lol. this is hilarious. bookie went 8-2 this week in the NFL while his customers went 2-8 and everyone is upset at bookie because of this one loss. Again, had you rather have gone 1-8 this week and won tonight or 8-1 and last tonight? He's been killing in the NFL. This thread proves what I have known all along - the mentality of a gambler - they can't lose a game. Every game is a must win because they are chasing or trying to make up for losses. An investor understands he will lose games but in the long-term he will make money. That's the difference in a gambler and an investor. Where were you all the people criticizing Bookie when he won the Monday night game, went 1-0 Thursday night, went 2-0 friday night and went 4-1 last night? For the millionth time, no they are not his plays, he posts the opposite of his customers plays that he needs the most.