kaya - I find that poking fun at peoples ethnicity sometimes gets a great ROI - look at xpanda when I call her Quebecois - I guess the truth hurts. As for you; you said you lived in PR (or was it CR - they all sound the same), so, culturally, you're not a real American.
Me, I'm a true American - a mutt - I have the blood of about a dozen ethnicities, and I'm sure a few different races, running through my veins. I've lived in every ethnic neighborhood in Boston during my life, and worked my way up through the socio-economic ranks, from the ghetto of Roxbury, to the suburbs of Boston - a well travelled life.
TT - do some homework - attrocities in Vietnam were few and far between - but lies about attrocities were a dime a dozen. I know because I was there. I know because I've spoken to hundreds of Vets who were there and had never encountered any attrocities, or knew of anyone who knew, first hand, anyone who knew of any attrocities.