baseball guy


Sep 21, 2003
i got a bet with a friend he says you are
jewish i say your not plz let us know


Sep 21, 2003
btw there nothing wrong being jewish i just want the 15 k
and one more thing are you going to accept prj challenge

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
HAHAHA.........told you he was jewish.....forget the can cut my grass for a year....

Politically Correct Reassurance: Like stated above, nothing wrong with being Jewish, just a wager....Have a good one

Easy Money 369...check out the offshore thread about the disaster for backup....

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Tokens ya go buddy...thought I d save you the trip..probably had a tough day at work...MAY CONTAIN OFFENSIVE REFERENCES TO CERTAIN PARTS OF THE FEMALE ANATOMY...

Baseball guy says:

Would you say that the average yearly earnings of an African American person are the same as a Jewish person?

On the cheap issue.

Anyone who thinks jewish people are cheap is a fool. Look at the cars we drive. Look at the houses we own. Look at where are children go to school.

Notice the "WE" word was used twice....He is definetly Jewish......I think he meant "our children" also.....This guy gives JEWS a bad name.....Seinfeld would be pissed he if he knew this guy was blabbin the way he is.....sheesh.....

I dont want SLIM to get mad at me again so I have decided to waive the 15k and switch it too manual labor...I will give you $3.00 an hour just like most of the clerks make...and you can work it offf accordingly....THis is my 1400 post ..what a shame...

On a similar note....I nailed a jewish chick when I was in high school...she was pretty cute, but had a bit of a beak on her....Nice eyes....Yes, lots of cash....BUT..the worst of all was her BUSH....It was so big, I started to laugh because it ran half way up her It was like something you see on a fvcked up porno site on the net......She then asked me if I liked it,...I was 18 and a little intoxicated so I said like any straight man would " Yeh, its fvckin nice....lets we did..... and that was that...Not bad..I give it a 6 out of 10....BUt my last question in this obviously useless post IS ...Do all jewish girls have big bushes ??? ....I would certainly hope not and am hoping that I unfortuately just picked the wrong drunk jewish girl....PEACE
Last edited:

Sep 21, 2003
:finger: i dont like the 3 bucks make it 5 and its a deal

:suomi: got to love jewish chick :hump:

Sep 21, 2003
:hump: well its 8 am just got off work my eyes could be playin tricks on me but i pretty sure i would touch her

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
james369 said:
she pretty sexy... :hump: im not really into checks that could kick my ass

She was nothing, bro compared to this lassie I grabbed one night at a Drunken barn dance...She came up to me and whispered " lets go for a walk skinny" so I said like any straight man would " Fvckin A...lets do this..."...

I had to tell her that I would meet her out back, so my buddies didnt see her....I railed her in the washroom of a nearby truck stop...It was an experience to be had by all...

Sep 21, 2003
hey i thought sickgambler was with her well if its not her its looks like her
Sep 21, 2004
Pete- In my experience with Jewish girls, they do not all have too much hair. The thing that I have noticed is that they like "third input" sex more than other girls. I have to be honest that my testing pool is not that large, but I am looking to keep the experiment going.

Jun 25, 2002
Tokens ya go buddy...thought I d save you the trip..probably had a tough day at work...MAY CONTAIN OFFENSIVE REFERENCES TO CERTAIN PARTS OF THE FEMALE ANATOMY...

Baseball guy says:

Would you say that the average yearly earnings of an African American person are the same as a Jewish person?

On the cheap issue.

Anyone who thinks jewish people are cheap is a fool. Look at the cars we drive. Look at the houses we own. Look at where are children go to school.

Notice the "WE" word was used twice....He is definetly Jewish......I think he meant "our children" also.....This guy gives JEWS a bad name.....Seinfeld would be pissed he if he knew this guy was blabbin the way he is.....sheesh.....

I dont want SLIM to get mad at me again so I have decided to waive the 15k and switch it too manual labor...I will give you $3.00 an hour just like most of the clerks make...and you can work it offf accordingly....THis is my 1400 post ..what a shame...

On a similar note....I nailed a jewish chick when I was in high school...she was pretty cute, but had a bit of a beak on her....Nice eyes....Yes, lots of cash....BUT..the worst of all was her BUSH....It was so big, I started to laugh because it ran half way up her It was like something you see on a fvcked up porno site on the net......She then asked me if I liked it,...I was 18 and a little intoxicated so I said like any straight man would " Yeh, its fvckin nice....lets we did..... and that was that...Not bad..I give it a 6 out of 10....BUt my last question in this obviously useless post IS ...Do all jewish girls have big bushes ??? ....I would certainly hope not and am hoping that I unfortuately just picked the wrong drunk jewish girl....PEACE
<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
Seinfeld would be proud of me. You probably know less than 3 jewish people personally, therefore you are not qualified to make any assumptions about the religion.

Crawl back into your igloo and have a nice warm glass of stfu.
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Jun 25, 2002
On a similar note....I nailed a jewish chick when I was in high school...she was pretty cute, but had a bit of a beak on her....Nice eyes....Yes, lots of cash....BUT..the worst of all was her BUSH....It was so big, I started to laugh because it ran half way up her It was like something you see on a fvcked up porno site on the net......She then asked me if I liked it,...I was 18 and a little intoxicated so I said like any straight man would " Yeh, its fvckin nice....lets we did..... and that was that...Not bad..I give it a 6 out of 10....BUt my last question in this obviously useless post IS ...Do all jewish girls have big bushes ??? ....I would certainly hope not and am hoping that I unfortuately just picked the wrong drunk jewish girl....PEACE<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
You hooked up with an ugly jewish girl because you are an ugly piece of $hit.

What did you expect?

Do you think that a 400 pound guy with third degree burns on his face would be able to hook up with a supermodel?

Get over yourself.

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
ACEYDUCE: I too will try to continue to pursue my studies in the subject of slaying Jewish chicks..Thanks for the input....I would be surprised however if there are more than 2 jewish girls in a 600 mile radius of where I live...There are lots of Native broads that live across the water from me..Thinking MAYBE tryin to get my native badge..I am also currently missing my yellow belt (nailing an asian chick) but hope to conquer that when in nearby Vancouver.....PEACE

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Baseball guy says:
Seinfeld would be proud of me. You probably know less than 3 jewish people personally, therefore you are not qualified to make any assumptions about the religion.

Dude, glad to hear that SEINFELD would be proud of you...LMAO are correct I know less than 3 Jewish people personally...I didnt say anything about the religion, I just said something about some big bushed jewish broad who I think I gave a FACIAL too, come to think of it....So, could you please tell me if Jewish women have big hairy boxes or I am just misinformed and made an improper stereo-type off just one sample...Thanks Buddy

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Baseball Guy says

You hooked up with an ugly jewish girl because you are an ugly piece of $hit.

What did you expect?

Do you think that a 400 pound guy with third degree burns on his face would be able to hook up with a supermodel?

LMAO....dude I'm like 6'0 195........Not even half of your

I heard Jewish Housewives love black-cock?? Is thistrue??? I bet you it is.....

This is why......Mrs.Goldstein keeps a clean house, cooks, does the laundry, you know the type....Well everything is fine, but this little jewish firecracker needs a little more excitement than the volvo driving, 9-5, skinny little jewish man that bones her once a month for 8 minutes, is providing...The the only thing she still finds sexy is the tiny little hat that he often wears....
So 1 day, the new BLACK gardener comes over....knock...knock...knock...

OOh hello...What is ur name?

Latrell,ma'am...Im here to cut your grass.....

Ohh....Well arent you in good shape....So big,and strong and BLACK...Perhaps you would like to come in for some sweet tea...big fella...

Latrell accepts........... and the rest is history..........

Careful baseball could happen to you buddy......Controlling men are always the ones it happens too....These oppressed women just want loose....careful...lmao

Petey JR

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