set my fee at a price point that is affordable for any bankroll, and following my profit plan will grow your bankroll every month. and I will get you onboard. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
Welcome new subscribers. Your service begins immediately, and today's baseball has been sent out. Check your email.

Fantastic to see so many people interested in having a winning year. $300 all the way thru the Super Bowl, every sport every play. Thanks to all of my long time and new subscribers. If you are interested in joining us for a winning year, contact me at or direct message me at this site.


Oct 29, 2011
The NCAAF season kicks off next weekend with a full slate of games. We had a few games played this weekend, but next weekend is when the season truly starts.

All of my data is ready to go, and all of my clients will once again have a fantastic season of football. You all know what I can do for you, from my years of posting on this forum as well as what my service provided last year.

$300 for the entire season thru the Super Bowl. Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey.......and also my Breeders' Cup package is included. Nobody on this forum is a better thoroughbred handicapper, nobody. Last year we won thousands at the Breeders' Cup. I have two threads in the horse racing forum that won well over $10,000. I have worked very hard to become a winning player. It didn't happen over night, but I am at a point where I am very confident in all sports and the results confirm that confidence.

If you are a $100 player, the cost is 3 units. Last year my combined football won over 60 units. I expect to win at least that many units this year. If you are interested in having a winning season, contact me at

My long time clients have already signed up, and I have had several folks sign up this month. I'm really looking forward to this season and I would love to have you join us. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
Welcome all new subscribers, we are going to have a great Football Season. NCAAF starts this weekend and I have several solid plays ready to go.

All the information you need is above. Contact me at and I will get you on board. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
A very nice 4-1 evening in MLB, hitting the Bonus Play Parlay +106 as well as Cleveland (-1.5) -115, St Louis -1.5 (+115), and San Diego +107. We lost with the NY Yankees (-1.5) -130. A solid 3U winning night with a nice win from the Padres to close out the night. San Diego fit a very profitable situation, while the public and squares were all over Seattle. 75% of the action on Seattle, the line drops over 20 cents. The books were begging you to take Seattle, we didn't and cashed a nice ticket.

Folks I have a database filled with profitable situations, putting us on games that are long term winners. I also watch the markets, making sure we aren't fooled by what looks like easy money. Baltimore Monday night and San Diego Tuesday night are two recent examples. Solid dog winners on "bad" teams.

If you want to consistently be on the right side, if you want to be a winning player and are tired of losing, contact me at Give my service a try and you will be glad that you did. $300 gets you every play in every sport thru the Super Bowl. It is far and away the best value you will find anywhere. I don't up sell, I don't have multiple packages, you get everything for one price. I make my money thru the windows, every play I send out I play myself.

For those that don't want to commit $300, my regular service is $100/mo. If you want to try the service for a month, and are happy with the results, you can use the $100 towards the $300 fee for service thru the Super Bowl. Full service thru the SB would be only an additional $200.

I am going to have another winning season, the only question is do you want to join us? I don't just fire out plays and leave it at that. I give detailed analysis on my games, I set up profit plans for every client tailored to their specific bankroll.

If you are still on the fence, I will offer a complimentary weekend of my service Aug 31 - Sept 2. NCAAF, MLB, CFL are in action. Contact me at the above email and I will give you this weekend's service at no charge or further obligation.

Have a Great Day and Good Luck this season.


Oct 29, 2011
For those receiving my comped service this weekend, I do have a NCAAF play tomorrow night that I really like. Thursday will be included for your weekend service.

Thanks to all of you that have signed up for the season, its going to be a great year. Those on the fence contact me and I will get you set up for the Labor Day Weekend. Have a Great Day.


Oct 29, 2011
Folks the season has arrived, are you serious about having a winning season??

I just spent the morning contacting new subscribers and getting them ready to go, we have a nice play going tonight. Stay with me all season, follow my program, and you will be a winning player. It will be the best $300 investment you will make all year long. My service all the way thru the Super Bowl, every sport every play. I have many subscribers that just bet football, or just football and basketball. Some bet MLB and football.

Whatever sport you like to wager on, I have you covered. NFL/NCAAF, NBA/NCAAB, MLB, NHL, database covers every sport. I set a price point that is affordable and makes sense for players of any bankroll. $300 - 3 Units for a $100 player - will get you 5 months of service. Thats less than 1 unit per month.

Contact me at and I will get you started immediately. Have a Great Day and I look forward to working with you all season long.

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