Birthers Have New Strategy!


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Birthers’ Grand New Strategy: No Matter Where Obama Was Born, He Can’t Be President

As the election of America’s first “half-white” president nears its second anniversary, things still aren’t going that swell for the shrinking team of furious dingbats who hoped to sue Barack Obama out of the White House because his dad was an African black person.

For two years, the teabaggers’ most prominent intellectual arm has waged a low-level courtroom war (mostly by email forwards) aimed at proving Barack Hussein Obama is not a citizen of America because he is a black person, and black people are — under the Original “O.G.” Constitution — simply slaves, worth only 3/5 of a normal fat white person, by body weight.

Also, the Birthers stuck to the claim that Barry Obama’s birth at a Hawaiian hospital was actually part of an elaborate conspiracy that went on for five decades with the help of U.S. newspapers, a U.S. state government and the doctors, nurses and administrators of an American hospital in Hawaii … all to groom a Soviet Muslim Alien for the presidency, because the conspirators wisely predicted (in 1961, when millions of American black kids still weren’t allowed to attend white schools or dine in white restaurants) that by 2008 the nation would be ready to choose a black person as a major-party nominee and then elect that same black person as America’s first African-American president. Genius!

Having successfully bamboozled the gullible, black-loving American populace on this whole “Hawaiian live birth” thing, the Soviet-Half-Muslin conspirators must think it’s just going to be easy times until 2012, when they plan to “elect” a gay Hindu robot-sex marijuana-selling dog-lady Palestinian as president. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, SORRY LIBS.

The Truthers have decided that the Founding Fathers probably meant to exclude Obama, in the Constitution, but they just forgot! These explosive new charges are part of, obviously, a new book by World Net Daily:
The authors concluded Obama may not be eligible regardless of his place of birth. The book recommends further legislative and judicial debate.
See, the president is supposed to be a “natural born citizen.” And had the Founding White Fathers only remembered to explain what that means (”not black”), then Obama couldn’t be president!
However, no definition of “natural born citizen” – which is only used in the presidential requirement clause – was provided anywhere in the Constitution, and to this day the precise meaning of the term is still being debated.
There are no records of any definitive discussion on the matter during the Constitutional Convention. That – coupled with the absence of definitive Supreme Court rulings and a wide array of opinions throughout the centuries – has only further confused the question of what “natural born” actually means.
Still, the authors found that according to the framers of the Constitution as well as Supreme Court rulings, Obama does not fit the eligibility requirements.
Take that, blacky.

Read more at Wonkette:

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
well, we all know he stole the election by fabricating votes in African American voting districts

and they rigged the machines

and look at what Frankenstein did in MN

the reason Democrats want presidential elections to be decided by popular vote is because they're much better at turning out the dead vote, especially in Chicago. Find a few million extra ballots in IL and baddabing, it's all good

Apr 14, 2006
This is a great strategy.

Win win

Apr 14, 2006
This is a great strategy.

Win win
Oct 30, 2006
As the election of America’s first “half-white” president nears its second anniversary, things still aren’t going that swell for the shrinking team of furious dingbats who hoped to sue Barack Obama out of the White House because his dad was an African black person.
Didnt even bother to read the whole fucking article because the first paragraph has politically correct bullshit in it....Now was his Father a Man or a "Person"..What a bunch of bullshit...This is the kind of pissy little faggish politically correct crap that gets on your nerves they talk about @ but even just one stinking word is significant & part of the whole big picture &

New member
Oct 20, 2005
well, we all know he stole the election

Now flip the script when W was in office, what do you suppose Wullie would say to someone who made such a claim about W? Further proof everything that Wullie says must be taken with a grain of serious kosher salt.

Context - is fabulous!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Now flip the script when W was in office, what do you suppose Wullie would say to someone who made such a claim about W? Further proof everything that Wullie says must be taken with a grain of serious kosher salt.

Context - is fabulous!

LOL, and why do you think willie99 made that tongue in cheek remark again?

what about my post even resembled something serious again?you do distort and reason like a great liberal mind, props to fetcher, Howard Dean would be proud

comprehension is fabulous

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