Natalie= She is not only ugly and annoying but she is one of the few people on Big Brother that seems naturally slimy.
Most of the guests, especially Russel, Jordan and Jeff, Michelle, seem like otherwise good people that just lie or cheat because of the game.
Natalie just seems like a dishonest and classess bitch.
She apparently cheats in pool, Solitaire and everything for no reason. She was clinging to Jesse and the Kevin. She doesn't win shit. She just made a comment about Michelle using what little brain she had..are you kidding me? You are one of the dumbest little whores this season and you haven't won jack!
She better not get to the final two. I can't believe I actually hate somebody more than the homo. She couldn't even help her own teammate, Kevin when he was trapped by Pandora's box. It was hilarious. Kevin was trying to explain something to her but she kept going on about, do we get the 10 G? Then do we get to keep the 10 G? Shows her character...or lack thereof.
There. That's my rant about the little mouse face skank...goodnight.