Best/Funniest Fuck Stories


The Umpire
Feb 12, 2007
On the suggestion of Skins, I ask you all to submit at least ONE, if not more, funny or great sex stories. Fuck the prom queen? share. Fuck a hideous beast? share. Anything and everything that you think would be a good read deserves to be shared.

My story is one I'll never forget because I made the mistake of taking a drink from a silly ugly whore.

So, me and three buddies went out to a local bar that's usually pretty hoppin'. On this particular night, however, it's pretty dull. So, the three of us are just minding our own business and shootin' the shit when this bitch walks over and offers to buy us all a drink. We were skeptical but accepted and downed what seemed to be soco/lime. About 5 minutes later, I'm absolutely obliterated. Mind you, I did not have more than say 1 or 2 beers thus far. All my buddies are laughing their ass off at me as this girl is putting the moves on me. They just thought I pre-gamed by myself before they picked me up and the last shot did me in. Not so much...

Fast forward 2 hours later.. About this time I'm extremely horny and extremely wasted. My friends talked to this girl and evidently got me to go home with her. Normally I'd have no problem with this, BUT I found out later this bitch looked like Shiva and Motaro from Mortal Kombat. At the time, I didn't think she looked too bad but pictures later disproved this theory, as found in my cell phone the next morning. She wasn't fat or ripped, just beastly.

Back at her place we start fucking around and I go down on her.. so I'm carpet munching for awhile and she tells me to shove a finger up her ass. Alright, I'm down for that. Now remember, I'm absolutely mangled.. next thing I know this crazy whore is shoving my face in her ass. Despite being completely mangled, this is where I draw the line... Maybe for my girlfriend, but not for some silly ho. Thankfully, I still had enough sense to dip out. I slip out of this choke hold and tell her it's turn for her to suck on some knob.

The blowjob started out fantastic. Plenty of deep throat action and substantial moistness. Keywords being started out. A couple minutes into it she comes out of nowhere with a lubed up finger and tries throwing it up my ass. Dumbfounded, I jump off before she gets anything more than nail deep and ask her wat the hell shes doin? She claims all guys love it. I said well not this guy bitch. She got all offended and I told her to shut up and turn over. I proceeded to fuck her and splurge a huge load all over her face and pass the fuck out.

I wake up the next morning with a migraine x10 and my wallet missing. My cell phone is thankfully still there but this bitch is nowhere to be found. I come to find out that I'm not at her place, but actually a hotel, all my shit is gone, and the only thing I have left are my boxers, my cell phone, shirt and pants. My shoes and socks; mysteriously missing. I get a hold of my friend who came and picked me up laughing his ass off until he found out they set me up with some whore, literally.

I went to the hospital and got checked out and thankfully, was clean. The doctors think I was drugged somehow.. which I find kind of funny yet sad. I probably would of banged her and flipped her the $20 in my wallet if she was that bad off. All my credit cards and identification were in my work wallet. (it's kind of odd but I keep two separate wallets, and it paid off this time). So basically this crazy whore made off with $20 and a face full of cum when she thought she was getting something a whole lot better. Later come to find out that the finger up the ass episode was something the fella's told this bitch I was really into.

Moral of the story is next time you think your messing with some bitch whos just acting like a whore, be careful, she may actually be one. lol

Poor whore. Share your stories fella's.


New member
Nov 4, 2005
Never trust your mates, they're all bastards. Never get smashed before I find a girl, don't wanna wake up next to some she-beast. All my sexual encounters have gone according to plan, except for the time I had a daddy chase me and the time I woke up naked next to this girl on a train station in the middle of nowhere.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I never had sex before, I heard its supposed to be fun?

I also heard that if you 'leave it inside' you might wind up a dad!! Crazy stuff. I heard the guys who have no idea about pulling out and have bastard children are dumb as rocks. I dont know. Thats just what I heard.

Good story captain Bone. I might have to check out the opposite sex sometime.

New member
Jun 26, 2006
I never had sex before, I heard its supposed to be fun?

I also heard that if you 'leave it inside' you might wind up a dad!! Crazy stuff. I heard the guys who have no idea about pulling out and have bastard children are dumb as rocks. I dont know. Thats just what I heard.

Good story captain Bone. I might have to check out the opposite sex sometime.

classic :puppy: :puppy: :puppy:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Wow Captain, that is fucked up. What a whore. You should've just killed her after you dunked on her face. Store that knowledge away for the future.

Sep 25, 2006
When I was walking at a daycare, I had this girl all over me. Constantly touching, flirting, laughing, the whole 9 yards. She was light skinned and had shoulder length hair when she letted out, most of the time she had it corn rolled. She did have the thickest ass I have ever touched or seen...but I'm fast forwarding too much. But being navie and a virgin, I thought she just wanted to be friends and just her way of talking. The whole world could see this chick was all over me. However, she wasn't my type by any means. I was a skinny lil asian dude (5' 11' and 110lbs back then) and she was this thick black chick (180 and 5'7"). It was just like the scence from Napolean Dynamite - the skinny white dude with that burley big bitch. Cept, she wasn't ugly. Sure, all my blacks friends were like HOLY SHIT, YOU LANDED GOLD but I didnt see it.

So we started to chill more and more. Her parents left the house and she decides to throw a lil get together party. Cool shit. I go play some cards with my boys and in comes this other white girl who i was working with. Now, she's flirting with me and I know she wants to fuck cuz she grabbed my package while she was sitting on my lap. FUCK! What to do? Fuck the black girl or the white girl? And she was like I finally have some time to talk to you. My dick was like, yes, plz talk. So we start to talk and flirt. Mean while she's drinking like a fish. I had one shot through out the whole night knowing I'm getting play from someone - (I cant be that bad if the girl is drunk and passes out.) I go to the bathroom to take a piss and she's gone. FUCK! I continued to play cards and the black girls comes over and we start flirtin, touching, etc...again. It was like clock work, black girls goes to the bathroom and the white girl comes up. My boy looks at me and waves me off, as to say, something is wrong. So I stop entertaining her ass and she goes bought her business. Come to find out she just blew this dude who had herpes. Oh shit, but it gets better.

In comes in the black girl busted out with I'm tired and I'm going to bed. I'm thinking to myself..ok, wtf do I do then. Then she stops in the middle of the stair ways and says, "are you coming?" And I'm saying to myself, MOTHERFUCKER, YES!!! This was exactly what I've been waiting for. I go to bed with her (I'm fully clothed) and all and she was like your going to sleep like that? I played stupid and was like I just wanted to help you fall alseep before I left. She busted out with, you would do that for me? You wouldnt want to sleep with me? And I told her sure I do but I want you to know that I respect you. But in my head I was like I WANT TO FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. And finally I ended up with my boxers and her in her bra and panties waiting to go to sleep. I was hoping she makes the first move but she didnt. So found courage within me and start to touch her thigh o so gently. She started to breathe a lil harder and started to "move". I slowly move up but caressing her inner touch but I never touch it. After 10 mins of teasing the shit out of her, I slowly move towards her *****. She was so wet the front part of the thong was soaked. I was like holy shit, just like what my friends told me. So I started finger the clit and along with the others moves I do. She starts to touch my shit and I'm like..OMG let the game begin. I go over to her dresser to pick up a condom and noticed a prescrition bottle. For some odd reason, I go and pick it up and noticed the the hint of blue? And I asked what this for and she was like oh its nothin. And I was like no, what is it for...and yup, you guessed it, she had herpes too. FUCK!!!!!!! I was like when were you gonna tell me this? Before she even answered, I pick up my clothes and ran the fuck out.

My first de-virginizing experience was stopped by some bullshit. God damn it. I needed thearpy after that shit

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004

Oh my god, that is awful.

Way to notice the bottle, though. That awful story could've been much, much worse.

The Umpire
Feb 12, 2007
Lol You hit gold with that blue bottle. You could of been in for quite a treat in the morning.

Sep 25, 2006
What I forgot to mention and no one knew, was she fucked the dude who had herpes couple months ago. I only found out cuz my friends did some private investigating. I havent told anyone cept my close friends about me leaving that girl.

But the weird thing was I met her parents and they fell in love with me. Both mom and dad were very well educated. Dad was inviting me to go fishing on his boat and mom wanted me to talk about scientific topics. I had no problem keeping up with them since, I went fishing with my dad since I was 7 and I was good in school so any school learned topic was easy to discuss. They invited me to dinner all the time and I even had a formal dinner with her parents friends. I should remind you, I was "with" this girl for no more than 3 months. I only met her parents cuz I went over her house to watch a movie but her parents werent supposed to be there.

But what's even more weird is she kept on calling me and leaving me messgaes. She even wrote me a letter. She got my friends to ask me to answer her call and/or call her. This went on for about 4 months. Calling me everyday and leaving me msgs. Fast forward 4 months and she calls me again - but this time I didnt know it was her cuz I forgot her number. I pick up and she was like hi stranger and I was like who the fuck is this? and a light bulb clicked...FUCK!!! This crazy bitch doesnt stop.

So long story short, I met her at a resturant, bought her dinner and asked her politely to leave me alone and let me be. She was like why cant we be friends and in my mind I was like bitch, you was about to give me fucken HERPES - I would be carrying this bitch for the REST OF MY LIFE. But I told her I cant be friends with anyone who I cant trust. And she was like why cant you trust me? So I said, if you dont know, then dont even worry about it, take care. And I dropped $10 for the tip and told her I'll take care of the bill- which I did.

I hate my life

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Tkim...good stuff, I have one in a similar vein, but it was sort of reversed.

My friend and I were watching some football at a sports bar down in Pacific Beach and we left to go to another bar. As we are walking to the car, we pass this chick who is eyeballin' us hard. Good looking, not stellar, but it's sunday afternoon, why not. So naturally we step up and ask if she wants to join us and she do.

She asked us to stop by the laundromat to pick up her clothes so we ablige. She hops back into the car with a huge canvas bag full of clothes and she says "let's go get some beer, I want to get fucked up". So we think its on, but then she keeps talking...crazy ass talk, and at some point she says she's homeless. So we decide we need to drop the bitch off at the next corner, but then we have a better idea...why not take her over to one of our friends house...we'll call him mikey, because he'll eat anything.

So we get to Mikey's and crack open the beers and the chick starts snooping around and says she'll clean his house for some money. He says how much. She says 50 bucks. He says sure, when. She says now. She asks Mikey for a paper and a pen and starts making a list, then says she needs to get something out of her bag of clothes. When she gets back, Mikey starts showing her around and she's making it pretty clear she's going to be cleaning a lot more than his house.

So Mikey takes the girl upstairs, my friend and I run out of the house, grab her bag of clothes, throw them on Mikey's porch, and head off to find another bar. We go to a local hotspot, pound a few shots, but it is dead, so we decide to find another spot. As we get back to the car, we notice a piece of paper on the floor of the front passenger side. It is the list the crazy bitch made at our friends house. Item no. 1, scrawled in a half-mispelled three word sentence...

By Syphilis Medicun

Oh my...we were laughing our ass off. We'd been gone about an hour but we still called Mikey immediately. Unfortunately he wouldn't answer any of his phones. I told my friend we had to get back there but he said fuck no, Mikey wouldn't come to our rescue. I finally talk him into it and we get to Mikey's and we pound on his door for like five minutes. Finally Mikey answers and he's in his underwear and he's obviously been fucking the chick because he's sporting wood in his tight whites. We just handed him the note and said Sorry man, your fucked. Don't pay the bitch for cleaning.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
I was 22 and freshly broken up with an absolute psycho of a girl (thats another 100 Stories) but I bumped into one of her friends I'd always thought was sexy. we started chatting and were really hitting it off so we decided to go for drinks and everything was really cool.

This girl went to an Art School in Vancouver and on the week-ends she would preform at Children's birthday parties and public markets as a clown. She called herself the World's Sexiest clown because she would wear these low cut shirts showing off her fantastic cleavage.

"As Long as I lean over while I'm making the Balloon Animals the fathers always pay me more." she told me.

So one night at her place she says to me. "Um do you think it would be ok if I wore my costume?"
"Sure" I'll pretty much doing anything once especially if a sexy woman is involved.

She went put on her clown costume, Rubber nose, pink wig and everything.
The sex was pretty good.

Later that week we're watching a movie and with out telling me she goes and puts the costume on. "OK Cool, we're playing clowns again"
I didn't see her the rest of the week and went over Friday night to watch X-Files. I knock on her apartment door and she was already wearing her f'n clown costume.
I think something snapped in her head, she only wanted to have sex wearing the F'n rubber nose and floppy shoes.
I ended it on the spot with her.
"Um Ah I think you're a wonderful girl but there is no way I'm going to be know as a Clown F*cker"

That was the last I saw her.

Sep 25, 2006
I was 22 and freshly broken up with an absolute psycho of a girl (thats another 100 Stories) but I bumped into one of her friends I'd always thought was sexy. we started chatting and were really hitting it off so we decided to go for drinks and everything was really cool.

This girl went to an Art School in Vancouver and on the week-ends she would preform at Children's birthday parties and public markets as a clown. She called herself the World's Sexiest clown because she would wear these low cut shirts showing off her fantastic cleavage.

"As Long as I lean over while I'm making the Balloon Animals the fathers always pay me more." she told me.

So one night at her place she says to me. "Um do you think it would be ok if I wore my costume?"
"Sure" I'll pretty much doing anything once especially if a sexy woman is involved.

She went put on her clown costume, Rubber nose, pink wig and everything.
The sex was pretty good.

Later that week we're watching a movie and with out telling me she goes and puts the costume on. "OK Cool, we're playing clowns again"
I didn't see her the rest of the week and went over Friday night to watch X-Files. I knock on her apartment door and she was already wearing her f'n clown costume.
I think something snapped in her head, she only wanted to have sex wearing the F'n rubber nose and floppy shoes.
I ended it on the spot with her.
"Um Ah I think you're a wonderful girl but there is no way I'm going to be know as a Clown F*cker"

That was the last I saw her.

What the fuck? Did she molest those kids? People have some weird as fetishes. My fetish is ***** and ass. I cant stop lookin at it or touchin it. I just cant.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
What the fuck? Did she molest those kids? People have some weird as fetishes. My fetish is ***** and ass. I cant stop lookin at it or touchin it. I just cant.

No she wasn't about the kids...She was a walking double entendre. Entertaining for the kids...Very entertaining for the fathers. She could sell a balloon animal for $6

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