Anyone have strong feelings on the SF or Phil games??


Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
Both are non-wagers for me.

But for ~30 years the 6 males in my family pick the stand alone games. This week I can choose either game. But besides feeling both favorites win su, I have no feelings on either game, ats.. Dogs seem to be barking this year, points at a premium etc. SF-7.5, Phil-10.5. If you have competitive brothers/nephews, you realize this is almost more important than money. Year end winner gets bragging rights.

I'd be grateful for any thoughts

New member
Oct 20, 2022
Chargers are a hard sell at +7
Injuries galore, hence the line.

Niners will have Deebo, MCaffrey and Kittle coming out of their Bye.

Hope all is well

I like the Fav

Dec 6, 2018
Agree with SF…need urgency at 4-4…Chargers run D so bad…Chargers with the Chiefs next week…Philly - Wash a division game.

Sep 25, 2004

I think PHL and WSH will be both scoring after having a 24-8 first game against each other.

With total reasonably low at 43.5, and with my belief the game goes over 44, I think WSH scores enough to keep the division game within DD’s.
With both teams having NON conference doormats (HOU/IND) next week, I do not think they will be saving anything in the game plan. They’ll use what they have for this game.

WSH improving. Still bad though. If PHL plays their “A” game they will win by more than 11, but division games are a slugfest. Teams know each other.

Taking WSH+11 and holding my nose.

Derty D

PS, Thank you for all you have sacrificed if you were part of our amazing military. Thank you for your service and making my life free and better. Living close to Camp Pendleton, I have a special place in my heart for out US Marine Corps.

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
Thank you Derty D, I appreciate both the thanks and the thoughts on the game. My name here is uscmd. Not usmc.

But yesterday I cried my eyes out, watching the combat scenes in the movie "we were soldiers". La Drang valley 1965. I enlisted in the army in 1966. Trained as a combat medic, went through all kinds of awful stuff. Including shuttling patients around Brooke army medical center (the army burn center, where patients at times arrived in the fatigues they had on in the jungle), while I waited for the army pharmacy school class to start. 100 in my class 25% died in a series of mortar attacks on mash type units. I was lucky, I stayed at the school and ended up teaching pharmacology to the green beret medics.....and doing 6 months of training videos.

White phosphorus, is the stuff in 1 type of grenade, placed on the hood of a car it will burn right through the engine. We made some wp grenades that had bad fuses, and instead of 3-4 second delay, they exploded as soon as they left the throwers hand. The result was so horrible, its 100x worse than any nightmare. nose, ears burned off. the rest of the face was like a clay sculpture, AFTER 15-20 SURGERIES. One of my 'shuttling' tasks was taking these brave 20 y/o's to the photo lab were their "progress" could be documented. In the movie a young boy has a wp grenade go off near his head. Another scene, was washing blood out of helicopters, after picking up wounded.

These events for me, took place between 1966 and 1969. Yet they scar me emotionally to this day. I still remember a 21 y/o girl walking out of her horribly burned husbands room, where she was strong for him, then she passed out in the hallway. Oh and unlike my dad and grandfather, no parade. Instead we (I) was spit on and called baby killer, in '69. But, the army did pay for 3 years of med school. Not a great trade for 50 years of guilty veterans days. Survivor guilt.

Which is why, we need to fight wars, spend the precious lives of our young men and women, when, and only when we are genuinely threatened. Not to sell weapons or make profits for oil companies. Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex, and its dangers to our democracy.

Sorry didn't mean to write an essay. Though I appreciate the cathartic value of typing it. So derty D, my double thanks. A sincere BOL on your plays tomorrow

Sep 3, 2006
I believe you are thinking of a thermite grenade that burns through the hood of a car. White Phosperous just keeps burning no matter what, unless it recieves no oxygen. I was a Ninth Division infantryman and I always carried a white phosperous grenade with me. They were big and heavy and you really couldn't quite throw it far enough that the flaming showers of willy pete would not fall back on you. Great fun in the Mekong Delta back in 1968. You gotta take the LA Chargers in that game. SF can't cover squat.

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
statman, thank you for the suggestion. All I knew was what the soldiers involved told me. Willie pete, or white phosphorous, will burn through skin, through bone, couldn't be doused by water and had to be scraped off with a knife. The nightmarish part was the grenade exploding, just as the spoon popped off, 6 inches a foot from the throwers hand a face. Again, this is second hand. I threw regular grenades. But not wp. The defective fuse was an understandably huge deal for those maimed that way. They tended to be mad, (who wouldn't) but mad at the fact they were screwed by something, that shouldn't have happened. Imagine you are throwing a ball from right field expecting it to explose at 3rd base. (time not distance) Instead it goes off 1 foot from your face. Again second hand. But I heard the same story several times.

Sep 3, 2006
I guess I was lucky to never get one of those, but I threw plenty of good ones and they are very exciting and very deadly and that is why I had them. I heard people say they were for smoke, but that's not why I carried them. Pitch it in a bunker and everybody in there is done or if the shit hits the fan like it did for those guys in the Ia Drang Valley it will take out every man within thirty feet. Just remember SF off a dog is 0/7 ATS as a home fav.

Professional Square
Oct 31, 2008
Leaning hard towards SD +7.5. 49ers just don't have it
this year. And I've watched every snap. Can't figure out
why so many pundits have the rated so high, when they've
been so inconsistent.

SD has a historical record of screwing me whenever I
pick them, always looking better than their record, and
then shitting the bed. I'd take the points, still.

Sep 17, 2010
SF -7.5
Healthier (8 players back today) and very talented, at home, off a bye, and need the game, solid coach.
Chargers are decimated, lost top OL Slater and top DL Bosa now missing two top WRs and others. Coach is a nitwit, too.
Common football team vs football team (no trends going back to 1988 BS) just a much better football team at this point.

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
Well jtroller/lang has 150 fake dimes on SF:
So I'm thinking CHARGERS have a chance...
Dec 11, 2006
I guess I was lucky to never get one of those, but I threw plenty of good ones and they are very exciting and very deadly and that is why I had them. I heard people say they were for smoke, but that's not why I carried them. Pitch it in a bunker and everybody in there is done or if the shit hits the fan like it did for those guys in the Ia Drang Valley it will take out every man within thirty feet. Just remember SF off a dog is 0/7 ATS as a home fav.
But San Fran is 5-0 SU and ATS their last 5 as a Home Fav. Careful.

And thanks to all yu guys for your service in Nam. Glad you all made it.

New member
Oct 20, 2022
Ended up with SF moneyline.


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Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Wash and SF look good on 2 team teasers if you like that side.

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