funny shit



New member
Jan 20, 2000
cunded2000: hey
NYCockExchange: Hi. What's up, cunted?
cunded2000: yeah really a lil horny
cunded2000: lol
NYCockExchange: Yeah, really? Cunted?
cunded2000: yeah been offshore working and just got in dick is hard hard
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... that's interesting. Does offshore work make guy's dicks hard, typically?
cunded2000: yeah especially if you be gone for a while because you think about fucking and you can't do it
NYCockExchange: Is that so? I didn't realize that. Do you work with any women offshore?
cunded2000: anyway i'm 27 male from just all guy's
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. I'm 13/F/Utah. So you're working around all of these guys offshore, and you start to get really horny?
cunded2000: no not like that i'm not a *** just start thinking about sex
NYCockExchange: Ah, you hate homosexual men?
cunded2000: well if you want i can show you some pic's if you want to see the person you are talking to.....really what you do is your business just keep it away from me
cunded2000: i don't agree with it
NYCockExchange: Okay, well send me your pics, then. And I'll try my *best* to keep my business away from you.
cunded2000: hold on your a guy
NYCockExchange: Huh?!? Dammit, don't tell me I'm a guy... you haven't even seen any pics of me yet. Are you paranoid, or something?
cunded2000: no well you say keep your business away from me ....are you bi.....because my older sis is a lesbian....i thought you was saying it as you was a guy sorry
NYCockExchange: It's okay. But you were saying, what I do is my business, just keep it away from you. And so, I was only trying to comply with your homophobic (yet polite) request.
cunded2000: cool sorry babe
NYCockExchange: Alright - so what's on your mind today?
cunded2000: screwing you...just kidding
cunded2000: are you there
NYCockExchange: Oh? You're kidding? Sorry I took so long to respond, I just thought we were gonna hook up or something.
cunded2000: cool i'm not really see i travel alot i'm a engineer
cunded2000: i mean kidding but think you could handle full grown man
cunded2000: really right now i screw your young brain's out for real
NYCockExchange: So, what are you trying to say? If you were here, you'd fuck the shit out of me?
cunded2000: damn right
NYCockExchange: Likewise!
NYCockExchange: Hey, where the hell are your pics, anyway?
cunded2000: i'll fuck you until the ocean's run dry and there is to much water to run dry
cunded2000: they are coming
cunded2000 wants to directly connect. cunded2000 is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange: They are coming? Who... the Redcoats?
NYCockExchange: Sweet... I've always wanted British military cum all over my body.
cunded2000: well this one i took for mardi gras i'm the tall white guy .....really i mean the pic's are coming ......but how about cum allin your mouth i know you'll love the taste
cunded2000: well i am tall
cunded2000: that other guy is my friend i work with
NYCockExchange: You look kind of black. Do you hang out with niggers a lot?
cunded2000: yeah
cunded2000: that's a problem
NYCockExchange: If it's a problem, why do you hang out with them, then? Is it some sort of "Equal Employment Opportunity" thing, where you're forced to work with negroes?
cunded2000: no i was growed up mostly around black's
NYCockExchange: I see. You picked up a lot of their speaking patterns?
NYCockExchange: That's fuckin' great! Tell me something in "black" language, okay?
cunded2000: that why i have a big dick hanging around black's
NYCockExchange: You mean to tell me that when you're hanging around with negroid men, your dick gets big?
NYCockExchange: I thought you didn't swing that way!!
cunded2000: no i don't....hell no
cunded2000: i love ***** to much for that
cunded2000: especially your's if i could get a hold of you
NYCockExchange: Well, what did you mean, then, when you said, "that why i have a big dick hanging around black's"...??
cunded2000: just joking.....i see i would have some fun screwing the shit out of you...when i get finished i have you walking one sided
cunded2000: are you naked right now
NYCockExchange: You were joking?
cunded2000: no i mean about the dick thing...i was serious about screwing you
NYCockExchange: I thought that you being serious.... I mean, if I hung around a bunch of niggers, I'm worried that my lips and nose will get really huge. And my ass, too! It'll protrude like I shoved a watermelon down the back of my pants!
cunded2000: hey i bet i can make you your ***** wet from right here if i wanted to
cunded2000: hey you got a pic of you
cunded2000: so i can see the girl who i want to fuck the shit out of
NYCockExchange: Okay!
cunded2000: hey do you take it up the ass.....damn can i come see you shit you awesome
cunded2000: you just 13 for real
NYCockExchange: I guess you can see me shit. You want my brother to take a pic of me while I'm on the can?
cunded2000: yeah
cunded2000: can he take one of you standing up naked
NYCockExchange: You want to see me shitting, standing up? What if the shit rolls down my legs? God, that's fucking nasty. You didn't get this fetish from the niggers, did you?
cunded2000: no i mean naked by your self not while you is shitting
cunded2000: sorry i didn't mean it like that
cunded2000: i meant not while you are shitting
cunded2000: are you there ...sorry
NYCockExchange: Oh. I thought that's what you meant, you said: "damn can i come see you shit"
cunded2000: no
NYCockExchange: For a second, I thought you wanted me to shit all over my legs, so they'd look brown, like a ******'s.
cunded2000: no.....but you still have the pic
cunded2000: i bet you is nice and shaved by your *****...huh
NYCockExchange: I'm sorry, could you please... refrain from typing like a ******? I'm having a hard time understanding you.
cunded2000: ok.....i know you look awesome with your clothes got any pic's of you naked...
NYCockExchange: Maybe!

cunded2000: so what the magic word i use to see them......

NYCockExchange: Well, see... I don't know if there is a magic word for you. You admitted being "cunted", you hang out with niggers (and your dick gets hard around them), and you wanted to see a picture of me with shit running down my legs.
cunded2000: no i'm sorry it sounded like that but that's not me really i'm a sweet person
cunded2000: so what i must do then for you to give me a magic word
NYCockExchange: Let me think about it!
cunded2000: cool
cunded2000: how awesome you look you make me want to fly all the way out there and just fuck you all day and night.,...really you have a great looking body....
cunded2000: then you have a great ass the kind to bite on
NYCockExchange: Okay. Well, I'll give you five magic words. How about that?
cunded2000: cool
cunded2000: go ahead will they get me a pic of you naked

cunded2000: a beautiful body like your's need to be showed off to get it full appreciation
NYCockExchange: Okay... the five magic words are: "LET ME SUCK YOUR COCK."
cunded2000: oh that is so easy you didn't really have to ask...i'll love you to suck it dry
NYCockExchange: No, dammit - those are the five magic words you have to tell me.
cunded2000: that sound so about let me eat you *****
NYCockExchange: Are you trying to change my magic words? What's that all about? Don't you have any respect for my preferences?
cunded2000: ok you win....let me suck your cock
Okay! Great. Say it again, throw a "please" in there somewhere, and everything will be great.

cunded2000: please let me suck your cock
NYCockExchange: Heh. Well, okay. Since you asked so nicely.
cunded2000: what you are doing now....fingering yourself
NYCockExchange: Kinda... but what you call, "fingering yourself", I call "jacking off"!
cunded2000: ok bet that ***** is so wet and sweet tasting
NYCockExchange: Well... jacking off doesn't exactly get my "*****" (read: asshole) wet, or sweet tasting. How about if I spread strawberry jam around my anus? That would take care of both of those things, and then you could rim me as I jack off!!
cunded2000: hold on this is not that girl on the pic
NYCockExchange: Huh? Where the hell did that come from?
NYCockExchange: Is it normal for you to stop right in the middle of sex, and say: "Wait a minute! You're not a pre-teen, white female, you're one of the ugly niggers that I work with!! What are you doing in my bed??! AHHHH SHIT!!!"
NYCockExchange: See, the problem here is that you're paranoid.
cunded2000: no i'm not
NYCockExchange: Then what's your problem, sailor?
cunded2000: and i'm not an ugly ****** because i'm white
cunded2000: nothing guess i'm coming down ofdf my buzz was drinking this morning
cunded2000: sorry now my mind is clear
NYCockExchange: Dammit, that's not what I said. I asked if it's normal for *you* to stop right in the middle of sex, and exclaim in shock: "Wait! You're not a prepubescent anglo female! You're an mid-30's ****** man!"
cunded2000: well once i start fucking i don't know when to stop because i have a mean sex drive that won't quit
cunded2000: i stay hard for a long time.,..i mean long
cunded2000: i was to ever fuck you you'll see what i mean
cunded2000: i'll have your ***** and ass sore
NYCockExchange: So, what you're trying to say is: when you're fucking a little girl - and then you suddenly realize that she's an older male & a ****** - you just keep fucking him, because your sex drive is so powerful? Or would you just recoil from the realization, then go sulking away, finishing by masturbating in the corner?
NYCockExchange: I'm just getting mixed messages from you. It's okay, though. I think we can work this out.
cunded2000: ok .....
NYCockExchange: *sigh* I'm sorry, I've totally lost the plot.
NYCockExchange: Let's just get back to when you were asking to suck my cock, okay?
cunded2000: ok
cunded2000: well you said you had some pic's of you naked
NYCockExchange: Sure... what do you want, though? You wanna suck my cock, or do you wanna see naked pics of me?
cunded2000: see naked pic's of you
NYCockExchange: Okay - what are the magic words?

cunded2000: please let me suck your cock
NYCockExchange: Okay. I approach you slowly, as one hand descends to my zipper. As my zipper lowers, the hard, beefy chunk of man-meat (also known in some social circles as "my cock") emerges. My cock & I stand erect before you, awaiting the caress of your sweet lips.
cunded2000: ok....where are the pic's
NYCockExchange: Er. You didn't suck it yet.
cunded2000: ok i sucked it already
cunded2000: where are the pic's
NYCockExchange: No, dammit! That's not enough - you need to describe it in full-color detail!
cunded2000: hey my brother is coming in my room he want to use the comp he say or if you want you can talk to him
NYCockExchange: Look, man - I'm sorry, I tried to keep "my business" away from you.
cunded2000: i showed him your pic he say you look good also
NYCockExchange: Is he a nice guy?
NYCockExchange: Honest and trustworthy?
cunded2000: yeah
NYCockExchange: Can he suck cock as well as you? Or is he even better?
cunded2000: you want to see a pic of him
NYCockExchange: Okay. I ike to see whose lips are encircling my man-rod.
NYCockExchange: *like
cunded2000: who you like better me or him
cunded2000: he's 24
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... I dunno. All I can say is, your brother looks a little like me when I was younger. He needs an unruly beard & black skin, though.
cunded2000: shit hold on i thought this was a girl but this is a guy i'm gone i don't get down like that...bye
cunded2000: me or him
NYCockExchange: Dammit! That's not what I said. Put him on, okay?
NYCockExchange: I want to talk to your brother.
cunded2000: hold on
NYCockExchange: Okay.
cunded2000: yeah abigail this louis what you did my brother he
NYCockExchange: What do you mean, he's upset?
cunded2000: are you a girl or a guy he's confused
NYCockExchange: I'm a girl, but he kept asking to suck my cock.
NYCockExchange: please let me suck your cock
NYCockExchange: See? I dunno what's up with that. Has your brother talked to you about these tendencies before?
cunded2000: ok i see now my brother been drinking ........he don't know what he saying
cunded2000: so what's up with you
NYCockExchange: Does he usually try to pick up black, gay men on the computer when he's been drinking?
NYCockExchange: Not much, I guess. Just trying to cyber.
cunded2000: ok well i'm the one for that......
NYCockExchange: Okay. You should know, I am 13 and female. Are you sober?
cunded2000: yeah i don't drink....and the way how you look on your pic my dick is hard now and raymond left he going to his room and lay down so it me and you
NYCockExchange: Oh. You're the "good guy", then, and your brother is the family drunk. That's so cool, it's nice to know a little family history before I start fucking someone on the internet.
cunded2000: well yeah really....but raymond is a nice guy to just got to catch him sober
NYCockExchange: Do you both usually fuck 13-year-old girls on the computer? What do you do when the keyboard has your brother's cum all over it?
cunded2000: well for one this is mine he has his own computer for that
cunded2000: but his is down right now
cunded2000: if any body cum be on here it gonna be mine's
NYCockExchange: Oh... I see. I *still* don't get why he was asking to suck my cock.
NYCockExchange: Will *you* suck my cock?
cunded2000: well i'll suck your ***** abigail
cunded2000: for sure i would i'll have you moaning so much till the dead wake up
NYCockExchange: Oh, my "*****"? Okay, then - I'll ask you the same thing that I asked your brother: How about if I spread strawberry jam around my "*****" (anus)? You could do *that* while I jack off. Or if you wanna be extra nice, you can reach around and jack me off while you're down there.
cunded2000: well ok usually i don't do that but for you i make the exception
NYCockExchange: You'd eat the ass? And jerk me off, too? Hey - you're swell!

cunded2000: then can i put my dick in your ass and rim you out
NYCockExchange: That doesn't sound possible. How are you going to rim me, if your dick is in my ass? ...And I'm still waiting to know if you're going to reach-around and stroke me off...
cunded2000: yeah that how fast i gonna be moving on you till where you can't keep up
NYCockExchange: Um. Okay, if you say so. ...Just fellate me first, okay? That's how I like to start.
cunded2000: ok sound cool.....hey you got any pic's of you
NYCockExchange: Later, honey... we'll talk about pics later. Right now, I just want to feel your lips around my manhood.
cunded2000: ok me personally i would want to take my dick and put it down the back of your throat until you be begging for me to pull itout
NYCockExchange: Me too. Think you can handle all of my manhood? If we get into a 69, we can play a little game, where we see who can make the other gag on thick, hard cock first.
cunded2000: ok
NYCockExchange: Then, the winner gets to fuck the other guy in the ass. How's does that sound?
cunded2000: cool but i know i gonna win though
NYCockExchange: Yeah? What makes you so confident about that?
cunded2000: my dick is to big to lose
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... I dunno. Based on sheer size, the odds are about 6-1 on my favor. Then there's thrusting power, which makes the odds 20-1 in my favor.
cunded2000: unless you got over 11 inches you don't stand a chance against me
NYCockExchange: Okay - well, let me ask you: do girls typically have over 11" cocks?
cunded2000: well if i see one that gonna be a first
NYCockExchange: *nods* Well, to be honest, I've never met a girl that has an 11-inch cock.
cunded2000: ok
NYCockExchange: As for myself, mine's 11 inches. On a bad day.
cunded2000: ok i see
cunded2000: hey let me put some clothes on i was coming out the shower and all i have on is my bath robe i won't take long
NYCockExchange: Why are you gonna put clothes on? Aren't we gonna get naked and fuck each other in the mouth?
cunded2000: true
cunded2000: kind of cold the air conditioner is blowing
cunded2000: but i'll make the exception for you
NYCockExchange: Okay, okay, you don't need to be a fucking pansy. All I can say is, when you're in prison, you don't bother complaining about the air conditioning or heating. And you learn *not* to gag on cocks - no matter the size - especially when there's a knife at your throat.
NYCockExchange: So I *know* I won't gag on your cock. I think you'll gag on mine, and then I'll fuck you in the ass. You feel lucky today?
cunded2000: well you been through a whole lot to be just 13....damn i'm 24 and haven't never been to prison abigail
NYCockExchange: DO I LOOK 13 TO YOU?!
NYCockExchange: WHAT THE FUCK?!
cunded2000: hold on damn if this is a sick joke abigail you is playing it not funny
NYCockExchange: This AIN'T no fucking JOKE, motherfucker!! Now are we gonna fuck each other in the mouth, or what?!
NYCockExchange: Didn't your brother tell you I'm a 35-year old black man?!
cunded2000: i see why my brother was tripping out i'm going to go .....where in the hell the 13 year old girl at
NYCockExchange: I raped her and killed her.
NYCockExchange: And then I raped her again.
cunded2000: fuck this i'm gone you about a sick muther ******
cunded2000: bitch if that was my sis i'll hang your black ass
NYCockExchange: Well, I'll see you soon, then, you candy-ass motherfucker. Your brother e-mailed me your address, you know that, right? THEN we will SEE who gags on the other man's COCK!
NYCockExchange: I'm ALREADY hung, bitch.
NYCockExchange: You ever had a fat, black cock in your mouth? It'll put some fuckin' hair on your chest!
cunded2000: punk muther ****** you come around here i gonna shoot your fucking ass cause ii'm a state trooper you dum fuck
cunded2000: i'll be waiting on you i gonna put your name on a bullet for you one dead mutherfucker is your name
NYCockExchange: Yeah, bitch... you know how long I've been wanting to nail one of you law-men in the mouth?!?
cunded2000: come on so i can make you suck on my 357 desert eagle
cunded2000: down your throat
NYCockExchange: I'll be seein' you soon, white-boy... and then we'll see who's suckin' on what/
cunded2000: matter of fact i'll find out who you is today when i go to work
cunded2000: then i gonna personally put your ass of this earth
NYCockExchange: Motherfucker... you can find out who I am, but you can't stop me.... you KNOW that shit, right?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, that's what I thought.
NYCockExchange: But when I get down there, we'll SEE who's the fucking BITCH!
cunded2000: please do come
NYCockExchange: I already did come when your brother sent me his picture.
cunded2000: so we gonna show you how we hang muther ******'s in the south
NYCockExchange: I could practically feel his little pansy-ass white lips sucking me off... gagging while I grabbed him by the ears and skull-fucked him.
cunded2000: man fuck you
cunded2000 direct connection is closed.
NYCockExchange: Fuck YOU, law-man.
NYCockExchange: Right in the mouth... over 11 inches of hard, thick black cock.
NYCockExchange: I'll teach YOU how to handle a fuckin' "nightstick".

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
either no one read this or didnt finish it.....i did was laughin most of the way thru and at the end very funny....gets the DB to go from bangin A 13 year old girl to a 35 year old black man and he is still game funny shit

Sep 25, 2006
Honestly, why the fuck would an adult wanna fuck a 13 yr old? Their fucking annoying as shit, they cant makeup their own minds, and they seem to put makeup on with a mop. On top of that they have a bitchy attitude. I have a freaken 12 and a 15 yr old niece and they have to be the most annoying fucking girls in the world. I cant even understand how they even have friends.

New member
Apr 30, 2005
tkim11 said:
I have a freaken 12 and a 15 yr old niece and they have to be the most annoying fucking girls in the world.

Do you have any photos?

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