Anyway, Lakers in 5.
I like the Pistons, I respect their style of play. But not enough offense, not enough anti-Shaq players.
Ben Wallace has so much heart. It is amazing what he has accomplished with his limited skills. However, he gives up too much size/weight to Shaq. Plus, Wallace:
1) Can't shoot, so he can't force Shaq away from the basket.
2) Is terrible @ the free-throw line, so this almost negates Shaq's problems @ the line!
But I'll admit, I'm rooting for Wallace. Maybe he can out-hustle the lazy Shaq for some offensive boards?
Rasheed Wallace. At some point, Rasheed might have to defend Shaq. But Rasheed only weighs 230, and Rasheed hasn't been extremely physical in several years.
Okur. Too small, too soft. He can shoot (which would force Shaq away from the basket), but why would Shaq have to guard Okur? I don't think you'd put Okur in the game unless you also had Ben Wallace or Elden Campbell, so Shaq would guard them instead of Okur.
Elden Campbell. Laugh if you want, but Campbell might get decent minutes. The Pistons probably don't care if he gets 5-6 fouls while defending Shaq. He is 280 pounds, so he can take some pounding from Shaq. He is 35 years old, so he knows the tricks of the game. Campbell also has a decent mid-range shot. Plus, maybe Campbell will see this as a chance to redeem himself for a mostly disappointing career?