Any1 got Gavazzi's (PPP) plays?

Oct 19, 2005
Or better yet you could just call me & F'K your man!!!

See my posts in the RR dude...I'm here to HELP I'm not a boilerroom operator, I'm nothing like any of the Mike Warrens, Feists Marc Lawrences of the world...I'm legit, honest & win consistently for over 21 years straight.

I understand the hatred of the scum scams out problem...I'm not one of them.

Hope you have a great Winning Day sir. Best of Luck as always!!! :103631605

Nov 1, 2004
If you have won for 21 years straight there is no reason you would need to sell your picks, just increase your bets a little Mr. Sharp!

Services are a dime a dozen and are a joke IMHO

New member
Sep 3, 2005

Since Mr. Bill Gates is a MULTI-BILLIONAIRE...he shouldn't have to charge for ANY of his products or services either following that lame line of reasoning.
How many multi-millionaires or billionaires just throw their hands up & say..'damn I've got too much $$$ let me just WORK FOR FREE!!!
I'm already doing the work...why not get paid a few bucks???
Some of the richest give to charities & all that...I offer my monthly guarantee as a charitable help to the players. I also give $ to churches & worthy charities.
You tell me if you had my $ you'd just quit...don't think so. I started with very little other than great parents & have fought to get where I am. People like me don't just quit working & I don't work for FREE.
Since you obviously do something for a living, be it 9-5 or whatever, own a business etc...AND since you have been getting paid regularly for all these years....why don't you just stroll in Monday morning, thank them for their generosity & tell them you'll work for FREE the rest of your life. Not going to are you......same with me. The last bet I make is the last day I also sell my plays.

Nov 1, 2004
hahahhahahaha what the hell is that? Are you comparing bill gates and microsoft with selling your picks in sports wagering? WOW. And I didnt know you were a service too "amico nos", that's just sad.

I feel like HH, hahahhahahhahaha geez


Jan 15, 2005
amico nos said:

Since Mr. Bill Gates is a MULTI-BILLIONAIRE...he shouldn't have to charge for ANY of his products or services either following that lame line of reasoning.
How many multi-millionaires or billionaires just throw their hands up & say..'damn I've got too much $$$ let me just WORK FOR FREE!!!
I'm already doing the work...why not get paid a few bucks???
Some of the richest give to charities & all that...I offer my monthly guarantee as a charitable help to the players. I also give $ to churches & worthy charities.
You tell me if you had my $ you'd just quit...don't think so. I started with very little other than great parents & have fought to get where I am. People like me don't just quit working & I don't work for FREE.
Since you obviously do something for a living, be it 9-5 or whatever, own a business etc...AND since you have been getting paid regularly for all these years....why don't you just stroll in Monday morning, thank them for their generosity & tell them you'll work for FREE the rest of your life. Not going to are you......same with me. The last bet I make is the last day I also sell my plays.

comparing touts to bill gates, now that's rich...lmao

Nov 1, 2004
thank you for providing a concrete example of the logic used by services, and people actually give you guys money. Unbelievable.

New member
Sep 3, 2005
For anyone who's confused, see posts at mvp101sports....I work alot with Amico & am here trying to get his new computers up & running as he is freaking illiterate about computers.....
Damn things crashed a week after mine did but think I know the solution to the problem......throw it out the WINDOW...

Chicago Hotsides

Anybody here a real tech geek call my office # as it rolls over to the cell phone....I'm no computer genius either but my solution isn't working...the problem is A. He can't log off here or his email...each time he tries he drops off line. B. When that happens his internet icon comes up & says the system doesn't recognize his name & login #. C, the only way I can fix that is to go in & put the disk for the internet in & then go to his computer go to the disk driver, click utilities, winsock repair. Each time i have it reboots Windows & works fine, BUT each time he tries to go to a different page it locks up again & go thru the whole process again.
It is a brand new Dell (dude :lolBIG: )...we called the helpline & after, well he spent an hour on the phone with them earlier & they just said it would have to be sent in...I called & they told me the deal about inserting the disk, going to fix & all that....anyway, anybody else have this problem and can we fix it here or is he going to have to send it in????

New member
Sep 3, 2005
yadayada about the Gates thing, dave shoulda used a poor peasant coming to this country etc... & working his way up.
Still I don't see the difference, no he's no Bill Gates, but whats the difference in the analogy? None I can see.
Also...jimmy Mac can confirm that Mr. "I'm no computer geek" Dave has worked with me for years he's an honest guy. whatever.
Anyway, anybody know the fix on the problem my pc is having? If so call Dave, I gotta go along way to get this stupid thing to a store to get fixed, unless the Gateway store 5 miles from here would...hahaha!!!!

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
SCAMMER --- amico nos = Chicago Hotsides

looks like someone forgot to logout as amico nos on the second post above this one. And that "someone" is Chicago Hotsides

nobody noticed?

I did.


I can spot a SCAMMER a mile away.

Chicago Hotsides posted that post 2 above this one, but forgot to logout as amico nos -- :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG:

Notice thes part:

"I work alot with Amico & am here trying to get his new computers up & running as he is freaking illiterate about computers....."

And it is amico nos making the post and then he responds as amico nos!!!

I am glad to see that you "work alot with yourself"

Man, where do these scammers keep coming from?

Must be a lot of rocks to crawl out from under on the good ole Internet.

SCAM-CITY here, folks -- BEWARE.

And that "interview" with Roxy.....


Are you KIDDING me? I couldn't stop laughing at that staged piece of

Chicanery from Chicago Scamsides..............

Beware folks:


Shame on you Roxy. Obviously you love featuring scammers on your site. One scammer leaves, another one steps right on in and you led them both right to Scam-City over there at your forum. Tisk-Tisk.


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