Hey you know that article that you posted yesterday regarding,new investigation on the OKC bombings? Well, I wrote a letter to Jayna Davis the authour of the book "The Third Terrorist".
This what i wrote
Hi Jayna,
I'm a big fan of yours because of the work you did on the OKC bombings. I also bought an read your book "The third terrorist".
I saw this article in the WNT about congress opening a new investigation into the matter.The only person that I can find that is mentioned in this article that's also in your book is top FBI guy named Coulson.
My question to you. Is congress taking a different angle then the one you were on,or stuff you missed or new stuff they have concerns over?
I'm always keeping a half an eye on things to see if I can find anything new regarding your work on this matter,because I get into discussion at political forums and always bring up your book when the subject is terrorism and/or OKC.
Keep up the good work.Your a great American.Hope you can find the time to reply.
Thank You!
(My name and home town,state)
I got this for a reply,
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<!-- begin pfv --><!-- writer and photo option --><HR noShade SIZE=1><!-- end option --><!-- leadin graphic -->
<!-- end leadin graphic --><HR noShade SIZE=1><!-- standing head -->[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]OKC BOMBING FALLOUT[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end standing head --><!-- head -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Author hammers congressman over probe[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end head --><!-- deck -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Jayna Davis claims Rohrabacher request for hearings just 'a sham'[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end deck --><HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: April 13, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
[/SIZE][FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]
[FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]<!-- byline -->By Ron Strom
<!-- end byline -->[SIZE=-1]<!-- copyright -->© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com <!-- end copyright -->[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- begin bodytext -->The woman whose investigative work into the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing includes compelling evidence of a Middle Eastern terror connection to the crime is decrying as a "sham" a Republican congressman's proposal to hold hearings on the attack.
Jayna Davis, author of "The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing," says the witness list Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., has proposed for a day and a half-long hearing includes only two people who have any information about an alleged Middle Eastern accomplice to killer Timothy McVeigh. In her book, Davis asserts McVeigh and Terry Nichols were not the lone conspirators but were part of a greater scheme involving Islamic terrorists and at least one provable link to Iraq.
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=255>
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Davis says Rohrabacher, whom she worked with last year on gathering information for hearings, is focusing on the possible connection of Andreas Carl Strassmeier, a German national who was part of a white supremacist compound in Oklahoma called Elohim City – a connection the author says has been thoroughly discredited in the courts.
As WorldNetDaily reported, In a memo written to Rep. Henry Hyde, chairman of the House International Relations Committee, Rohrabacher says an investigation should focus on the fact that "Timothy McVeigh appear[ed] to have had contact with Arab, Muslim or Middle Eastern terrorist elements prior to and during the implementation of the bomb plot," and, "just as significant, there is evidence of a personal relationship between Timothy McVeigh and Andreas Carl Strassmeier."
Davis, who says she has not spoken to the congressman since July, told WND she was blindsided by the memo requesting hearings.
"I view Dana Rohrabacher's proposed hearings as nothing more than a sham," she said.
"Rohrabacher remains focused primarily upon the neo-Nazi connection," Davis claimed, despite a lack of evidence for the theory.
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=180>
So, why would Rohrabacher, a former Reagan speechwriter, hold hearings and not comprehensively delve into a possible Middle East connection?
Saying she believes the congressman wants to "change the discourse," Davis claims Rohrabacher hopes to point a finger at Elohim City to divert attention from her Middle East-terrorist contention.
Davis also says Rohrabacher told her last year he had "a lot of Arab friends" and that they would be angry with him for looking into an Arab connection. The author points to an OC Weekly article that reports Rohrabacher's "long, close association with three Muslim Americans investigated by federal authorities for alleged support of anti-U.S. terrorist activities."
In 2004, author and columnist Kenneth Timmerman wrote in FrontPage of what he called Rohrabacher's ties to "radical Islamic groups."
Davis also notes Rohrabacher was co-chairman of a task force that was in receipt of a classified warnings about possible domestic terrorism prior to the OKC attack.
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=134>
Jayna Davis</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
"I am forced to consider the possibility that Rohrabacher is attempting to shift the blame to the government for bungling warnings allegedly issued by informant Andreas Strassmeir and his neo-Nazi cohorts, thereby deflecting attention from legitimate prior warnings of a pending Middle Eastern attack on U.S. soil," Davis told WND. "Keep in mind that Rohrabacher formerly served as the co-chairman and a member of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. I propose that he declassify the Spring 1995 alerts that predicted, weeks before the zero hour of 9:02 a.m. on April 19, that Iran-sponsored Islamist terrorists had recruited 'two lily whites' (i.e., McVeigh and Nichols) to carry out the bombing of an American federal building."
In May, attorney David Schippers, a former federal prosecutor who served as chief counsel for the 1998 impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, conducted videotaped interviews with 14 confidential witnesses Davis used in writing her book. Though Schippers has expressed confidence in the veracity of those witnesses' testimony, Davis says she believes Rohrabacher has little interest in the testimony since he has not paid to have her flown to Washington to present the videotapes.
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9952085791529017";google_ad_width = 300;google_ad_height = 250;google_ad_format = "300x250_as";google_ad_type = "text_image";google_ad_channel ="";google_color_border = "CCCCCC";google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";google_color_link = "993333";google_color_url = "993333";google_color_text = "333300";//--></SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
"I'll present the interviews when they send me a plane ticket," Davis explained, "because it would show me how much stock they are putting in going forward in that direction."
She says if that had been done, members of Congress could have looked at the taped interviewers and decided whether or not the testimony was credible enough to move forward with an investigation.
Davis says that while Rohrabacher in his memo mentions a possible Middle Eastern connection to the bombing, the fact he is calling as witnesses just two of the 22 people whose testimony upholds the theory proves the congressman is not serious about getting to the truth.
"He's not even calling me as a witness to put this into perspective," Davis said.
"Frank Keating, Janet Reno and Louis Freeh are among the star participants who promise to deliver the canned government response."
Continued Davis: "The motel owner and the brown-truck witness are expected to offer limited testimony of their encounters with McVeigh's Middle Eastern accomplices with no one to present the enormous body of evidence that corroborates their stories."
Davis questions why neither Schippers nor retired FBI Special Agent Dan Vogel, who collected the 22 witness affidavits from her, were asked to testify.
The author also slams Rohrabacher for failing to get specific questions answered by the FBI before going forward with hearings – "to corroborate what's in my book" – questions she says the congressman asked her to draft and send to him.
As WorldNetDaily reported, in June Rohrabacher visited Nichols in prison and discussed with him the Arab-terrorist connection.
"Timothy McVeigh on a number of occasions, had talked about Middle Easterners," Rohrabacher told Davis after the visit. "Terry didn't say anything that would dispel the theory, the central theory of your research, which is these people [witnesses featured in 'The Third Terrorist'] actually saw Tim McVeigh and he was with Arabs, and these are the people that you tracked down."
Even so, Davis now has no confidence in Rohrabacher: "I don't think he was ever serious about really delving into the evidence presented in 'The Third Terrorist.'"
Posited Davis: "I don't think the hearings will happen. There's just no evidence" of neo-Nazi involvement.
Saying Rohrabacher's memo to Hyde was not to be made public, a spokesman for the congressman told WND he is overseas and "isn't going to have anything to say about [Davis' charges] right now."
<HR width="16%" noShade SIZE=1>
Related special offer:
"The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing"
Previous stories:
Congressman demands new OKC bomb probe
Docs: Secret Service took thousands of phone records
'Compelling' evidence of another terrorist
Agent: Feds told of threats to blow buildings
Oklahoma City FBI surrenders documents to court
Congressman to FBI: Turn over documents
FBI must turn over investigation docs
Ex-Green Beret involved in attack?
FBI has secret docs it's reluctant to give up
Withheld evidence to sink case against Nichols?
Declassified FBI memo reveals twists in probe
Reporter's Oklahoma City coverage vindicated
Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City?
Another suicide or another cover-up? Read WorldNetDaily's extensive coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing case.
<!-- end bodytext -->[/FONT]
This what i wrote
Hi Jayna,
I'm a big fan of yours because of the work you did on the OKC bombings. I also bought an read your book "The third terrorist".
I saw this article in the WNT about congress opening a new investigation into the matter.The only person that I can find that is mentioned in this article that's also in your book is top FBI guy named Coulson.
My question to you. Is congress taking a different angle then the one you were on,or stuff you missed or new stuff they have concerns over?
I'm always keeping a half an eye on things to see if I can find anything new regarding your work on this matter,because I get into discussion at political forums and always bring up your book when the subject is terrorism and/or OKC.
Keep up the good work.Your a great American.Hope you can find the time to reply.
Thank You!
(My name and home town,state)
I got this for a reply,
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<!-- begin pfv --><!-- writer and photo option --><HR noShade SIZE=1><!-- end option --><!-- leadin graphic -->
<!-- end standing head --><!-- head -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Author hammers congressman over probe[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end head --><!-- deck -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Jayna Davis claims Rohrabacher request for hearings just 'a sham'[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end deck --><HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: April 13, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
[/SIZE][FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]
[FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]<!-- byline -->By Ron Strom
<!-- end byline -->[SIZE=-1]<!-- copyright -->© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com <!-- end copyright -->[/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- begin bodytext -->The woman whose investigative work into the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing includes compelling evidence of a Middle Eastern terror connection to the crime is decrying as a "sham" a Republican congressman's proposal to hold hearings on the attack.
Jayna Davis, author of "The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing," says the witness list Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., has proposed for a day and a half-long hearing includes only two people who have any information about an alleged Middle Eastern accomplice to killer Timothy McVeigh. In her book, Davis asserts McVeigh and Terry Nichols were not the lone conspirators but were part of a greater scheme involving Islamic terrorists and at least one provable link to Iraq.
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=255>
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Davis says Rohrabacher, whom she worked with last year on gathering information for hearings, is focusing on the possible connection of Andreas Carl Strassmeier, a German national who was part of a white supremacist compound in Oklahoma called Elohim City – a connection the author says has been thoroughly discredited in the courts.
As WorldNetDaily reported, In a memo written to Rep. Henry Hyde, chairman of the House International Relations Committee, Rohrabacher says an investigation should focus on the fact that "Timothy McVeigh appear[ed] to have had contact with Arab, Muslim or Middle Eastern terrorist elements prior to and during the implementation of the bomb plot," and, "just as significant, there is evidence of a personal relationship between Timothy McVeigh and Andreas Carl Strassmeier."
Davis, who says she has not spoken to the congressman since July, told WND she was blindsided by the memo requesting hearings.
"I view Dana Rohrabacher's proposed hearings as nothing more than a sham," she said.
"Rohrabacher remains focused primarily upon the neo-Nazi connection," Davis claimed, despite a lack of evidence for the theory.
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=180>
So, why would Rohrabacher, a former Reagan speechwriter, hold hearings and not comprehensively delve into a possible Middle East connection?
Saying she believes the congressman wants to "change the discourse," Davis claims Rohrabacher hopes to point a finger at Elohim City to divert attention from her Middle East-terrorist contention.
Davis also says Rohrabacher told her last year he had "a lot of Arab friends" and that they would be angry with him for looking into an Arab connection. The author points to an OC Weekly article that reports Rohrabacher's "long, close association with three Muslim Americans investigated by federal authorities for alleged support of anti-U.S. terrorist activities."
In 2004, author and columnist Kenneth Timmerman wrote in FrontPage of what he called Rohrabacher's ties to "radical Islamic groups."
Davis also notes Rohrabacher was co-chairman of a task force that was in receipt of a classified warnings about possible domestic terrorism prior to the OKC attack.
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD width=134>
Jayna Davis</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
"I am forced to consider the possibility that Rohrabacher is attempting to shift the blame to the government for bungling warnings allegedly issued by informant Andreas Strassmeir and his neo-Nazi cohorts, thereby deflecting attention from legitimate prior warnings of a pending Middle Eastern attack on U.S. soil," Davis told WND. "Keep in mind that Rohrabacher formerly served as the co-chairman and a member of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. I propose that he declassify the Spring 1995 alerts that predicted, weeks before the zero hour of 9:02 a.m. on April 19, that Iran-sponsored Islamist terrorists had recruited 'two lily whites' (i.e., McVeigh and Nichols) to carry out the bombing of an American federal building."
In May, attorney David Schippers, a former federal prosecutor who served as chief counsel for the 1998 impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, conducted videotaped interviews with 14 confidential witnesses Davis used in writing her book. Though Schippers has expressed confidence in the veracity of those witnesses' testimony, Davis says she believes Rohrabacher has little interest in the testimony since he has not paid to have her flown to Washington to present the videotapes.
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"I'll present the interviews when they send me a plane ticket," Davis explained, "because it would show me how much stock they are putting in going forward in that direction."
She says if that had been done, members of Congress could have looked at the taped interviewers and decided whether or not the testimony was credible enough to move forward with an investigation.
Davis says that while Rohrabacher in his memo mentions a possible Middle Eastern connection to the bombing, the fact he is calling as witnesses just two of the 22 people whose testimony upholds the theory proves the congressman is not serious about getting to the truth.
"He's not even calling me as a witness to put this into perspective," Davis said.
"Frank Keating, Janet Reno and Louis Freeh are among the star participants who promise to deliver the canned government response."
Continued Davis: "The motel owner and the brown-truck witness are expected to offer limited testimony of their encounters with McVeigh's Middle Eastern accomplices with no one to present the enormous body of evidence that corroborates their stories."
Davis questions why neither Schippers nor retired FBI Special Agent Dan Vogel, who collected the 22 witness affidavits from her, were asked to testify.
The author also slams Rohrabacher for failing to get specific questions answered by the FBI before going forward with hearings – "to corroborate what's in my book" – questions she says the congressman asked her to draft and send to him.
As WorldNetDaily reported, in June Rohrabacher visited Nichols in prison and discussed with him the Arab-terrorist connection.
"Timothy McVeigh on a number of occasions, had talked about Middle Easterners," Rohrabacher told Davis after the visit. "Terry didn't say anything that would dispel the theory, the central theory of your research, which is these people [witnesses featured in 'The Third Terrorist'] actually saw Tim McVeigh and he was with Arabs, and these are the people that you tracked down."
Even so, Davis now has no confidence in Rohrabacher: "I don't think he was ever serious about really delving into the evidence presented in 'The Third Terrorist.'"
Posited Davis: "I don't think the hearings will happen. There's just no evidence" of neo-Nazi involvement.
Saying Rohrabacher's memo to Hyde was not to be made public, a spokesman for the congressman told WND he is overseas and "isn't going to have anything to say about [Davis' charges] right now."
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