stupid question..of cause germany will win it...yet not sure how but in 100 days i will be totally confident in that. always remember this little guy ope: is German...that helps a lot i hope.
Besides that i think the strongest teams will be Brazil, Argentina and Italy (the usual suspects)... i dont believe in the dutch-hurray-style football and never ever the french. They are very, very lucky to even have qualified and not much has changed...dont tell me the return of an old Zidane makes them a title way
??? thanks for info. i dont think anywhere in europe (maybe besides spain/Portugal) it is much warmer today..heavy snow in germany. dont see this getting us an angle on the outcome though...if it would be the packers at home with favre starting, but bella italia vs. ballack and co (BTW Lehmann will be in goal, not Kahn)
man this german team is so pathetic it pains me to watch them...remembering such greats as klinsman, feller, not to mention beckenbaur, rumenige etc. makes it even worse, what a joke...