Take your wife to Death Valley.
Have sex with her on top of the hood when it's a tad over 120 degrees. By the laws of thermovagina-namics, the hotness of her vagina will increase 27.5 degrees above normal. Also, the heat will melt your jizz while it travels out your meat-shaft ... so no need for protection.
And the reason why you'll want to do her on the hood is because you can crack open to two eggs before you start, grab some bacon and ham, throw it on to the hood before starting.... and by the time you're done with the hot sex, you'll have cooked an omelette on the hood.
I was born and raised in AZ. Lived in northern AZ for about 15 years. The last 20 years in the PHX area.
Been to Florida many times. Its great in the winter. But I just cant stand the humidity in the summer. I'll take 115 in PHX over 88 in FLA all day.
The saying "its a dry heat" means something.
anyone with thoughts on Naples, FL?
I live in Pittsburgh but am planning on buying a condo there in the fall for my winter usage and to have just as a family/friends spot to go. Thinking 3 bedroom 2+ bath on a golf course (not on the beach way too expensive). Something in the 300k range. Anyone with experiences there?
Cost of living in AZ and FLA is very similar. Depending on where exactly you live of course. But overall, very similar.
Sounds like San Diego and Charleston. My Cousin lives in Charleston and swears its the best. Gotta check it out.